Bottle o Tamoxifen
I will be starting on Tamoxifen tomorrow. I'm worried about the side effects but am hoping for the best. Dr told me I can take at any time but I might want to eat something with it cause I may get a little naseous at first. Wish me luck
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JustaChapter, it was good to hear about the benadryl. My MO must be on the same page as yours as my sleepgels have the same ingredients as Benydryl and he is not concerned.
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See my MO on Wed and will probably be started on Tamoxifen then. Im with everyone else scared about possible SE but I am just gonna say a little prayer and trust that God has this.
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Ncollett, don't forget that you will see more negative outcomes on any forum than you will positives. I re-started Tamoxifen two nights ago after stopping for my exchange surgery. I don't think I have had any side effects. I was thinking maybe some depression, but during the off time I was still a little "blah", thinking its the ordeal and not the med. Good luck!
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Good to know , Justachapter, as I had recently purchased the Unisom with benadryl!
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No Tamoxifen SE's here....on my 4th month. Well, a few hot flashes now and then. Cannot lose any weight...
I have also heard not to take Benadryl, but I don't take it anyway. If I'm in doubt, I don't take the chance, but that's me.
Happy Monday!
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I have only been on Tamoxifen (Mylan brand) for 6 days but the last 2 days my eyes that tend to water anyway have gotten really bad, and my nose is running a little. I have never had allergies and the eye watering has been caused mainly by wind outside in the past but now I have started crying indoors too, at home, in the gym... My eyes keep streaming so I may try drops and allergy meds but was wondering if this is common or just a coincidence.
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nancybel and ncollett, I feared Tamoxifen the most of all of my treatment. It has been the easiest,no SE's at all, and I'm almost done with 3 months. There are many of us that have zero or minimal SE's, I hope you two both have an easy journey with this next phase. I take a thyroid RX in the morning and take this at night.
Lyzzysmom, maybe you are allergic to the fillers? If it doesn't go away try a different brand, it is the fillers/additives that are different in each manufacturer.0 -
just a chapter - glad to hear you do ok on TX - what brand are you on - I have to START it - keep saying soon - scares me to no end... thanks
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Just a chapter, so glad to hear that you don't have side effects and thanks for the reminder that they are not a given, but only a possibility.
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Sparkle2014, I am on Teva Brand. Good luck to you too, trust me I felt the way all of you did. And I couldn't sit and stare at a bottle. My MO called it in before she walked into see me. It was only for one month and you have a follow-up to see how things are going, discuss any SE's. So, you have to start it right out of the gate, and go to your follow-up to get your extended refills. Now I go every 3 months, next one in October, but so far so good.
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I hope the same is true for me with no SE. Thinking positive. I go to see the MO tomorrow so we will see what he has to say and what he wants to put me on since I was borderline on Onco test.
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ncollett, The onco test gives you a score for a recurrence rate with the assumption that you WILL take Tamoxifen for 5 yrs. It is supposed to help determine whether chemo will be of much benefit to you, depending on where your score is. My score was 21, which gives me a recurrence rate of 13%, if I take Tamoxifen. I was in the gray area and opted for chemo. Tamoxifen acts on your estrogen, which is fuel, if you are ER+.
I go to MO today. Almost one yr since my DX. Hoping for good news!
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Closing in on two months. No weight gain yet, just some fatigue, occasional chills, warmth and moodiness (which could be attributed to PMS, b/c I'm still getting my period). I'm hoping the SE's stay minor.
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My oncotype score is 18 which gave me a reoccurrence rate of 11% BS told me he thought Tam would be enough Others have told me that MO is the one who decides weather or not chemo is needed not BS.
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Hi all,
I started tamoxifen about 3 weeks ago and over the past 2 weeks have noticed a prickly sensation that comes and goes. Occurs on arms, back, stomach, buttocks and last a few seconds. Are these mild hot flashes? I don't sweat. Is this a normal side effect? Or possibly something else?
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ncollett - hope you get good news - that ONCA score also is not easy to grasp - my score was 9 - but I was informed that the score is not your % recurrence - the number below with the ten year distant % was a 7
but I was under the impression that my risk actually is more like twice the 7 - only a 7% if I take the Tamoxifen otherwise more like 15-17% range -
but someone else mentioned my recurrence was 12% without taking pills if my score was a 9... i have given up trying to figure it out for the moment,,,,,, all I know is that the risk is there - that is going to be a worry in back of mind but I really am getting tired of worrying!! Maybe it would be best for me to just TRUST that God has his plan and live my life and begin filling my mind with things that lift me up,,, hope I can manage to figure out how to do that sooner,,, then later.
