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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • nomadnan
    nomadnan Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2008

    Hi, everyone.

    My "nadir" @7-10 days just as the doc promised...after my 2nd tx. It's been a miserable weekend, but the weather is beautiful, and my dog, Murphy, is an even better nurse than he's been before in his 13 years.

    I thought I was through with the crying, but turns out I'm not. It's been a "watershed" weekend, stomach cramps, dizzy, light-headed, achy. And, bad depression, worst yet for some reason. I hate this.

    Sharonw--I hope you're feeling better by now. I think I know what you mean about the accumulation.

    I go tomorrow for my bloodtest, hoping it's okay and I don't have to have that shot again.

    Thanks for all of your for your tips, questions, suggestions, everything. Here are mine, few tho they are:  A friend gave me a Nintendo DS--all kinds of games, some require thought, some not. It's been a wonderful gift (I mentioned it in an earlier post, and do again only because it's been such a lifesaver) I've gone after work both times--so I had my bag in the car with slippers, etc. Of course, things have to be added as we go along--like a warm cap. Banana and other flavored popsicles taste great--cold feels good. Root Beer. Wendy's Frostie. I do best with cool foods. Make a sandwich--it lasts all day.

    SharonS- Knew you'd make that meet--good for you, and for all your friends and your hat party! What a great idea.

    Goldilocks-I say go with that ski mask. You might inspire crooks to confess! I'm glad you're feeling better today.

    And all of you, I'm glad to hear you are doing well, better, or just hanging in there as best you can.

    Have a great week, and best to everyone.

  • bdatlanta
    bdatlanta Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2008

    nomadnan - crying is o.k. just remember that it's only a wave you're going through .  just a wave and it will be over soon. the key is not get drowned in the wave...its just temporary.  My therapist taught my that little mental trick a long time ago and I still use it to get me through the really bad times.

    Had my neulasta shot this morning and now I feel like I have had a very bad deep tissue massage. Upper body is just so sore. 

    Woke up this morning completely nausea and couldn't eat a thig until about 3:30 pm.  Ate some sushi - avocado rolls - and that settled my stomach.  One of my friends later brought me miso soup and more avocado rolls for dinner. Now I can't stop eating. Its 2 am and I'm eating baked ziti - go figure. I think the steriod nausea pills must be still in my system and giving me a serious case of the munchies. Here's hoping that reflux doesn't kick in cause this ziti is great.

    Have a good morning.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited March 2008

    bdatlant:  Do you keep a bottle of Compazine or some other anti nausea meds on hand?  I have a bottle of C and if I start to feel queasy I take one and it helps.  One thing I need to mention - when I started chemo my nurse gave me a sheet and told me there were certain things I had to stay away from - raw fish was one of them.  She said there are bacteria in raw fish and honey could corrupt my system due to the chemo.  You might want to ask your onc - every one is different and we all get different instructions.

    SharonS - How wonderful of your friends to have a "hat" party for you.  I am now looking at scarves since we're heading into spring (I hope) and wigs and some of these fleece hats just aren't going to be comfortable.  I found some cute baseball caps at Kohl's on Saturday during one of their "sales".....$3.99 each and they're great colors. 

    Believer:  Keep on feeling good -

    I am still dealing with the fatigue - and I cannot nap during the day, I just lay down and drift in and out.  Starting radiation sounds less and less appealing since fatigue is the great side effect of that.  Oy.

    Have a wonderful day....we're going from close to 50 degrees yesterday to cold and snowy.  What a Midwest winter this has been.

    ((hugs)) Trina

  • goldilocks
    goldilocks Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2008

    Feeling good today. Guess what, my hubby had me shave his head. So now we look alike, well not really his head is wrinkly! He didn't shave his head the first time, so I thought this quite an honor. Especially since I got to cut it off.  Did have a hard time this morning deciding what to wear. Too many hats, and scarves to choose from. It is raining and cold with possible snow later today so I wore a warm black hat that stands tall. Looks very business like and have already received several compliments. I still get the hot flashes and when that happens, my fans help, but I plan to take off the head gear if I am over cookingTongue out

    So, I am hoping that I feel good for the next several days before the next treatment. Is that how it works? Or am I just kidding myself? I don't know if any of you have heard of the "red kool-aid" but the first time I took chemo, that was a part of my treatment and I lost my hair 3 days after the first chemo.  This seems easier to tolorate so far. Hope everyone's day goes well.

  • sharons
    sharons Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2008

    Went to bed with kind of weird feeling all over....more like a gas pain that wouldn't go away...woke at 1 with bone pain from the top of my head to hips...first tried ativan to sleep...nope...took 1 darvocet...that lasted til 5...took another...lasted til 930...woke up with a need for a BM....made me weak...knew I need some food...made some instant oatmeal with dried cherries and that down...but still feeling a tad weak and my hips are starting to hurt...I had chemo on day 6 for the bone pain?

    It is beautiful today here in the valley...hope I start feeling better so I can go out for a walk.  Will give it another 30 min..then i am getting another darvocet...and will be asleep...don't know why this is underlining????  Hope everyone else is able to enjoy the day.

  • beegirl
    beegirl Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2008

    Hope you're all feeling better today.

