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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410
    edited June 2012

    Move over girls!.....we're here for you Tink!

  • GirlPowerDebbie
    GirlPowerDebbie Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2012

    Jo1955 ... thanks for the info!  Did you have fibroid problems or any other uterine issues prior to taking the Tamox? 

    Chachamom ... Tamox builds bones?  That is a little bonus.

    Thanks to all ... Debbie

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2012

    Debbie - I have a long history of fibroids with super heavy bleeding.  Started in 1994.  Was put on birth control pills to shrink the fibroids and regulate my periods.  Once I went through menopause 4 years ago I was then put on HRT - 2 1/2 years on that and what do you know - breast cancer.  My uterus seems to love the estrogen in Tamox.

    And yes, Tamox is supposed to be good for joints and bones - that is a bonus. 

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited June 2012

    Ladies you all were so wonderful today, my doc didnt even know you were there!!!.. Hope someone held on to that hunk and didnt let him leave :)

    My appt went well, said everything looks fine. I had my list of questions though and didnt really get any answers. I guess she really couldnt answer me. I told her about my ovary pain, back, and knee pain and she said watch it could be the Tam. Told her I bruised easier now and she said watch that too, pretty much every complaint she said well lets just watch it for now and see what happens. She did tell me not to be surprised that when I go for my next US that they may want to do a biopsy because my lining back in Nov was already on the upper limits of normal. Gave me an anxiety med and said call if you need anything. ohhh. Also asked about what happens at the end of five yrs do I go on something else... guess what she said????? we will wait and see... haha shocking huh?

    Hope you all had a great day and THANK YOU all for being with me. You are each such a  huge source of support and strength ! love to you all!


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2012

    Momx3- poor you!!! being poked and prodded is no fun and gets incredibly tiresome reallllllly quickly...hugs coming you way!

    Jo, Tink, Odie, Sherry, June - Good to BE back....funny how I have missed you gals!

     ...and much easier to talk about things that worry us when the rest on thi train understand and can commiserate. paddling with the breast cancer dragon boat team helps as well...have only talked to three people in the boats about breast is all about the paddling and that is just as it should be but I also know that if I were to bring up the subject, someone in that boat would talk me through it and that so helps on the sad days or the confused days...

    so...WHACKKKKK!!!! ladies...what a great way to get going on a beautiful Monday evening!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2012

    Momx3- poor you!!! being poked and prodded is no fun and gets incredibly tiresome reallllllly quickly...hugs coming you way!

    Jo, Tink, Odie, Sherry, June - Good to BE back....funny how I have missed you gals!

     ...and much easier to talk about things that worry us when the rest on thi train understand and can commiserate. paddling with the breast cancer dragon boat team helps as well...have only talked to three people in the boats about breast is all about the paddling and that is just as it should be but I also know that if I were to bring up the subject, someone in that boat would talk me through it and that so helps on the sad days or the confused days...

    so...WHACKKKKK!!!! ladies...what a great way to get going on a beautiful Monday evening!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2012

    Tink - Okay!  I will get out of your pocket now.  So glad everything went well.  I am beginning to think the only thing your doctor knows is - Let's wait and see.  What's up with that???

     If you do need a biopsy done, you will most likely have a hysteroscopy and D&C.  It is a day surgery and the actual procedure takes about 15 minutes. Let me know and I can give you more details.  I am going for my second one on Friday.  Had this stupid thing last summer.

    Now is the time to celebrate.  Go do something special for you. 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2012

    Bgirl- HI!!!

    Sherry, June - so sorry you are going through more family pain...enough already, hmm? So good you are strong women...

    Tink- glad to hear the appointment went well! as for the 'wait and see' prognosis...ARGH!!!! don't they know that means we 'WAIT and worry and wonder and question why'??? and put things on hold while our bodies sort themselves out?! Ah....butmaybe they are right...when they say 'wait and see' and 'live your life' they mean that...quite simply that....they cannot see into the future so they are warning us to live our lives fully and with an embrasive air (is that a word? I liked the sound of it!) my lovely...embrace it...put it on the calendar as something to revisit in 6 months and let it go out of you...don't worry and wonder my friend.



