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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • lulivesay
    lulivesay Posts: 30
    edited July 2014

    I just started my tamoxifen 3 weeks ago and I too take 10mg. in the morning and 10mg at night.  It seemed to make me sleepy at first but haven't noticed it as much as of late.  I like splitting the dose.  I was wondering too,  if I have been fortunate enough not to have many SE yet can I expect others to creep up later?

    Lastly mstrouble16 on my warning label it does say that tamoxifen can affect your platelets and therefore cause increase bruising and bleeding.  It seems like it would be worth mentioning to your doctor. 

  • chachamom
    chachamom Posts: 410
    edited July 2014

    Hi ladies!  I've been off this board for a while but want to encourage those of you who are new to Tamoxifen.  I've now been on it for two years (and 2.5 months but who's counting LOL)  In the beginning, I had SE's: depression, weight gain, hair loss, nails splitting..  The depression was so bad that I asked for an anti-depressant, but by the time I got the first presription and looked up the interaction problems with Tamoxifen, never took them, got a second prescription for Effexor, but by that time the depression was not as bad and I decided not to take them.  I would estimate after 3 - 6 months, most of the SE's have either disappeared or at least become manageable.  I'm now confident that I can continue with it for the next 3 years (or more).....Blessings to you all!

  • loral
    loral Posts: 818
    edited July 2014


  • Amelia123
    Amelia123 Posts: 7
    edited July 2014

    Thanks chachamom!

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Posts: 177
    edited July 2014
  • josie123
    josie123 Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2014

    Mstrouble,thanks for the link.Interesting article.Especially since my sleep has been hard to come by lately.And I wake at least once during the night.Im tired.Starting to have a few hot flashes too.Not bad though.And at times I feel depressed.Could be the Tamoxofin I guess.My Oncologist offered me Effexor yesterday.I didnt take her up on it just yet.Any experience with that med?

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Posts: 177
    edited July 2014

    my oncologist also prescribed that for me, I can not take it.  It makes me feel very wired and like I have ants crawling in my skin. 

  • josie123
    josie123 Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2014

    mstrouble, really? Thanks for the warning.I know everyone reacts differently to meds but I will keep that in mind.

  • butterfleyez
    butterfleyez Posts: 34
    edited July 2014

    just checking back in. I have been taking tamoxifen for 7 months now. The biggest issue I had at first was fatigue. I had some tests and my iron and vit D were really low so perhaps the fatigue is more related to that. I've noticed night sweats with increased caffeine (Starbucks is a weakness of mine). Other than that it hasn't been a huge problem for me. I noticed if I forget to take it I feel crappy.  And i worry about SE's i cant see like uterus wall etc. Hope all are doing well!

  • runhappy
    runhappy Posts: 3
    edited July 2014

    butterflyeyez, we probably started the Tamox around the same time.  I'm starting month 7 and I wish I could say I felt OK.  I'm exhausted ALL the time and at the age of 41 my skin has gotten worse which I didn't think was possible.  But the worst part is my moods.  I'm going between depression and anxiety every so many days.  I have never been able to tolerate hormones at any point in my life and I told my doc I was leery of what Tamox may do.  At first, I felt pretty real changes.  But slowly my mood started to sink, I was having muscle fatigue and joint pain, etc.  I've talked to a psych at the hospital who suggested I switch from Wellbutrin to Effexor.  Another scary prospect.  Yet, I need something to get me back to a functional level again.  I'm an active young mom and do everything in my power to muscle through the days while on the verge of tears or manic anxiety attack.  I am a runner and am forcing myself to stick with it b/c I know the exercise is beneficial but even that has lost its appeal to me.  Praying the Effexor switch may be what I need.  Has anyone else dealt with some of the mood or fatigue side effects?  Or tried effexor?  I feel guilty even complaining b/c I have a friend who was just diagnosed and will be starting 20 rounds of chemo on Monday.  I should be thankful and just suck it up but when I have these spells it's hard to think rationally or positive.  This is so not my personality.  Thanks for listening. 

