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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138
    edited October 2008


  • slortiz
    slortiz Member Posts: 142
    edited October 2008


    The rapid heart rate and breathlessness is probably indicative of anemia, as is the fatigue. I assume you will have lab work done before the next chemo session, or have had it done recently? If the anemia is extremely severe, then the Onco might delay the treatment. Some anemia is pretty much inevitable though. I think some people are just more symptomatic with it than others. I had pretty severe anemia (it seemed to me) but they gave me the chemo anyway. Now I am glad to be done with it on time. They were worried I would have to be transfused, but the red blood cells came back pretty fast once the nasty poison was out of my body.

    Good luck with it!

  • Margaret1102
    Margaret1102 Member Posts: 25
    edited October 2008


    I feel like my heart beats out of my chest sometimes, too, but my onc feels as though it is a SE from the steroids and won't have any lasting effect.  Remember, we are on some pretty heavy- duty meds and it is going to affect our strength, stamina and overall feeling of wellness.   I am counting on all of these feelings going away as soon as these drugs are out of me, once and for all!  I agree with sloritz, that your bloodwork is important and if that is resolving itself, then you should be fine.  Bottom line is, we all need to make these calls for ourselves...  It completely stinks, not really knowing what is going on in our bodies...  I just had Tx#3 of 4 last Monday, and I spent the weekend feeling pretty horrible.  However, I am amazed at what my body can do to make itself well again.  I'm sorry for all of us, and these decisions we have to make.  I wish the best for you.  Stay strong in mind, spirit and body. You will do the right thing...


  • peeps1111
    peeps1111 Member Posts: 70
    edited October 2008


    Hi Katie

    Did you have bloodwork too?  My potassium got really, really low a little over a week after my first chemo and I had to take pills for it.  I think potassium levels affect heart rate but that did show up on the blood tests.


  • gladformedicaladvances
    gladformedicaladvances Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2008

    Hi DianeB,

    I'm sorry you are going through this treatment but take heart - you have a lot of company. I am on the exact same protocol and am scheduled for my fourth treatment Oct 30. The first round was the worst for me because I didn't know what to expect. I was lucky though - no serious side effects but there were definitely minor side effects which were disturbing because I didn't know how long they would last or if they would get better or worse. I experienced the commonly experienced fatigue, metal mouth, mild diarrhoea and insomnia. The worst side effects for me were bone ache and a slightly elevated temperature for about 5 days during which I slept a lot. I did not experience nausea or neuropathy.

     The second and third rounds have gone much better - no bone ache or elevated temperatures, just fatigue, and that gets better during the 3 weeks. I will tell you that after my first round, I went to see a Chinese doctor who gave me herbs to brew into tea which I have been taking daily and that seems to be helping me. The Chinese doctor was suggested by my oncologist which I know is unusual. If you choose to go that route, please make sure that the Chinese doctor you see is properly trained. The best place in the world for traditional Chinese medical training is the Beijing Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine where the coursework is 50% Chinese medicine and 50% Western medicine. This is particularly helpful because then the Chinese doctor understands the effects of the chemo drugs on your body. Luckily for me, there is one such doctor in my town and they are becoming more and more common in the US.

     The other things that I think have helped me a lot are doing yoga regularly, drinking fluids, eating vegetables (because they taste a lot better than other foods to my metal mouth and they are mostly water) and getting enough sleep. I have done yoga perhaps once a week for years but upped it to almost daily since the beginning of chemo and it makes me feel better.

     Finally I would suggest that you take it easy if you can. I halved my workload and that gives me the time to take care of myself, because everything takes longer to do when you are not feeling well.

     I hope that helps.


  • gladformedicaladvances
    gladformedicaladvances Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2008

    Anyone on a Taxotere/ Cytoxan protocol of 6 cycles instead of 4? My oncologist tells me that recent trial results show that 6 is better than 4 in preventing recurrence but I haven't found anything about it online. I will see him next week but was curious if anyone else has heard the same thing.


  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited October 2008

    Hi, Be... Welcome!  I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be very interested to know exactly what trial your onc is referencing.  I hope you'll ask him for specifics and let us know.  I would also be curious to know if your Chinese doctor might be able to recommend other doctors in So. CA with his training.

