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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • sheilzinla
    sheilzinla Member Posts: 30

    Hello all you wonder ladies! It's been strange being away from the board for a while. I am on Day 6 after Round #3 of TC. I had what turned out to be a late onset extavasation of chemo after Round 2, where Taxotere leaked into my tissues and gave me a gnarly chemo burn by my wrist that didn't show up until 10 days later! It was scary. It's healing nicely but there might be a scar for a long time. My oncologist had them switch to using a vein in my elbow for Round 3, so I had to keep my arm straight for two× hrs.

    Despite cold capping with Penguin, I am still losing lots of hair. Probably lost 60% already, so not sure how much once the side effects of TC #3 &#4 will leave me with. At least I only have 2 round to go on May 16th!

    Other than my hair/skin issues, my side effects have been manageable. Predictable pain from Neulasta that subsides after a few days. I have also continued to walk 4-6 miles each day, and thats really made a difference. My hospital set me up with a nutritionist, who basically said I was "skinny fat", which means I have a high ratio of fat to muscle even tho my BMI is normal. I need to exercise to get my muscle mass up because of th other side effects of the breast cancer drugs that I'll soon be taking. Fun times! Ha!

    @Mandy23 & Kathleen, I think you are almost done if not already finished? If so, I am really excited for you and hope you are starting to feel on the upswing.

    I am sending love and strength to all of us on here. This stuff isn't easy, but we will make it thru!

  • mandy23
    mandy23 Member Posts: 125

    Hi all!

    Congratulations devoinaz on being PFC!!!!

    I have joined you as of 12 days ago! Woo Hoo!

    I'm losing track….but I think kathleen103 is going to join this growing group soon?

    They were able to find veins for infusion #4, so that was a good thing. However, it really hit me hard like #3 did and FINALLY I am starting to feel like a person again. My bloodwork prior showed that I was slightly anemic, so adding #4 on top of that makes me still feeling breathless even with very little excercise. Ugh. Along with all the other side effects —- constipation, then diarrhea, headaches, low grad temp etc etc. Working through it. Just REALLY happy I don't have to go for another infusion! I now get a break for recovery until the end of May when I see my oncologist again and likely start on an AI.

    I've kind of lost track of the point all of the rest of you are at——but I am now in the cheering section telling you that you CAN get through this if I did! You too will soon be PFC!!

    I cold-capped with Paxman and the worst hair loss was just prior to Infusion #2. Since then, just light hair loss and mostly on top of my head, so really need a headcover, though I really do like that there is still short hair showing under that. I think it's also psychologically lifting to look in the mirror and wander my house and see SOME hair. I applaud women who can rock the bald look, but I am glad I put the effort into Paxman and had some success with it.

    Good luck and minimal side effects to you all!

  • kathleen103
    kathleen103 Member Posts: 25

    devoinaz - Glad to hear that you are feeling pretty good. I agree that the side of effects of chemo seem to come at you in many different ways and are truly a unique experience. PFC, PFC, go, go, go!!!

    mandy23 - Congratulations on being PFC! Sorry that infusion #4 was hard on you but glad that you are getting through it. I'm kind of expecting the same thing.

    sheilzinia - Great to see you posting again. Keep up the walking and staying hydrated. Thanks for the love and caring you send to everyone.

    I'm on Day 25 of round #3 of TC. I have bloodwork on Tuesday and expect my final infusion this Thursday. It really won't matter if round #4 is as crazy as round # 3 because it will be my last. It may be better because my oncologist is lowering the Taxotere dosage a little. Right now, my sense of taste is pretty normal. Thank goodness for lime flavored sparkling water and seltzer water. There were days when drinking plain water was such a disgusting experience. Other flavors of water were pretty nasty too. I suspect that I am anemic. I used to be able to run up and down stairs without any bother. Now, I start to feel out of breath. I couldn't do anything with ice for my hands and feet or cold capping because my nerves are hypersensitive thanks to diabetes. I am pretty close to bald - my eyebrows and eyelashes are hanging in there. Most of the new signs of neuropathy caused by Taxotere have greatly decreased. My mouth, especially my tongue, was helped by ice chips and ice cubes before, during, and after infusions - no problems.

    I'll probably take a three- or four-day weekend at some point. I'm planning a staycation to celebrate 6 months PFC. Working from home has really kept me sane during BC treatment. I really disliked the 4 1/2 weeks I took off after the mastectomy. It had physical health benefits but didn't really help my outlook on life. I guess work is the thing that represents normal for me.

