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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited February 2009

    Francine, Decadron is a steroid you take so you don't have an allergic reaction to the chemo drugs (and I think it helps with nausea as well).  I take 2 (am & pm) the day prior, the day of and the day after chemo.  You'll also probably get more steroids thru your IV on treatment day.  The hair thing is weird... you definitely get a heads up because your scalp tingles and feels weird...yeah day 14-17 is average for that to happen.  It's alot of info to absorb... you'll get through it... when's your first treatment?

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited February 2009

    Hi Francine

    I'm gearing up for Tx 5 of 6 rounds of TC.  My hair started falling out in clumps on day 12.  Most people in the Dec. Diva group had their hair start coming out about day 17.  During chemo teach, my nurse told me hair probably wouldn't come out until after the 2nd Tx.  The Decadrone is a steroid that will help with nausea and help control any allergies you might have to the chemo.  It will also get you pretty wired up so don't plan to sleep much on the days that you take it.  I'm surprised that they don't give you an anti nausea med just before chemo.  Be sure to take the compazine as directed.  Even if you don't think you need it.  You want to stay ahead of any nausea.  When is your first treatment?

  • flmomof3
    flmomof3 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2009

    day 2 here after tc round 2, feeling ok but having a little trouble focusing, my typing is off too!! to read through so I will  just ask my question:

    Anyone have  reaction to taxotere during infusion with face flushing hot, stomach and chest pains, and Hiccups??? It stopped as soon as they stopped the drip...they let my blood pressure go down, then started again about 15 minutes later, doubling the saline with the tax.I seemed fine after that.... just hoping it is not a warning of an allergic reaction later on...

    love to all.

    Sue from fl

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2009

    Sue - I had the same reaction at my 2nd TC and they did the same thing.  For the 3rd round they just slowed the drip initially but you have to remind them of what happened this time.  I never had another reaction after that.  Good luck.  Bobbi

  • slortiz
    slortiz Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2009


    I had a very similar reaction during Tx 2 also and slowing the drip and giving Benadryl stopped it and it wasn't a problem during the remaning treatments. I remember reading somewhere that these reactions occur more often at Tx 2, because your body has developed a sensitivity after Tx 1. Just be sure to remind them the next time. It shouldn't be a problem.

  • Lenny
    Lenny Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2009

    I was a frequent visitor to this site during my chemo treatments this past summer.  It was a tremendous help.  During this past year I kept a journal (it actually started several months before I was diagnosed).  I have posted this journal on a blog site at  I offer this as a comfort to any of you as you are going through this time in your life. 

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited February 2009

    Yep, bad allergic reaction to Taxotere here on treatment 2.  I'm hopeful if you have one, you only have one... my 3rd tx is Tuesday.. a little nervous.. hoping they give me extra steroids .....

  • crusader1
    crusader1 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2009


    I wrote a reply a while ago and it does not seem to be here.So here I go again.

    My first of 4 TC's is to begin this Monday. I will keep on top of my meds as I don't really want any unnecessary side effects.I think they might be putting an antinausea drug into the drip.

    I have been very brave throughout this whole journey but I guess the unknown part of this sis scary.

    Thanks SWest. Holtbolt. Firni for your concerns. I will try to be strong.

    I did look for wigs today. Unfortunately it got me more depressed. But I am feeling a little better now.

    Any suggestions will be welcomed.

    Hugs to all.


  • holligoog
    holligoog Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2009

    what is your chemo treatment plan? I am TN also and am trying to decide between AC-T or TC

  • Alo123
    Alo123 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2009

    Holligoog, I'm not tn.but my good freind is and just finished AC-T.   Total of 12 doses every two weeks I believe. 

  • kt57
    kt57 Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2009


    The absolute worst thing about the first chemo for me was the fear of the unknown... I will get my 4th cycle (of 6) of TC this week.  Once if knew what to expect, it has been much easier.   You will get through this.. and if you do get any side effects, just remember... every day gets a bit better and you will feel more and more like yourself before the next round starts.

    Good luck with the's hard to lose your hair, but you will adjust to that too once you get past the initial shock/emotion of it is. 