    Hope everyone has had a nice weekend.  My sister arrived yesterday for a week's visit, and I was actually able to get the house clean before she got here -- something I'd let slide for many weeks.  Then, today, at a parade, I started chatting with a woman who had clearly been on chemo recently.  I learned that she finished up TC 8 weeks ago.  The hair under her pink baseball cap was still very short but surprisingly thick.  She recommended biotin, as well as a shampoo I have to check into. (She told me where to get it, but not the name).  I'll find that out and let you all know. 

    Good luck to anyone who's got a tx coming up this week!   I'll be praying specifically for you as soon as Wink lets us know who's up.      Deanna

    P.S.  If you haven't already, be sure to pop over to the "Success Stories" board and read the recent post by Farila!  So inspiring!  You'll love it!

  • Katie2u
    Katie2u Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2008

    HI everyone:

       Thank you for your input.  I did have iron deficiency anemia prior to beginning the chemotherapy.  My hemoglobin and hematocrit were normal though.    I had a complete metabolic panel done and my potassium and everything else was normal.   I am going to call the oncologist tomorrow.  Thank you again!


  • Tonda
    Tonda Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2008

    Glad, I am also on 6 instead of 4 treatments. As a matter of fact I have #6 on Wednesday, this has been a long haul but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I start radiation next month. 

    I have gotten lymphedema in my left arm and have started swelling in both my feet and legs extremely bad the past two treatments.  The onc says it is a side effect from the taxotere, all I know is I gained 13 lbs in less than a week, they say it is all fluid and I say "it better be".  They put me on lasix to try to keep the swelling down but it isn't working so far.

    Good luck for all of you with treatments this week, I am worried about mine because I have had more side effects the past 2 but looking forward to it being the last one.  Keep the spirits up.


  • lmccall63
    lmccall63 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2008

    I started my chemo treatment on Oct. 22nd with Taxotere and Cytoxan.  The nurses couldn't find my port which took about an hour and after treatment I felt fine.  Nurses did tell me I would start feeling fatigued on Friday afternoon.  I could feel it starting around 3:00 pm and Saturday I was down and out.  It took everything in ne to get off the couch to go to the bathroom.  Today is Sunday and I feel a bit better than yesterday but am wondering how I will feel tomorrow, wondering if I will be able to go to work or not.  This is my first treatment and I have five more cycels every 21 days.  Will the fatigue, flu like symptoms get worse after each treatment or will it be about the same.  I'm so hoping and praying that someone tells me it doesn't get worse.  I'm not sure if I can handle worse than this.  Thanks for your input. 

  • unique
    unique Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2008

    Hi Be ~ I too wanna know what recent trial! My onc told me the opposite, that there's nothing to say 4 is better than 6. Maybe there's something new? Oh, I would hate to do 6, but if I hafta, I hafta!

    Imccall ~ I had flu-like symptoms my first tx, as well as some bone throbbing, but with my 2nd tx all I had was fatigue (but I got a fever). So maybe it gets better as you go along? I hope! P.S. I did have major chemo brain with Tx#2, that seems to have passed.

    Good luck to you all! 

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008
    • Hi All,

    Here's the treatment list for the Week of Oct 27; I hope that everyone does well and that SE's are minimal!


    Oct 27 - Young79 (#5/6), hopefullady (#3/4), Sue508 (#3/4), MKR39 (#2/4)

    Oct 28 -  Drea (#4/4) 

    Oct 29 - Agnes 17 (#4/4), Katie2u (#3/4), Tonda (#6/6), SueG (#2/4), nanna (#3/4)

    Oct 30 - LASHON (#5/6), rosemaryap (#4/4), DesertRider (#4/4), Diane1214 (#3/4),peeps1111 (#3/4), jenn46 (#2/4 was your schecule changed?  I have you on the list twice - please update me with your correct dates) Gladformedicaladvances (#4/6)

    Oct 31 - kat70 (#3/4), threegirlsm (#2/4), jdfromwv (#3/4), Nannie96 (#3/4)

    Looks like a busy week - my best to all.  Please forgive me (and let me know) if I've missed anyone (ChemoBrain).  