    To everyone that has finished TC, is being treated with TC, or learns that they are going to do TC, I send love. This regimen has saved lives.

  • kathleen103
    kathleen103 Member Posts: 25

    Greetings all,

    Yesterday, I rang the bell and received a certificate of recognition for successfully completing chemotherapy on May 4, 2023, with the highest degree of courage, determination and good nature. I actually forgot to take my steroid pills on Wednesday. I woke up at 1:17 am Thursday morning and realized that I had forgotten so I called and left a message for the infusion center. At 8:04 am they called and said come on in, I'd receive IV steroids. Everything went fine. So far, infusion #4 is going much better than #3. I ran errands and did yard work today. Tomorrow, I begin my last round of five daily Neupogen biosimilar shots. I must not forget to take the Zyrtec. PFC, PFC, happy to be PFC.

  • mandy23
    mandy23 Member Posts: 125

    CONGRATULATIONS Kathleen103!!!!

    Welcome to he PFC club! I hope your side effects haven't been too bad.

    Tomorrow is officially the end of my chemo cycles since it is when I would have gone for the next treatment if I wasn't done. The biggest thing I am still trying to recover from is being out of breath with minimal exercise. I am trying to be patient, but will be taking Letrozole (Femara) starting after my next MO appointment in 3 weeks. I was hoping to be fairly recovered from chemo so I would know which side effects are coming from Letrozole and which are leftover from chemo. Also….wish my hair on top of my head would start growing back before the Letrozole starts thinning it….. 😲

    sheilzinia - I think you are next up for the PFC club. Hopefully, you will join us soon!

    Hang in there to anyone else doing this regiment and sorry if I have lost track of other user names!

  • kathleen103
    kathleen103 Member Posts: 25

    sheilzinia - Keep hanging in there. Hope exercise continues to help with side effects.

    mandy23 - Thank you so much!

    Shortness of breath is still a part of my life. Two days ago, I spent 10 hours at my health care provider being thoroughly checked over because I was out of breath with my heart racing for even the slightest exertion. They performed multiple lab tests, an EKG, chest x-ray, and CT scan to make sure that a separate heart or lung problem didn't exist. It appears that my shortness of breath is due to deconditioning and chemo. I have no idea of how long it will take to recondition myself after months of reduced physical activity due to my mastectomy, mediport implant, and chemo.

    My veins weren't being very cooperative. They were successful for the two blood draws but couldn't place an IV line for the CT scan contrast dye. They had to use my mediport. I have a PowerPort which is the only type the Radiology Department considers appropriate for rapid injection of dyes. I interviewed the nurse before I gave consent for them to access the port. It turned out that she had been an oncology nurse for two years in the recent past and was used to accessing the type of port I have. She also informed me that all the nurses in the area where I was being seen had been trained to access the port. She followed all the same protocols as the nurses in the infusion center. My MO is going to leave the mediport in place for two years. I'll have to go in to have it flushed every other month. I'll have a follow-up with my breast surgeon in early July. I'll have a follow-up CT scan and MO visit in early January.

  • oldladyblue
    oldladyblue Member Posts: 302

    I am coming up on 1.5 years since I finished TC chemo, radiation, and went on and off hormone therapy. I am currently 66 and it's taken me quite some time to feel "recovered" from the cancer treatments, but now I am pretty much totally back to "life as normal". I belong to a gym, am doing the Dr. Berg healthy keto diet with intermittent fasting, my hair is grown out nicely and not curly anymore, the hormone suppression pill side effects are gone and I finally don't think about cancer ALL of the time. Chemo was tolerable (awful) until rounds 3 and 4 (when I ended up in the hospital for 5 days with crashed white blood cell counts), but I had less "stuff" going on than those on AC chemo and it was much shorter. Wishing those of you doing it now strength! Hugs.

  • devoinaz
    devoinaz Member Posts: 40

    Hi TC buddies/warrior women!

    Thought I'd check in now that I'm a bit more than 6 weeks PFC. I just had my BMX two days ago, and am happy to report that I really felt recovered from the chemo before this new ordeal for my body. Even my resting heart rate had returned to normal (it had been elevated during the TC treatment).

