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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • Alo123
    Alo123 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2009

    I'm with you kmmd.....I had 2nd treatment last week....and am halfway through....on about Saturday I sait...I'm not.....I don't want 2 more.....but than remembered my dear friend who just finish 12's not fun no matter how you slice it!!!1   Good luck!!

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited February 2009

    My family and friends are planning something for me for my 6th and final treatment next week and it occurred to me that it's similar to wanting to celebrate that last diaper when your child is potty trained only you never know when it's really over until you look back years later and say that was the last diaper.  There are always accidents and you're hyper vigilant constantly quizzing the child about going on the "big potty" whether they think they have to go or not.  Then there's the day the little brats just don't want to cooperate.  I'm sure we'll be celebrating with a big booby cake then I'll head into hibernation for a week but feel like crap for three weeks then I'll try to pinpoint the last day I felt like sh*t while desperately hoping to fit into the world of potty trained, cancer free women.

    Then there's the hair. Now I would say that one is comparable to waiting for the child's first step. "Come on baby you can do it." You know their ready. They look like they want to. Then one day you turn around and they walked across the room. No fan fare no pomp and circumstance just took off. You scream out to the hubby, "honey come here." But you scared the baby and he fell right on his diaper and won't do it again. You look like a big fat liar because you're the only one that saw it.

    Ultimately the child walks for the world to see and you call everyone you know to share the good news. So let me warn you now, you'll be getting a play by play of every 1/8th of an inch of hair growth whether you want to or not.

    So the moral of the story is....they are your children and you're body is capable of creating mutant cancer cells and no matter how much time has passed you will always worry about them.

    Love to all.


  • webwriter
    webwriter Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2009

    How are you holding up kmmd? I'm due for #3, also half way, on Wednesday. I'm ready to be half way, but danged, this dose dense thing is kickin' my can. Are you doing every three weeks or every two?

    Congrats Renee! You did six too, didn't you? Walk, Baby Walk!

    Amen, Alo123! I can't imagine 12 of these suckers!

    Just curious, as it was a deal made with my Onco, and it made sense to me, but is anybody else doing TCx6, but dose dense-every two weeks instead of three?

  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited February 2009

    Webbie, Thanks for asking. I'm every 3 weeks. (4 treatments, she told me if I had been node positive I'd be getting 6--even though my oncotype score was scary)  Since you're dose dense I think our chemo is starting/ending pretty close to the same times. I asked to move the last one up to 2 weeks to get it over with and got a big NO.  They switched me from compazine to tigan this time and the nausea is worse but the lightheaded shaky feelings from the compazine are gone so I'm happy with the change.  Waiting for that day 5 wall.  I have to say, psychologically much better then my last post. Going into 3 of 4 as I said I was thinking I can't believe I'm only 1/2 done.  But it really is helping.  I found myself all weekend saying, "only one more day one" "only one more day 2".  Good thing, I think the next good vein they'll find for me might have to be in my neck. 

    I also made a decision to not make a quick decision regarding bilateral oophorectomies and hormonal therapy.  Can't believe what a weight that was off of my mind.  I was worried about getting everything done quick and minimizing time off of work.  But, my testing won't be back and its was jamming things in and forcing me to make decisions that I wasn't ready for.  My onc fully supported slowing down and making decisions as they come up and information comes back.  Big load off of my mind.  Right now chemopause seems to be hitting, and we'll just wait and see what that brings. 

    Newest info out and desire to give back to the community has me telling her I'll sign up for the biosphosphonate study.  I'm so thankful for those women who signed up for the NSAPB study and banked tumor that led to oncotyping, and for those that did TC vs AC etc.  It looks like a win win and I think I'm going to go for it.

  • kt57
    kt57 Member Posts: 75
    edited February 2009

    kmmd:  what is your oncotype score.  mine was 29 and I finished 3 of 6 TC- yes halfway is a great milestone!  have you checked out the Oncotype DX Roll Call thread - interesting list of numbers and treatment protocols.