    Congratulations to all of you finishing up this week - you've got some celebratin' to do!

    Donna Wink 

    PS Sorry about the font & form - did not look like this in "preview" - may be a Mac issue. I will try this on my PC next time. 

  • slortiz
    slortiz Member Posts: 142
    edited October 2008

    Nice job, Donna. Thank-you again for taking over. Good luck to everyone this week.!

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008
    Thanks Sandra Wink
  • dblinch
    dblinch Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2008


    dblinch here, i'm writing because you have everything the same as me , and just wanted to know how your doing now? i'm going for my 3rd round next week, my sides are  not that bad, but i'm wondering  were you scared during your treatmeants, that they might not be working , i'm so scared that this will never go a way i'm afraid i'll be sick for ever now or i won't live another 20yrs ,i'm 45 now with  7 year old & 5 year old. doing taxatere , cycotoxin ,with one year taxatol

  • unique
    unique Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2008

    Hi ~ Tonda, I realize you have some fluid retention or something ~ all I know is suddenly my pants don't fit. This is not terribly funny because oncet I was a Size 10, but was a 14, then a 16 and now 18 is not big enough!!! Around the waist primarily, things are okay in the hips LOL. I am hoping it is a little bloating because I really don't feel like shopping for new pants. I want to lose a couple pounds after my chemo is done ...

    Any of you all experiencing some bloating? Or fluid retention? Or weight gain?

  • tbird57
    tbird57 Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2008

    YES to the bloating!  Horrible.  My feet and legs are swollen, and it's so uncomfortable.  I feel like a balloon.  Last time they weighed me after tx-1, I had gained about 3# since before the first tx. I'm dreading the next weigh-in!  Yikes!

    And I still have hair.  Not much, but it's definitely there, albeit thin.  I'll post a new avatar soon.

    I've saved myself $150 by not taking the Emend pills for nausea, just the compazine and kytril.  So I'm happy about that!

    Take care all,


  • tbird57
    tbird57 Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2008

    Sandra, thanks for the anemia info - I have been anemic before chemo, and I'm experiencing all the symptoms again.  What do they do for it?  Procrit sounds too extreme...

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Annie - I've gained a total of 7.5 lbs since starting chemo.  Was told that this is typical for women undergoing chemo for BC.

  • unique
    unique Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2008

    Wink ~ I was overweight before this! Not obese but on that line, you know!

    But, I had fun tonight, my son has a class in town and there is a huge Salvation Army that has a 50% off sale on Wednesday eves. I get most of my clothes thru thrift which is why I can afford my Mac LOL! The Salvation Army is my salvation, I tell you, it *saves* my butt every time I go in there. Since my pants don't fit, I picked up two pairs of blue jeans (one still with store tags on) and one pair of sweat pants in a lovely avacado color. Found two shirts also. All this - $10.00 I kid you not.

    One thing about being on a cancer journey, small things seem to give me much more joy oomph than before. 

    AMANN Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2008

    Oh Annie I love bargains, :)  I go to yard sales almost every Saturday in my area, and I always find something, I am amazed at what people practicaly give away. Most of the clothes I ware are from Yard Sales, skirts and shirts  25 cents 50 cents , most shoes and purses $1.00. and It seems like I get more compliments on the yard sale clothes. My sister and I have so much fun going I just have to be really careful not to buy too much or I end up having to have a sale myself. I do like Thrift stores too. As far a weight, I actually lost a little weight while going through chemo. I am not complaining. :)

  • tbird57
    tbird57 Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2008

    Yikes, I saw the PA today and submitted to the dreaded weigh in.  The verdict?  I've gained 10# since the chemo began and I've only had 2 tx.  The reason I saw him is for swelling in my legs, and he prescribed a diuretic and potassium.  We'll see if it works. 

    And, like clockwork just like the last tx, on day 6 I got diarrhea, and day 7 got the charley horses in my calves again!  Ouch!  They really hurt.  I'll have to drink more water, so after taking the diuretic I can run to the bathroom even more!  The fun never ends!  Laughing

  • moonchild64
    moonchild64 Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2008

    I finished TC(Cytoxan)H #4 on 9/12 and had gained almost 10 pounds during those two months of chemo.  My eating had not changed at all - in fact I was paying more attention to nutritious choices while combatting mouth sores ...  and I continued to exercise through treatment by walking 3+ miles 4x a week. Anyone who says that chemo doesn't add weight (my onc) is full of bull.  