I want my energy back, my sparkle back - this BC stuff does get emotionally draining - just got a book called PINK LEMONADE by Tammy Severin and it is her BC story - BC in both breasts at age 46 and so far a great read - she is very funny and I look forward to reading it..
g nite ladies, hugs and comfort to you all
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Sparkle I saw MO today and he told me that I had an 18% chance of reoccurrence which was intermediate and that they dont start chemo unless you are 25 or above. He reassured me that everything was ok and that Radiation and Tamoxifen are all I need for that score. He said it would be unfair to me to give me chemo due to all the possible long term SE.
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Well a week on the tamoxifen now and a little stomach upset and sore eyes but not so bad so far. I stayed awake and worked all day today, less fatigue and its possible the eyes are the result of some allergens that got brought into the house last week so we will see. What was funny was that I woke up hot and sweaty. Thought it was the tamoxifen until DH got up and put the AC on!!
There was a chart somewhere with the score and the associated % recurrence chance assuming pills taken but I cant find thread now. I agree, worrying is too tiring Sparkle. I tend to think just trust in God and the MO and find enjoyable things to do.
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Sometimes I think they pull things out of the air. When I asked my RO what my percentage was with and without Rads they said 25 to 50 when I asked what that was based on they said all of a sudden they don't like to deal with percentages. Really? That is all they throw at us. Guess it's only if it's in their favor.
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Hi all
Just started Tamoxifen yesterday after a miserable 6 weeks on Arimidex. Joint pain and bone pain were terrible. Fatigue and insomnia also. Saw my MO yesterday and he switched me. I hope this is better as this has been the worst part of this cancer journey this far. I have been very active all the way thru this and am planning on returning to my job in 3 weeks on a part time basis for now. 3 radiation treatments left then i am done until my follow-up appointments in 4 and 6 months.
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I'm almost 8 months on tamoxifen with no side effects.
I had an oncotype of 14, which gave my recurrence chance with tamoxifen of 9%, and I would've only gotten a 1% benefit from chemo, according to test, so no chemo for me. I had a mastectomy, so no radiation, though I did have 1 out of 12 positive nodes. Had two radiation docs tell me I needed rads, two said I didn't, so I went with the "didn't". Someone mentioned BS saying chemo....I went through that ordeal. MO said no chemo, as outlined by oncotype numbers above. I started tamoxifen, was on it a month, then BS calls me at 4:00 on a Friday to tell me I need to start chemo, she felt, due to my age at dx, 47. Wtf? Went back to MO who reassured me I would get no benefit from chemo. She said she, herself, is the oncologist, she gives direction on chemo, not surgeon, and that all surgeons say to do chemo. These two work together in the same office! That was confusing. I feel I made the right choice. Only time will tell I guess. Kim
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this seems helpful fyi -
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Wow so putting up with all these side effects may get me .9 more years. Really? That is something to think about.
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Hi Ladies, I hope everyone is doing well. I don't get to post as often as I went back to work to keep my mind busy and it has been a great distraction.
I have really not suffered any SE's since starting on Tamoxifen in late June. However, about 2 weeks ago I started getting a cough that can't really be associated with anything else and for a week I have been itching like crazy, mainly on my torso, back, breasts. So much, I have bruises from scratching. I've taken Benadryl and that helps.
I am going to my primary on Monday as I have to do something about this dry cough as I am on the phone all day. Talking just makes it worse. But, after 3 months could I be allergic to something in the particular mfg? It is Teva. I have to figure this out, going on a cruise in 2 weeks and the marks from scratching aren't pretty. I see my surgeon in 2 weeks, but don't see the MO until early Oct.
Has anyone found they are allergic to something in the filler? Just trying to figure out what is making me so miserable. Benadryl is my best friend, but not something you should take a lot with Tami.0 -
It's probably allergies, like ragweed or some other late summer early fall plant/weed. I take Allegra everyday for the last weeks.
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picked up my newest scrip of Tami, and they have switched me to Mylan. Hope this doesn't cause any problems. I've been feeling pretty good lately. Been getting some sleep, taking a new sleep aid, so that helps so much. I just rejoice in the good days!
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allergic reaction to your laundry detergent maybe or any new clothing like a bra or tank/cami you began wearing,, i began itching tonight after putting on a genie bra just bought yet hadnt washed yet,,, i took it off as the fabric must have chemicals in it that i need to wash first,,, i usually wash all new clothes as they come in to usa from china or overseas from clothing factories,,, lots chemicals! or allergic to your soap or bodywash or perfume or powder,,, just a thought or maybe the tamoxifen, i have heard women get allergic reactions/rash from it, that can happen,,, good luck!!!
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Justachapter, sorry to hear your itchy and have a cough. Have you contacted your MO about this new set of symptoms. That's what they're there for.Don't wait until it's time to go back. I was taking a different brand of tamoxofin.
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justa, call and speak with a Triage Nurse, don't wait. Call the main number and ask for a Triage Nurse.