  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited February 2009

    my oncotype was 30, 1.7cm , grade 2, 06 nodes, ER+,PR-,H2N-

    there really is a lot of variation in the 4 vs. 6.  I trust my onc a lot so will stick with the 4 

  • crusader1
    crusader1 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2009

    Hi KT57 and kmmd,

    My oncotype score was 27. I went to see the oncologist and she suggested 4 rounds of TC.If I tolerate it well she would give me the choice of two more. So I guess it can go either way. My doctor is very thorough and would not suggest anything that would compromise one's condition. So I guess one can go either way and feel they did all they can to prevent this cancer from coming back.

  • Alo123
    Alo123 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2009

    ladies....I just posted on Jan 2009 chemo board...but wanted to share that I attended Look Good Feel Better from The American Cancer was a great workshop filled with great tips and tons..I mean tons of great cosmetics and creams....from Chanel, Aveda, Bobbi Brown, Mary Kay, Avon..on and on.....I think you might enjoy it....and at the very least...learn how to put on eyebrows!!!  Give it a shot if you have the time!

  • Alo123
    Alo123 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2009

    I am oncotype 26 with four treatments.

  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited February 2009

    Crusader, I've been wondering how you're doing.  Are you off of the vac?  Things heal up ok?

    Thanks alo

  • apfuentes
    apfuentes Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2009

    My oncotype was 31 and I did 4 treatments, per my oncologist...just finished on 2/17!!!  My IDC was very small and I had a double mast so I'm sure there are a lot of factors involved with deciding 4 vs. 6. 

     I'm on day 8 of my last treatment and things are looking up.  I'm starting to feel like myself again.  All I need is the hair to complete the feeling! 

  • crusader1
    crusader1 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2009

    Hi all,and Kmmd

    I got my clearance from the PS this morning to begin chemo.As a review I had dead skin at the end of my mastectomy..I then had two subsequent surgeries one to remove the dead skin and to remove the expander and finally a skin graft to close the hole. Between the two I wore a VAC for two weeks to promote healing.

    Well I am all healed and will begin my chemotherapy this coming Monday, March 2. I will have 4 TC's.Maybe 6.

    I welcome comments , good wishes and advice from all.

    Wish me luck..


  • flmomof3
    flmomof3 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2009

    where do i find my oncotype? is that a routine test? is that the MIB-1 score?? we never contemplated not doing chemo so it never was discussed.


    sue from fl

  • Alo123
    Alo123 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2009

    OncotypeDX  is a special test that gets sent out to a lab...forgot the tests small tumors for I believe 40 genetic components.  It measures your reccurance factor.   It is for er positve node negative tumors of 1 cm or less.  It helps to get rid of the grey area on whether or not to do chemo.  I believe, like everthing else's expensive.  I apologize if I got anything wrong's the chemo brain!!  You can find it if you google!!

  • misty123
    misty123 Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2009

    HELLO Ladies,

    I had 3 of 4 TC today 75% done. I feel more tired but the steroids won't let me sleep tonight even after taking numerous things to get me there. I spoke with my ong today about having a prophylactic mast on the other side, I hate the look of my body and am truly scared of reconstruction surgery at this point. I am now thinking about having my other breast removed just to take that worry off my chest, ong doc made an appointment with my BS for next week to discuss that option compared to reconstruction. I am not sure if ins will pay for this since CAT scan showed no active disease but there is a high recur for triple negatives and I just last week found out I do have a history on my biological fathers side, very strong. Just wondering if all this is over stress or on target, has anyone else had these thought or actually done this before a second dx? Any and all input would be greatly appreciated from anyone.

    crusader1- Sending you good wishes and few side effects from your chemo, you will do great.

    Good Luck to all you beautiful strong ladies.