  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited June 2012

    Jo thanks I will defitenly let you know and will be in your pocket Friday! hugs

    Sandee... THANK YOU!. that really does help to put it into perspective ! similiar to what my mom said today she said " Maria, just live your life and enjoy each day"... so very true!!!

    You all are such a blessing in my life and I am glad I have this place. I always feel better after coming to this thread!!!! xoxo

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited June 2012

    Jo thanks I will defitenly let you know and will be in your pocket Friday! hugs

    Sandee... THANK YOU!. that really does help to put it into perspective ! similiar to what my mom said today she said " Maria, just live your life and enjoy each day"... so very true!!!

    You all are such a blessing in my life and I am glad I have this place. I always feel better after coming to this thread!!!! xoxo

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410
    edited June 2012

    Okay...guess I'm the last one to get out of Tink's pocket......but where did the hunk go??? Glad the appt went well Tink. Hope the biopsy goes well too!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited June 2012

    Tink this time it was Junies fault.  I was doing my very best to behave.  Since we were in your pockets, she can't blame any wild going ons on you!!!  She is a wild one for sure.  Then she goes and tries to hog the man candy, lol!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2012

    You just can't trust that June.  She tries to come across as the innocent one - yea! right.  But we all still love her - don't we?  LOL

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited June 2012

    Catching up with everyone's comments.  Tink...I'm glad you appointment went well....must be frustrating not getting any definitive answers from your doc.  Jo...I'm sending you lots of hugs and wishes for an easy appt. with your gyn.  I had terrible fibroids for years.  I had two D&Cs and 2 endometrial ablations and they kept returning along with he constant bleeding and spotting.  I finally gave in and agreed to a hysterectomy. Wish I had done it sooner.  It would have saved me a lot of discomfort and saved me from buying all those pads and tampons!!!

     I'm going to see my MO tomorrow after being off the Tamoxefin for 6 weeks.  I think I will probably go back on it.  I'm better, but not enough better to justify not taking the tammi and maybe getting some protection from it.   I am going to talk with her about getting some testosterone cream or maybe even going back on my pellet therapy....testosterone only.  Yes, I body may make estrogen from it, but by golly...I also have to consider QOL issues.  And if I am going to be on the tamoxifen then maybe she will let me have a little bit of testosterone.  I only want a little!!!!  We'll see what she says. sorry for all of your family troubles.   I hope you Aunt is at peace and not in pain.  I was a hospice volunteer for years and a good one can be such a godsend.  I'll keep you all in my thoughts.

    Glad to see you back Sandee.

    To all of the other wonderful Tammi ladies....I hope you are doing well tonight and are enjoying your evening.  I'll let you know how my appointment goes tomorrow.  I better not have any hunks in my pocket...I have to be able to concentrate!!! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2012

    1openheart - Silly girl!! Of course they will be a pocket party with food and hunks.  We will try and keep the noise down.  NOT!!  

    Hey Paula - Can you fix openheart up with some eye candy??? 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited June 2012

    1openheart, here is a little something something to focus on.  This should help ease things tomorrow!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited June 2012

    Now this should keep all us gals in the pockets partying for a long while!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410
    edited June 2012

    This is my FAVORITE thread!!

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited June 2012

    You better all still love me and I cant help it if Paula picks the most amazing men to be in our pockets......damn he was good, sorry friends!!!!   NOT!!!!

    I do like the fleet of men she just posted now that is one or more for all!!!!  he he

    Openheart with you in your pocket today.....good luck sista!

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited June 2012

    Oh my!  Whew.....that just caused another hot flash!!  

    Thanks girls for organizing the pocket party.  I know that there is no reason to be nervous about today's visit with MO, but I swear, I can't walk in that office without my heart racing some.  I guess today I won't know if it is from the hunks or the nerves.  Thank you! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2012

    June - Of course we all still love you girlfriend.  There are enough to go around today.  That sure got my poor old heart racing this morning.  

    openheart - Thought I would bring a few snacks.  No one can resist chocolate.


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited June 2012

                    How about some drinks for the party!!!!!!!

    Of course we love you Junie... its noce not to be the only one who gets in trouble in those pockets lol!!!!

    Paula... wow wowo wowow is all I can get out right now!!! way to go girl!