    My eyebrows are just starting to grow back, as is the hair on other parts of my body. I used the Paxman cold cap on my head, so I never became fully bald, but my husband said today that he thinks maybe there's some new growth on my head where I do have bald spots. That said, my old long hair is still coming out a bit... Overall, I think I lost about 60 percent of the hair I had - maybe even more. But because I started with curly hair, it kindof filled in the gaps so that my wide headbands made it look like I wasn't a cancer patient, and I really appreciated that.

    After I recover from surgery, I'll go back on the letrozole, but my surgeon doesn't think there is a big hurry for that. She thinks I should give my body the best chance to recover by not putting new drugs in the mix right now. Maybe I'll wait until July.

    My surgical pathology from the BMX was good news, too. I had some LCIS and ALH (this was expected, and was the reason I opted for the surgery), but no additional invasive cancer. So, I'm really hopeful that this will be the end of my major breast cancer treatment, and that I can go on to live my life without worrying too much about it (other than the letrozole and associated side effects).

    I guess my experience with TC chemo was that it sucked, but for me it was manageable and my body recovered in about 5 weeks PFC. I know this isn't everyone's experience (obviously) and I'm 50 years old and in good shape with no other health problems, but I thought it could be useful to put this info out there for anyone reading this who is facing this treatment regimen and scared of all the side effects.

  • sheilzinla
    sheilzinla Member Posts: 30

    HI Devoinaz!

    Congrats on getting thru chemo and surgery!

    Today I am 3 weeks PFC! Aside from losing about 60% of my hair (despite cold capping with Penguin). . .and more is still shedding, I have had limited side effects. Walking 4-6 miles each day has really helped, as has keeping up with the water. But man, my fatigue is really hitting hard now. It takes so much longer to cover the same distance now than it did when I was in Round 2 or 3 of chemo. Also, my night sweats are brutal since I am now in chemo induced menopause at age 51. (I get my ovarian suppression shot in a few weeks, and then hopefully my ovaries out & a full hysterectomy later this year!).

    I am crossing fingers that my hair will grow back soon. Right now I am rocking a serious combover and I hide all my bald spots with Toppik. I am a bit worried about starting on an AI next month, as that might make it harder for regrowth. Has anyone had luck regrowing their hair quickly while staring on AIs?

    Sending good vibes and well wishes to all who are going thru this regimen. You will get thru it and it will be over before you know it!

  • mandy23
    mandy23 Member Posts: 125

    Hi all!

    Congratulations Devoinaz on getting through your surgery!

    I am now about 7 weeks PFC…gosh…so glad to use those words! I used Paxman and I'll just be different and say I lost about 55% of my hair. 😁 However, mine was really thin to begin with, so it probably looks like I have less. I have the bald spots on top, but really glad I have enough of the chin length on the sides and back, so with a hat, it isn't as noticeable. I feel like there is more still shedding in my brush than during the last 2 rounds, but keep telling myself it's just making way for new hair. My DD tells me I have some hair growth - about 1/16" I think, but I sure don't see it. 😣 It's so hard to be patient! I know everyone is different and I did see on one of the "Hair" threads several people said they didn't see any growth until about 8 weeks…so hopefully soon!

    The good news is that just this week I think I am finally starting to get my breath/energy back and not panting as much when I go up stairs. I started on Letrozole(Femara) on Saturday and so far haven't noticed any side effects, but it's early. Since I am 66, it might also be that I don't notice any aches and pains as much as younger people do and I did the menopause thing 19 years ago (oophorectomy after 1st dx in 2003). I saw my MO this week and now won't see her again until September. I will be doing Zometa every 6 months starting the end of June. Feeling like I am moving on a bit, though still have fat grafting to do on my Lat Flap-starts in July.

    Good luck to posters/lurkers doing TC. You WILL get through it! Hang in there!

  • kathleen103
    kathleen103 Member Posts: 25

    sheilzinia, mandy23, devoinaz - Thank you for taking this TC journey to PFC with me. You each made a tremendous difference in my life. I am so grateful. I hope any further treatments you take/have go well.

    I'm 7 weeks PFC. My stamina is increasing - problems with shortness of breath are going away. I can see the beginnings of hair growth. All digestive issues are gone. I won't have any further treatments because my BC is/was triple negative.

    To all who come after me - TC is doable. I wish you success.

  • mandy23
    mandy23 Member Posts: 125

    Hi kathleen!

    Congratulations on being 7 weeks PFC!

    Thanks for being on this journey with me and soooooo glad to be past this part.

    Praying that we can all stay with NED and chalk this up to a road we traveled.

    Hoping you have wonderful summer plans!