  • butterfleyez
    butterfleyez Posts: 34
    edited July 2014

    don't ever feel bad about how you feel! It's exactly that.. How you feel. I totally understand the exhausted part. I started out that way. I woke up already exhausted. It was really dragging down my mood and even desire to get out of the bed!  I've been to a fatigue clinic here and after the diet and exercise speech they are still running tests. Only the last two months have I gotten a lil better. After iron, vitamin D, exercise even though I hate it and eating clean. I don't know which of them is helping but ill take it. 

    I hope the switch helps you get a lil spunk back 

  • Ridley
    Ridley Posts: 95
    edited July 2014

    Hi Runhappy (or not so happy as the case may beScared) -- I almost could have written the same post -- I'm a few years older, not a mom, and a walker instead of a runner, but the mood swings and concept of "muscle-ing" through the day are very familiar.  I'm also having trouble with hot flashes -- more at night than during the day and being able to stay asleep.  I've been on tamox for about the same time as you have.  I went to see my MO about two months ago, and he suggested switching the time of taking tamox to the morning, continuing to exercise, and adding some meditation on a consistent basis.  I haven't seen any improvement, and so I'm going to see a psychiatrist tomorrow.  I'm going to ask her to prescribe Effexor.  I'm nervous about adding another drug to be mix and dealing with more side effects, but I'm not "functional" as is. 

    I've sort of been waiting to "snap out of it", but I don't see that coming and feel I have waited long enough.  I don't feel that coming off tamox is an option because I had a lot of low grade cancer, and this is my only treatment post surgery.

    I understand the concept of thinking about how I am "supposed" to be feeling as well -- I didn't have to go through chemo or through radiation so I "should" be thankful, and I am actually.  It just doesn't change the fact that I feel like I would rather spend the day under my duvet than go to work or see my friends or family on too many days. 

    Check back in when you can and let me know how you are doing or PM me any time.  While I'm sorry you are suffering through this, it is nice to know there is someone to commiserate with and share what is working. 

    Take care,


  • Wyowild
    Wyowild Posts: 2
    edited July 2014

    Has anyone tried herbal supplements for menopause to help ease night sweats that can come with Tamoxifen?  I just started with this drug and I need some sleep! 

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Posts: 856
    edited July 2014

    wyowild, I haven't, but have heard Melatonin might help. I would suggest talking to your MO first either way.  Good luck! I do drink Organic Nighty Night tea once in a while...chamomile and lavendar, I think. But, then I wake up having to go pee:)

  • april485
    april485 Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2014

    Hi ladies,

    I do not take tamoxifen. I take aromasin (ugh...lots of side effects there, let me tell ya!) but saw an interesting article regarding tamoxifen and thought I should share this in case some of you had not heard this about light, melatonin and how it affects tamoxifen. See link below for the article.


  • bethq
    bethq Posts: 177
    edited August 2014

    I read this article and it concerns me. I do take Melatonin but they talk about the "optimum" time to take it....but never mention when that is. I also have to fall asleep with the TV on, crap! Too many things to think about.

  • uds17
    uds17 Posts: 100
    edited August 2014

    wyowild- chemo threw me into menopause- horrible hot flashes and night sweats! I started Tamoxifen 3 1/2 months ago and, of course, the hot flashes continued. I went to see my gynae regarding the menopausal symptoms and he recommended black cohosh. He spoke with my oncologist to make sure it was okay for me... I know there are some people on the discussion boards who have been told not to take this, but my onco was fine with it. I still get the flashes and night sweats, but not as many as before. I've also heard that evening primrose oil can help. I may switch to that if there's no further improvement with the black cohosh. Good luck!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Posts: 819
    edited August 2014


  • DawnCT
    DawnCT Posts: 47
    edited August 2014

    Love that Warrior woman! 

  • Wyowild
    Wyowild Posts: 2
    edited August 2014

    Thanks for the help.  I have been reading up on melatonin.  I also read that CoQ10 can help with some of the Tamoxifen side effects.   I also take Synthroid, so that impacts how and when I can take other supplements. I need to talk to my oncologist.  Once I do that, I will try to put together a post of the information.  I love the Warrior Woman post!

