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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2011

    susantm - 


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2011

    DiDel - The warm flushes are going away - the joint pain is another story.  When it gets warmer it will get better.  Thanks for sharing your experience.

    heartnsoul76 - Seems like we can't get away from taking all those darn pills. 

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Posts: 923
    edited January 2011

    Have heard about banana a day in terms of leg cramps.  But I don;t understand the soap thing.  What is that supposed to do?  Second week for me but I'm only at half pill/day that I take at lunch (easing into it).  No SEs so far - except THIRSTY!

  • susantm
    susantm Posts: 71
    edited January 2011

    Jo, I thought the joint pain was supposed to be with the AI's, but not Tamoxifen--well, that's what my onc said, anyway. (That was one reason I chose Tamoxifen over the AI's.)  I hope those ease up for you. My onc did say that side effects often died down after 2-3 months.

    heartnsoul76, if you find a way to sleep through the night without a potty break, please tell me. I haven't done that for several years.  Frown

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2011

    susantm - My onc told me that I would most likely have the joint pain with the AI's and Tamox since I have arthritis and the degenerative joint disease.  Guess I am weird.  I can tolerate the the pains - not too bad on warm days.

  • suzanneinphoenix
    suzanneinphoenix Posts: 34
    edited January 2011

    The NP at my onc office mentioned the soap thing too.....she said they don't even understand it! I haven't tried it....just sounds too weird!

    Oh, and Chevyboy...I did pretty close to the same thing last night!  Turned on the electric blaket and wrapped my leg in it!  That cramp literally jolted me into a sitting position!  I was afraid to stand, thought I might just end up face down on the floor!  I read where you are supposed to use cold packs....but there is no way!  That just makes my muscles go tighter!  I get an IV infusion of Zometa every 6 months.....which after the first one, made the muscle cramps even worse.  Next time is in early March, and I am already dreading that appointment!  BC SUCKS!

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Posts: 339
    edited January 2011

    Juli, sorry to hear about all the worrisome things happening.  Hoping that it's just your ovaries waking up a little.  I have heard of women being in chemopause for a few years and then getting their periods back again.  Hope that what is going on is this:  Maybe tamoxifen kept things further suppressed, then the aromotase inhibitor started, with the almost complete estrogen deprivation to your body, then your FSH kept stimulating your ovaries, which took a few months to wake up after years of being asleep.  Since that period was a month ago, do you feel like another could be coming along, causing all the bloating?  Women can have high postmenopausal FSH level even with periods.  Praying that this is your scenario! 

    Valgal, I still have all my parts and have had no problems with any of them and am very happy to keep them!  I've been on tamoxifen for over 2 years now and transvaginal sonos have all been normal.

  • hopefulhealing
    hopefulhealing Posts: 581
    edited January 2011


    if we need to avoid estrogen then we also need to avoid fruits high in plant estrogen from what I have read.  What fruits would we need to avoid?  I have heard blueberries and grapes. I think I read apples.

    Also I just read on another thread that there are makeups we need to avoid.

    I am getting weary of trying to keep up on all this but afraid not to


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    suzanne - why is your onc giving you Zometa every 6 months? Mine wants to talk to me about that, too, but I'm so weary of all these medicines.

    susan - I'm going to figure out how to sleep through the night some way, and I'll be sure to let you guys know!

  • phxsunshine
    phxsunshine Posts: 156
    edited January 2011

    Determined ~ here's a website my Naturopathic Oncologist recommends: They have a little printout you can get and laminate. I keep mine in my purse for shopping help.  Never had a clue about this stuff, I am full of phthalates - found that out from a urine toxic screening test - and she said it's common for breast cancer patients to have lots of them in their systems.  I'm working on cleaning me and my environment up to avoid them.  Hope this helps with the make-up ? you posted. I've been working on this bit by bit. It's too much to try to do in a short time.

    For food she told me to avoid soy products.  I read to avoid grapefruit, which makes me sad because I have a beautiful pink grapefruit tree in my yard that makes the best juice. I've switched to OJ, have that tree too.  She didn't say anything about other fruits/veggies. 

  • hopefulhealing
    hopefulhealing Posts: 581
    edited January 2011


    I hated giving up grapefruit too!!!!  I loved pink grapefruit so much.  Do you buy foundation makeup if so what brand

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Posts: 923
    edited January 2011

    But back to the soap - you just put a bar of soap under the covers in your bed?  I just don't get this at all.