     I'll be thinking of you tomorrow....  

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited March 2009

    Last night we went out to dinner with some friends and thank God we sat in the far corner of the bar instead of the main restaurant.  This was 3 days after 6 of 6 but I really needed to get out of the house even though I wasn't feeling very good.  I had a few bites of my of my meal  before I was full but decided to sit there and just enjoy everyones company.  I started feeling really hot and uncomfortable and proceeded to pass out.  My DD was sitting several booths down from us with her guy friend and came running.  Very embarrassing.

    Has anyone Else had this problem?

  • hdeall
    hdeall Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2009

    I am 10 days out from my first treatment and had fatigue and then awful bone pain and now i'm feeling fine.  what a weird week...  I have been told that I will probably have 6 treatments, but if my side effects are too much they will stop after 4 treatments.  I know other folks that had 4 treatments and that was it, others have had 6.  Does anyone know how they determine if it's 4 or 6?  I had a very small growth that we are assuming is gone after the mastectomy.  Just wondering...thanks!

  • crusader1
    crusader1 Member Posts: 114
    edited March 2009


    I was  told by my doctor that I could have 4 treatments of TC. If I tolerated them well I could have 6. My numbers were also good and my tumor was a little larger.Yes it does seem that many women do get 4 treatments..I am now in favor of only having four. but we will see.

    I see your numbers are all good but you are triple negative.I think that may something to do with it. Ask your doctor about that.I just checked on the internet and it does seem that this type of cancer is treated more aggressively as hormone therapy will not affect your prognosis.

    Do ask your oncologist.

    Do you have an oncotype score? Those often come to play in the treatment too..

    I think some doctors are also more conservative than others and want to make sure they knock out all this microscopic stuff.

    BTW I begin my first treatment tomorrow.



  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited March 2009

    Renee - omg... sorry you had to experience that!!  Did you come to quickly?  Did you call the doctor about this.. what did they say?

    hdeall -  alot of us are having that discussion/decision.. 4 vs. 6.  They have no studies that currently support 6 is better than 4- so they don't know for sure -but some people I guess are opting for 6 if they can handle it for extra assurance I guess... I'm one who is still trying to figure that out and decide what to do.... I'm surprised with your diagnosis that you are doing chemo at all (DCIS)... is it because you are ER/PR negative?  I just assumed chemo was offered for invasive cancers only but I guess I'm wrong(?)

    Francine - good luck tomorrow...!!!!Smile

  • Genie2
    Genie2 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2009

    Francine, I am thinking of you as tomorrow approaches. If you get a feeling from your dose dispensers that they are "watching" to see how you handle the dose, that they are careful of your reactions, and that they emphasize you are to TELL them how you are feeling, then you'll do fine.  Keep them posted!  Renee, how are you feeling today?  Passing out---Jeeze, Louise!  After all that chemo ! What a way to end your TC saga.  To this discussion group:  Will look forward to more 4 vs. 6 discussion.  It's the reason I found this Web site and discussion group---trying to investigate why 4 TCs and not 6 TCs for me.  Seems like Grade 3 tumors are often 6 doses.  (Although Renee's tumor was a grade 2.)  My oncologist told me that I could have 6 treatments if I wanted them.  He was so thrilled/surprised that I had none of the neuropathy often associated with TC.  He told me that 2 more treatments would "only" improve my chances 1%.  He told me my most important protection against recurrence (50 %) is the aromatase inhibitor that I will take after chemo.  (To start in another 2 weeks.)  Francine, I'm with you tomorrow.  Genie

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited March 2009

    No more fainting today but I'm not giving it a chance to happen again.  Bed rest only.  My appetite has been fine until this last treatment.  Not so the last few days.  It hurts my tummy to eat anything even after extra steroids.  I've gained 15 LBS so far so I'm not going to complain.  As long as I can get in three small healthy meals, I can live for weeks, if not months, off my fat stores.

    Francine....I too would like to see some rhyme or reason to justify the discrepancy.  My onco had recommended 4 until he received my final lab results showing microscopic node invasion.   He did say that the most important treatments are 1 through 4.  Then I told him the most debilitating are 5 through 6.  I suppose he's heard that before.