  • AniPie
    AniPie Posts: 2
    edited August 2014

    Stenokim, I just have to say I love your screen name!  I'm a court reporter too!

  • gavinsgrandma
    gavinsgrandma Posts: 115
    edited August 2014

    I have been on Anastrazole for a month and MO wants to switch me to  Tamoxifen so I will pick up my new Rx tomorrow. I was having lots of hot flashes on the first med with lots of joint pain, primarily my wrists, hands, ankles and feet. I was wondering if any of you were switched over and how has it worked out for you regarding SE'S.

    Thank's Shary 

  • stage1
    stage1 Posts: 285
    edited August 2014

    hi, Shary, I was on Anastrozole for almost three years, the SEs got intolerable. Plus I was so afraid of my bones being affected. So, I asked for a change. My MO said all the AIs would have similar side effects, so we chose for me to go on Tamox. I was on it three months with little SEs, but when they send me my second three month supply, it was Teva manufactured and I got horrible joint pain and itching.  I asked for the original manufacturer, Activas, so waiting for that two weeks, I finally am back on it.  I have some weird empty stomach feeling, sleep is difficult, so I am taking melatonin that helps a little.  All in all, Tamox is better for me, but still ongoing SEs....good luck.  Each med affects each of us differently.  

  • gavinsgrandma
    gavinsgrandma Posts: 115
    edited August 2014

    stage1, thank you so much for your information, I am watching my grandson this morning for a few hours and I will pick my new Rx up when I am done and I will ask the pharmacist who the manufacturer is, hopefully it will be Activas. I know my body is and has always been sensitive to med's and often times I can take what others cannot or vise versa. I agree we are all different, I found each and every chemo treatment slightly different. Where are you in Ca? I live in Big Pine ( near Bishop and Mammoth) I hope with the original Rx back you will feel much better. I guess this is just another part of our journey that we need to deal with, and I thought it was interesting you mentioned the empty stomach feel, yesterday I could not get enough food and I thought my God I have to get control or I am gonna weigh a ton.😝


  • gavinsgrandma
    gavinsgrandma Posts: 115
    edited August 2014

    mstrouble, I have the same reaction to any of those anti-depressants Zoloft, Effexor etc...... I have taken Elavil for years for nerve pain, it is an antidepressant but has a back door affect that helps nerve pain, it is a different type of antidepressant and I seems to be what my body tolerates.


  • stage1
    stage1 Posts: 285
    edited August 2014

    Shary, I sent you a PM.

    And I was on elevil for years for fibramialgia, Kaiser took it away, as it is not recommended for over 60.  So, that might be a reason I am having bad muscle pain.. I am on Motrin right now for a week to try to get thru some major back pain.  

  • bethq
    bethq Posts: 177
    edited August 2014

    I know this has been brought up because I have SEEN it but now I can't find Effexor the only antidepressant we can take on Tamoxifen? I think I need a little something but I took that once and it took away my libido.

  • CoastalXPat
    CoastalXPat Posts: 33
    edited August 2014

    So about 2 hours ago I started Tamoxifen. Opened the blue bottle, took the pill. 

    Wondering what comes next?

  • justachapter
    justachapter Posts: 24
    edited August 2014

    CoastalXPat, I am almost done with month 2 and have had virtually no SE's.  Of all my treatment this is what I was most afraid of as I'm usually hypersensitive to any type of drug.  Sometimes I wonder if the no SE's are due to being PR- as some studies show it isn't as effective on us.  So, I notice that you are PR- as well, will be interesting to see if you have any SE's and to what degree.

    I look at this board, but don't post as often anymore as I don't feel I have a lot to add, just thankful I'm doing so well on Tamoxifen and hope the same for you!

  • stage1
    stage1 Posts: 285
    edited August 2014

    justachapter, wondering what manufacturer of Tamox you are taking?   I am doing pretty well, now, but not on Teva brand.