  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Posts: 193
    edited January 2011


    I want to get back to the soap too, I don't get it either lol, but I did put a bar of soap under the fitted sheet, I do not have leg cramps anymore, but maybe it's because I eat bananas almost every day now and take potassium supplements, I don't know, it it just is there in the bed, does not really do anything, but I will leave it there for now since the leg cramps are gone, and I don't want to jinx my luck.


  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762
    edited January 2011

    If anyone has terrible cramps the Tonic Water mentioned (if you can stand it) contains quinine which really does help with cramping.  DH was actually prescribed quinine for cramping but the FDA said it can't be used for that now.  He had tried tonic water first and I will say, I thought it was disgusting!

    As far as hot flashes, my onco said that over time most women do adjust normally to the SE of Tamox.  Maybe it's just we get used to being that way?

    Chevyboy:  Nice to have the big "thaw" going on, isn't it?  Our street finally melted! 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    I talked to my pharmacist about it...I was given a prescription for razadone just before starting has been a year and a half of lousy sleep...zopliclone knocked me out but was not keeping me asleep  and i was pretty sure if i did not get rest, the radiation would do me in emotionally....anyhow, spoke to the pharmacist to ensure it does not have any adverse affects and it mixes with Tamoxifen just does not work for me on its own but if I take a zopliclone to knock me out along with a tradadone, I get a full night sleep. the only reaction they have with each other is to make you sleepy....(??) which is the whole point

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2011

    sandeeonherown - I just noticed you are from Nova Scotia.  My mother was from St Johns' Newfoundland.  That makes me half a newfie.

  • surfette
    surfette Posts: 108
    edited January 2011

    Has anyone ever heard you cannot take iron with Tamoxifen? I started taking liquid iron (Floradix) twice a day because my ferritin is horrendously low. My second dose is at bedtime with the Tamoxifen. I wonder if this is a problem i.e. it will not be absorbed? I really hope this is not an issue as I take a thousand different meds and supplements and there are not enough hours in a day to space them all out.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2011

    surfette - That sounds like a good question for your onc.  If he/she knew you were taking it and it was a problem, I'm sure you would have been told not to take it.  If you are that concerned, I would take to him/her as soon as possible to clear the issue up.  You have enough to worry about - you don't need anything else on your mind.

  • phxsunshine
    phxsunshine Posts: 156
    edited January 2011
    Determined, I don't wear much makeup.  I haven't found a good one from the acceptable list, still using what I did before ~ Aveda wet/dry powder (it's not listed on the site) and bare escentuals - however you spell that.  Like I said, I'm still digging my way out of the avalanche of knowledge.  Gave up my philosophy lotion and shower gel, ugh, that broke my heart.  I loved the way it smelled, but I have found nice lavender lotion at Vitamin World that makes me happy too and it doesn't have one bad thing in it.  I figured lotion was a good one to start with, seeing how I slather it on and it sits there all day.  Also found some healthy shampoos, I don't put conditioner on my scalp, so less concerned with that.
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2011

    Morning gals!  You know, I've been reading about the stuff we aren't supposed to be using, or wearing, but DANG, I have been doing this for at least 60 years!  I even make my own "creams" and mix all my own lotions....And I hardly ever throw any of them away.....If I'm tired of a scent, I have DH break off the top of the bottle, & add it to either clothes soap or fabric softener.  I slather creams & lotions on every day...and I have colored my hair since I was 24...

    So I'm pretty much a walking ad for a toxic blunder!  Ha, ha!  But I smell good & my skin is soft.  I get into trouble for stuff I "take" certain diet aids, (hives & welts) anti-biotics, (more hives & blisters) So whatever my skin soaks up, isn't bothering me.

    I know about grapefruit, but my Doc says if I don't eat them every-day, then that is good enough.

    I sometimes have to use a prescription cream on my leg, and a cortisone cream, but I don't worry about it soaking into my body all over....

    Oh, by the way, do any of you include CoQ10 daily with your vitamins?  I started yesterday with one, & I SLEPT ALL NIGHT!!!  I thought what is WRONG here?  Could it be the CoQ10 I ask myself?  Waiting diligently to hear from the rest of you.......xoxoxoxoxo

  • didel
    didel Posts: 733
    edited January 2011
    All the grapefruit talk made my mouth water and miss my Grapefruit Crushes! Cry
  • jan508
    jan508 Posts: 724
    edited January 2011


    I seem to have to agree with you. I've been coloring my hair forever and slathering on this lotion too.

    I've tried changing shampoo/conditioner to Burts Bees and really like it and I found a local store that makes their own soap (paraben free) and I really like it too so I'll start there.