  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited February 2009

    Crusader, so happy to hear you healed.  What an experience you had.  Sorry you're joining us on the chemo board, but happy you're healed enough to get here. 

    misty123, I contemplated contralateral but wasn't ready to do that.  I like having sensation in at least one breast.  I just talked to DH about it the other day, that if I get cancer there I'll really second guess myself.  Don't know about the insurance issue, but given what you've said if you decide to do it its worth asking form. 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2009

    My Oncotype was 24 and I had 4 TC's like Alo. Also had the bilat mast with expanders and silicone implants.  Will get my fipples next month! - Yeah.  Starting to feel better and just waiting for brows and hair to return.  I still shave my head of those stragglers and waiting for more growth to start.  Self tanner gives my face and head a nice glow.  I just signed up to go back to school starting this summer.  I am a coed again at 52 and want to be a Vet Tech in a couple of years.  Can't believe I had the courage to go do that but it's done now and the work starts in May!

    Have a good day all!  hugs, Bobbi

  • robinri
    robinri Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2009


    I am done round 3 of 6 rounds of TC. I am having minimal probalems..however the nials are suffering this time. Do have nausea and abdo issues on a few days after. But I also am a very possitive persona nd it seems to hit me HARD when I am feeling bad from the chemo. I think its the drugs too, more than seft pitty. I dont have a self pittying bone in my body yet it hits me hard. So I think its a side effect? so hang in there, but its tough. Are any of you still exercising..this helps knock the "blues" out of me as soon as I am feeling better. This is my low blood week but has still been running etc, it so keeps me mentally up. Just curious. Gardened yesterday and it was sooooo theraputic!


  • swest
    swest Member Posts: 140
    edited February 2009

    Good morning all!

    Misty -  I am triple neg. and had bilateral mx in November 2008.  I only had cancer in my left breast according to the mri's, ultra sound and mamograms.  However, after I got the pathology back from my bilateral mx it showed micro calcification's and DCIS on the right breast that did not show on the other tests.  For me it was the right decision since my BS said I had a 35% chance of getting cancer in the right breast. 

    Take you time deciding.  You will make the decision that is right for you! <<<Hugs>>>

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2009

    Misty - I too had the bilat even though the MRI showed IDC in the left breast only but when the pathology came back I had LCIS in the right so doing both was the right decision for me.  I'm generally pleased with the results of the implants but it's long road either way.  Just glad I won't have to do this again in the future. 

    Robin - I also have exercised throughout treatment - from diagnosis, surgery, expanders and chemo...When I couldn't run, I bike or spin, when I couldn't do that I would walk.  You are right it is so therapeutic just to get outdoors and get the heart rate up.  Good luck with your last 3 TC.


  • crusader1
    crusader1 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2009

    hi wonderful ladies,

    I go tomorrow for my education before the actual chemo at the oncologists office. It is given by the nurse practitioners. Does anyone have any questions which I should be asking them?

    I welcome anyones experiences or tips about the TC treatment.

    Thanks again for being there.


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2009

    Francine -

    I went online to and you can print out a list of pertinent questions.  It was totally helpful and my sister recorded all the answers.  If you PM me I can send another list that I used from a friend of my sister.  I'm sure if they are having you for an educational visit they will answer all your concerns.  Good luck.


  • swest
    swest Member Posts: 140
    edited February 2009

    Francine - I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow they will give you a lot of information and your head will be spinning.  Write down all of your instructions because you will forget something.  Please keep in mind that most people do not experience all of the SE's.  I just finished 4 tx of CT.  My main SE was fatigue.  However it is very doable.  Check back with us tomorrow after your class.  We can help you with your questions.  Best Wishes!