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2012

    Tink, glad things went well.  This BC journey seems to be nothing but "wait and see".

    Found the comment about the bruising interesting.  Working yesterday and have no less than 5 spectacular bruises.  Only remember banging myself once.  Anyone else have experience with this?

    Also appreciate the info about endometrial issues.  Gives me some stuff to look into before my gyn apt.  MO sending me there and I want to be able to have an intelligent conversation about my options.

    Sandee - hope things are going better for you.

    Wow - with all those guys I guess there is lots to go around.

  • GirlPowerDebbie
    GirlPowerDebbie Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2012

    The "wait and see" thing ... it is maddening.  You never stop looking back over your shoulder, and yet we must keep our eyes trained on the future, expecting life, or we are letting the cancer suck the joy from the days we have.  I like to now use the term "living with an attitude of expectancy".  My niece who is struggling with OC is so depressed, and is not at all engaged mentally in her treatment.  I try to pep-talk her but it is hard.  Live every day, smell the flowers, be grateful. 

    Peace and love to all of you today!


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited June 2012

    Ahh drinks boys and chocolate, man its gonna be a good day for a pocket party for sure.  I just hope that we don't get to outa control, lol.

    I know the bruising is so strange.  I noticed that when I started taking the Tammo that I was having some weird bruising going on.  I'm so glad that has stopped for sure. 

    I decieded to stop one of the pills that I was taking due to all the crap that has went on.  They have gotten outa my system now and I sure can tell.  My hands and feet have that sleepy feeling again and its driving me nuts.  I don't know if I really want to go back on it.  Is it really helping anything or is it just a mask, this I will find out Monday when I go see the Onc!

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited June 2012

    PARTY!!  Love those strawberries, Jo.  Thanks.  My MO is a pretty young women who would get a real kick out of the whole "pocket party" thing. I'm going to have a serious discussion with her today about sex, or in my case, the lack of it!  We'll see what she says...hopefully not another "wait and see" answer.

    I'll let you know.   

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2013

    Well tinks pocket party was a blast.

    Tink sorry you did not get the answers that you wanted but Sandee is right just live your life to the fullest. When I first went to my MO he told me I would be on Tamox for 5 years or until I went into menopause and then 5 years on AI's since I went through menopause in the last 9 months at the last appt he told me he wanted me to stay on tamox another 2 years then and AI for 5 years but all that was subject to change depending on research which is always changing. He is always up on the latest research. Funny though since I had my BMX seems all my worrying has demised greatly and I just don't think much about my cancer coming back any more. Did not think I would ever get here and not sure I would have if I had not had the BMX. I really hope you do not have to have a D&C.

    The effexor is working and I have not had a single hot flash. So far no weight gain but I am keeping an eye on that. My body has finally adjusted. Still get a little jittery and blurred vision a few hours after I take it but then that passes as well. Does not last long.

    Openheart I am jumping in your pocket. Hope all goes well with your MO. Hopefully she will let you take the testosterone. I have really low testosterone and when I was going to the endocrinologist my MO gave approval of me using testosterone if he thought i needed it just no estrogen. As it turned out I have a family history of cardiac disease so the endo did not want me taking it because of that.

    Sandee glad you are enjoying your dragon boating. What good exercise.

    Thanks all for the prayers for my aunt. She is still in ICU. I'll keep you all posted.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2013

    I also bruise easily these days but my MO also put me on a baby aspirin when I started tamox so I just chalked it up to that.

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited June 2012

    I also bruise easier these days, but I started taking a baby aspirin to help with the Mondor's cording.  And I talked with my cardiologist about staying on it since I am on Tamoxefin and she agreed.  

  • vickilf
    vickilf Member Posts: 17
    edited June 2012

    My oncologist never answered me why I couldn't take 1/2 a dose of Tamoxifen.    He never answered or did much of anything, but charge a LOT of money each visit,  so I am now with a new Oncologist and a naturopathy oncologist.  I have two cancers CLL and IDC, I need as much help as I can get.  I decided not to take Tamoxifen and I take the DIM, Metformin ( I am type 2 diabetic) and try not to eat surgar.  I just hurt to much from the tamoxifen. Hope it works!