    As for lotion, still looking for something there. Any suggestion?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2011

    You know, I went on Ebay & found some really nice hand-made soaps!  But as for lotions, I will mix creams with lotions, to get a thicker one.  I really like "Tree Hut" Shea Body Butter" and I bought it at Walmart.....

    I just like any that smell good & don't sink in so fast.  And I LOVE anything from The Bath & Body Shop!  I even ordered some fragrant oils once, & I add them to my creams.

    I also make my own creams with either cocoa butter or Bees-wax, grated & melted, mixed with coconut oil, lanolin, shea-butter, vegetable glycerin, and sometimes stuff like  Neem Oil, RoseHips seed oil, and vitamin E oil or cream.  Also I have added Tea Tree ointment or cream.  I  add Aloe Vera, & Vit A & D cream & Desitin, (generic) because these all either protect by forming a film,  or treat any trouble spots on your face, like the Neem oil.

    I read the ingredients on a lot of really expensive creams, & thought I can just buy that stuff myself...So that's where it started about 20 years ago.  I use the ones I make on my face, under foundation.  (and blush & eye shadow & mascara & liner & lip gloss & axel grease.)  Ha!   

    So the food & drug police have probably got my place staked out now...Wink  But I don't sell it, just give it to my Daughters.... 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2011

    Gotta a question for everybody.  I have been on T for almost two weeks now.  The first week was half a dose and now the full dose.  I have raging hot flashes and now next to nothing.  Does that mean the T is not working right?  I read  T was supposed to make the hot flashes worse.  I am enjoying no flashes but I also want to know the meds are working.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Have a Great Weekend Ladies 

  • doingbetter
    doingbetter Posts: 16
    edited January 2011

    Jo -

    Same thing happened to me.  Intense at the very beginning, then nothing.  I have heard that it's not uncommon to adapt pretty quickly to the side effects and that the amount or lack of SEs should not be taken as a sign of whether or not the drug is working.

  • surfette
    surfette Posts: 108
    edited January 2011

    Chevyboy, I take coQ10

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Posts: 339
    edited January 2011

    Jo, my hot flashes come and go.  Some months they are horrendous and others, I barely have any.  During one of the time periods where I told my Onc that they seemed to have stopped, he became concerned and ordered that tamox metabolization test to see if it was working.  I turned out to be a very good metabolizer.  Since then, I've had the hot flashes start up horribly again for several weeks and then slow down again.

    As far as trying to avoid estrogenic foods, I don't.  Most of the best antioxidant fruits and vegetables are high in plant estrogens, as well as beans, nuts, and seeds.  These are all cardiac healthy and good for our bodies overall, so I would never try to cut any of them out.  Plant estrogens are much weaker than the hormonal estrogen anyway.   Some fruits and vegetables are very high in pesticides, which have estrogen like properties.  There is a "dirty dozen" list of produce that you are better off buying organic and I know apples and grapes are on that list, as well as peaches and nectarines.  To the extent that I can afford it, I try to avoid most of the hormone laden meats and dairy that make up a good part of our food supply.  I've switched all my dairy products over to those made from cows not injected with the rBST growth hormone (Target sells these cheeses really inexpensively), eat very little meat, but try to get that and my poultry free of hormones and antibiotics, as well as wild caught fish instead of the farmed stuff.  Trader Joes has decent prices on a lot of these items.

    Chevy, I love how you make your own creams, but it sounds like a lot of work.  How do you mix everything?

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2011

    I have also been told we adjus quickly to the SEs....I cut my dose inhalf so I take half in the am and half inthe pm because I really do not wanthotflashes...good sign or not...but I do wonder ho wmuch of that is an urban myth..

     As for make up. I only wear lipstick consistently and I use welada cream on my face because it is paraben (wax) free which my older sister insists is a bad thing..

    Also, unrelated...can anyone tell me how to get on to the chatrooms? I click on the chatroom button but can't find out to get 'in' to the chat...any thoughts?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2011

    Thanks ladies for letting me know that - I feel better now.  I take a split dose - 1/2 in am and 1/2 in pm just because I had so many problems with the AI's. My onc and I agreed that this would be best since nausea was a big problem for me with the others.  I don't see my onc until April - will ask him then about it.  For now, it is still a "can I tolerate Tamox"?

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Posts: 486
    edited January 2011

    Sandee: You can go to chatrooms and log in and then select a room, but if there is no-one else there, nothing will happen. At least that's my guess.

    I'm in the "treatment and beyond" chatroom at the moment but there's no-one else there. I'm guessing most people who want to use it make an arrangement on the boards or via PM to be there at a certain time.