  • Genie2
    Genie2 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2009
    Renee, my node was "microscopic," too.  (My breast surgeon thought that it was hardly worth treating chemo-wise.)  Rest, read, write, breathe. Genie
  • crusader1
    crusader1 Member Posts: 114
    edited March 2009


    Thks everyone for all the good wishes. Now the weather here in NYC is the most important issue. I have listened to what all have said and think I am prepared..

     HoltBolt--I believe all of us with tumors of any size in contast to those that are called in situ all have invasive cancer.It can be measured in MM or cm. Node involvement does not mean that your cancer is invasive..Invasive means the cancer left the duct or the lobule. If you notice on peoples info it says IDC or ILC on mine. That means invasive ductal carcenoma..or invasive lobular carcenoma. If one has nodes involved the choice of chemo is out of our hands. Nodes do not make the tumor invasive or not. I do hope you understand now.I know this stuff can be very confusing...

    Wish me luck..Hugs to all.


  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited March 2009

    Francine.. no, I understand that... I was directing by comment to Hdeall because her diagnosis is DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) - and that's non-invasive but she's having chemo anyway... that's what confused me.  I had DCIS the first time around - chemo was not involved because it was non-invasive and had not broken out of the duct.  I just wondered why chemo was involved in her treatment.  Good luck tomorrow...

  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited March 2009

    Just wanted to chime in on the 4 vs 6 Tx.  My onc was originally going to have me do 4 TC.  Then my oncotype came back 39 and I'm now getting 6 TC.  I also had one microscopic node.  My onc and breast surgeon told me microscopic doesn't count as node involvement.  I don't think getting chemo had anything to do with the micro involvement.

  • webwriter
    webwriter Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2009

    On the 4 vs. 6 question, for me it was a no brainer. I rejected doing the A because of major heart issues in my family. That left TC.

    I have one positive node. (Not micromets)

    I have vascular invasion.

    I have a Grade 3 tumor.

    I am 41 years old. (recently)

    Oncotype 28 confirmed it.

    We needed to be agressive, but we needed to keep my heart in tip top shape for fighting the family genes. Simple decision in my case. Throwing the dose dense at it is just an "extra" my Onco pulled out of his hat.

  • Genie2
    Genie2 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2009
    I am glad to hear from others who have "microscopic" nodes.  Until ReneeS and Firni, I was the only one I knew with that involvement.  I was not able to get an oncotype score; the tissue just wouldn't test.  Hmmmm............
  • swest
    swest Member Posts: 140
    edited March 2009

    I just recently finished up 4 tx of TC.  When I asked my doctor why not 6 (since I thought I needed the insurance mentally) he said that 4 was sufficient since I had a bilateral mx and no node involvement. 

    Also, I asked my onc. for my oncotype.  He explained that triple negatives cannot get oncotyped.  

  • ginagina
    ginagina Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2009

    I am TC x 4 rounds only (just had #1). My onco told me becuase I bilateral mx as well and no node involvment, BUT because I am PR-, I needed it.  A would be too much...thank goodnesss.  I didn't get my oncotype score becuase we knew we were going to do chemo (also have a family history).   I recently been reading about Ki-67 score, but no nothing about it. Does anyone know how that factors into all this?

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited March 2009

    Web...How is vascular invasion detected?  I saw lots of vascular activity during the Ultrasound.  Is that how they detect it?


  • bookgirl
    bookgirl Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2009

    I'm on my 3rd of 4 missing a period part of SEs?

  • swest
    swest Member Posts: 140
    edited March 2009

    Bookgirl - yes, that is a SE.  Depending on your age, you may not get your period back.

  • Genie2
    Genie2 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2009

    Renee, as far as I know, "vascular invasion" is part of the tumor's lab report:  whether the tumor has "invaded" the tissue around it.  "Clean margins" means, then, no vascular invasion.  At least, that is my understanding.  Genie

  • bookgirl
    bookgirl Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2009

    Thanks swest. Well then, that is a side effect I don't mind! I'll be 50 this week. Never thought I be bald at 50 but got to say I'm kinda liking the feel of a naked head....