    It was frustrating BUT I have to say I believe that gaining a little weight helped me with the SEs of chemo. Perhaps a little extra around the middle might help some of us absorb the chemical reactions... 

    So I am back on the treadmill and grateful for winter weather where I can hide these few extra pounds under sweaters and sweat pants until I am back to my size 10!

  • unique
    unique Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2008

    Hi Moonchild!!!

    Congratulations on finishing 4 treatments!!! Are you done? Some do 4, others do 6.

    I have done 2 and am scheduled for #3 next Thursday. 

  • slortiz
    slortiz Member Posts: 142
    edited October 2008

    Will everyone hate me if I admit I lost 7 lbs during chemo? Just didn't feel much like eating. Now the trick is keeping it off now that I'm done and I've got my appetite back.  I'm going to the gym, but the exercise is making me SO hungry.

  • lanihardage
    lanihardage Member Posts: 92
    edited October 2008

    I had a net gain/loss of zero -- BUT -- I had major diarrhea during chemo, and couldn't eat a lot. What I did eat was my favorite foods, and now I have to try to get back to a sane diet. Not easy! Those favorite foods are favorite for a reason! Good luck to all of us trying to keep or get the weight off.

  • Margaret1102
    Margaret1102 Member Posts: 25
    edited October 2008

    I have to "weigh in" on this topic!  I have been gaining since the start of chemo, which I was told by the weigh-in nurse that it is common.  For me, I think I have been eating more because I have taken taken time off from work and am home more, plus I feel like I eat to try to gain strength or energy (not that it helps).  The third reason for me, is that foods don't have quite the normal taste to them, so I feel like I am eating to try to get some satisfaction, or something.  I feel like cold foods taste more like normal than hot foods do.  I am looking at almost a 5 lb. gain!  Still one more Tx to go!  I hope it comes off as easy as it has gone on...


  • DesertRider
    DesertRider Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2008

    Hey everyone! I'm celebrating! Just got home from the last treatment - #4. And dex is keeping me wanting to do all the chores I haven't done for days.

    I had a huge drop in white blood count the last week and had to have 4 daily Neupogen shots  - really worked though. Tomorrow I'll get my first (and only) Neulasta. I will take a Claritin with it like someone here suggested.

    dblinch - yes, I surely have the same fears as you do - wondering, especially now that chemo is done - did it work? I know we made the best decision, acted wisely using all the resources possible and now I believe we are strong and well. Someone on one of the message boards signs it " GET CHEMO --AND LIVE".  And I think about that every day. I will have faith I am strong and healthy and go play now. For me it's getting on my big white horse and riding in the desert canyons. 

    Love to all


  • kathimdgd
    kathimdgd Member Posts: 84
    edited October 2008

    I also have a weight loss,i just had my first treatment last thursday,and i've already lost 5#.Of course it all went down the toilet,as i get diarrhea within a few hours of eating anything.I had to call the dr twice this week and then yesterday they said it sounded like i was dehydrated,so i had to go in and get an IV.   Immodium and the gasx they told me to take doesn't seem to be helping,and they have me taking 2 immodium in the morning and a gasx.Then off and on during the day and night i can take up to 4 more immodium.Still not working!! So they had me send a stool sample to the lab today,to see if there's anything else going on.I sure hope not.

    For those of you taking Potassium,do you have any problem with them,and are they the big yellow ones.I had to resort to crushing mine with 2 spoons,then adding applesauce to it.I didn't have trouble swallowing them,but they came out the same way they went in,whole!!  Sorry to be so graphic.


  • sandym
    sandym Member Posts: 70
    edited October 2008

    Meg - "weigh in"  very cute Wink. It is a weighty issue.  I was up 10 pounds after tx #2 and down 3 after the next tx but ended up even by the end.  Kind of a surprise as sweets tasted the best much of the time and I often rewarded myself with food when the taste buds were at their best.

    Hugs and prayers for those receiving treatment this week.