  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited February 2009
    Francine, Swest is right.... they have to tell you all the SE's... don't think you will get all of them... it's very scary to hear them all... for me, the thought of chemo is actually scarier than actually doing it... the anticipation is worse than reality..... I am on my way to the 3rd treatment of TC on Tuesday... it's doable.. yes, some days suck, but they all don't....just take it one day at a time... and yes, check back in... the ladies in here will give you all the support you could ask for...Laughing
  • webwriter
    webwriter Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2009

    I had #3 of  #6 today and I think my Decadron may have been expired or something. Not my usual cleaning, organinzing, schitzphrenic, agitated, unfocus, fanatical mess. My mind wants to, don't get me wrong. My body has other ideas. I'm bone weary tired, I am. Must be my wicked immune system kickin some bootie. 

    However, I did solve the mystery of dose dense TC x 6. (Obviously why I'm on a different schedule than all of you and getting hit so hard.) Doing it every two weeks is not even on the radar right now. However, both me and my Onco wanted to be pretty agressive. I got Grade 3, vascular invasion, and a node positive here-scary enough, but we bucked outdated convention and got Oncotype done too--28. We're quite on the same page here-no doubt about it.

    Preliminary but large and reputable studies are being done on a lot of new combos these days. Specifically, ACx4 Tx4 dose dense is proving to provide some. Lots of folk doing that now. Those that aren't, because of other recent studies, are getting TCx4 or TCx6, depending on prognostic enhancement factors. My Onco can do his algebra, dropping the irrelevant functions. A combo using of three at dose dense shows benefit, shouldn't two of them alone? It just makes sense. It's a crap shoot too, tho. Could be the A at dose dense that does it, but why not try if it won't hurt? He pulled it out of his hat, I agreed and we just did it. 

    But to my knowledge, we're the only ones who have. Today he admitted that he'd been sitting on that hat the time. ;)

    Kinda spooky.

  • ktym
    ktym Member Posts: 673
    edited February 2009

    webwriter, makes sense to me. 

    This 3rd round is hitting me like a brick.  Yesterday was the first day I didn't get in at least a little time exercising. (Somedays I get a lot in, some days not so much).  I too find that therapeutic, but crawling on the treadmill didn't seem to be a good idea.  Get tired of being told being positive works.  When they can measure your muscle and grip strength and quantify how much the taxotere has hurt you all the positive attitude in the world doesn't make you stronger. Just keep counting the days until this is over and my body can start healing itself and recovering.  

  • unique
    unique Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2009

    Hi gals,

    You can sooooo do this. I am in rads right now, a different icky thing, but I just hang in there again like I did thru TC and have fun on the good days. The bad days are for sleeping. The in between days are for catching up on reading.

  • crusader1
    crusader1 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2009

    Hi ,

    Just returned from the Chemo orientation. Many instructions,prescriptions etc. I feel like chemo has begun. We were there for almost three hours. This office works on slow time. MY doctor does not recommend zofran unless you are nauseous. They also don't give activan in the IV. I do have a prescription for compazine. I will take the zofran if I need it. I take four decatron the day before and the day after. BTW what is decatron for.

    Any TCers out there. The nurse said my hair won't come out day 14. Did yours? I thought if you were on TC your hair fell out day 14.

    I am so tired now.


  • Alo123
    Alo123 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2009

    Mine was coming out around 17 enogh that it was showing.  One day it's fine the next day it's coming out.  Crazy.

  • swest
    swest Member Posts: 140
    edited February 2009


    I know it is a lot of information at one time.  My onco. had me taking 2 decadron the day before treatment, 2 the day of treatment and 2 the day after treatment.  I'm not sure what the anti-nausea medicine. I received in my IV the day of tx.  I did get Kytril pills to take starting at 9 PM the night of and every 10-12 hours there after for 3 days.  Should you get the least bit nausea take something or call the dr. office.  Stay on top of it!  I didn't have any problems. 

    As for the hair, mine started falling out on day 14.  It was a slow fall out.  However, I had tingly and sensitive scalp so I went a head and shaved my head.  It gave instant relief.

    Are you doing 4 or 6 treatments?  You can do this! 