    SharonS- A hat party--what a neat idea! People can be so supportive. I got a lap quilt for chemo from a quilt covenant group at church. Hope you feel better as the day goes on.

    nomadnam - I'll have to look for banana popsicles--they sound good.

    Question: Is it the TC or the anti-nausea that cause constipation?After nights 1-4 of laxative/stool softener, then 4 days of diarrhea I began adding fiber back over the weekend but with little action, so yesterday I made a dried fruit compote. I didn't eat much of it, had foul gas, and finally went this morning. Also woke up with a headache so tried my old remedy--fiorinal generic, which seems to be helping.

    My hair is getting like straw (day 12). This morning I trimmed the front because it was so meesy looking. Yesterday I ordered a straight fall (mesh cap with fringe hair) from TLC to wear with

    caps and scarves. I've worn behind-the-ear hearing aids for more than 30 years due to congenital hearing loss and don't like the idea of having them exposed along with the baldness. I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.

    Hang in there!

  • KathyL
    KathyL Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2008

    Hi all!  The fog is slowly lifting.  My knees still ache a little today, but going to try to walk on the TM for a little bit later on.  It's starnge how mving actually feels better than sitting.

    Believer0711: glad to hear you're doing well after tx. 

    SharonS:  What a wonderful surprise party!  I just love hearing stuff like that.  Sorry today is a bad day.  I hope it improves.  I seem to get my bones aches worst from day 3-5, today's day 6 and they're almost gone.  I do know of others that start around day 6 like you though-- they get neulasta also.  Are you getting neulasta?, I can't remember.

    Nomadnan: hope you recuperate soon and your bloodtest comes back high!  I hate that feeling of dizziness, sluggishness, achy also.  The crying added to it doesn't help either, does it?  Just remember there is light at the end of this tunnel and you will make it there.

    Beegirl:  Both TC and the antinauseas can cause constipation-- yay, double whammy!

  • loopyloulee
    loopyloulee Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2008

    Hey everyone!  Post Chemo hair update!  It has been a little over 5 weeks since my last tx, and I can see a five o'clock shadow so to speak on my head.  It is very faint, but none the less there!  Yahoo!  I can't wait till I have a crew cut!

    Hang in there all!


  • 40somethingMom
    40somethingMom Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2008

    starting week 3 of tx#2 almost 1/2 way done!!  It's the week "off" minimal side effects--like having a baby once the pain(SE) are gone ya kinda forget about it when your feeling good--my head still gets cold every night- baldness constant reminder it's not all done-looking forward to joining you Lou!

    all of you in weeks 2 or 3-- I'm praying for you be strong week 3 will come

  • guitarGrl
    guitarGrl Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2008


    Today was the worst I felt yet. I figured that since yesterday (day 3) was so good, I was over the bad part. Nope. And this gets worse as the tx go on??? It even gets worse before this tx settles down? Don't know how I'm going to get through this.

    Have no desire to eat - all I want to do is sleep. - but I know I need to eat to get more energy. Didn't have headaches the last time, but I do this time. Benedryl or some kind of pain killer?

    Good to know that the antinauseas could be the cause of the constipation. I've decided to ride through it. Last time, well let's just say the results of the senekote were too explosive.

    What makes the nose run so much? Boy I'm whiney and cranky today. Sorry guys.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited March 2008

    Lou:  Congratulations on the 5:00 shadow - is it curly?  I crack up everytime someone says to me "....but just think, when it grows back it'll be curly"..........damnit - I don't WANT curly hair - I wear my hair straight and now I'll have to deal with ringlets?  Now if they could say ".....but just think, it'll grow back brown with no gray or white and you'll never have to touch it up again......"  Now THAT I could be happy about!

  • sharons
    sharons Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2008

    Kathy L - yes I got neulasta last wed...blood work tomorrow.  Took a walk with the dog....20 minutes..but I think I will have to tell those neulasta people that the se of mild to moderate bone pain is a bit off...I am a marathoner and this is a bit above moderate...but keeping a smile and glad I got out..warmest weather we have had in a bit...

    guitar 4 was my worst...yesterday better, but today just feel like sleeping again...hang in there...we will all make itCool

  • 40somethingMom
    40somethingMom Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2008
    I feel like I'm in opposite timing of most of you was feeling crappy last few weeks and very pessimistic here is my optimistic side I posted on other thread as well:  I am so empathetic to each and every one of you and your stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Last few weeks I was all about the SE and discomfort, 

    now I will be the optimistic cancer patient since I'm in week 3 of TC heaven of tx #2 1/2 way marker!! and the SE are minimal----

    What is Good About Having Been Diagnosed with BC:

    -my husband has been doing the dishes (occasionally)

    -seeing my kids trying hard to get along with each other

    -less cooking (home deliveries!)

    -not plucked a hair on my chin since tx began

    -opportunity for my children to learn courage & perseverance

    -being faced with evaluating life & acceptance


    -learning to knit

    -see my husband take the vow "sickness & health" without complaint

    -shop & buy like there's no tomorrow

    -meet & have great doctors

    -love & help of family

    -more lasagna

    -no blow dry, cut or color

    -new sofa

    -cuddling up with my dog

    -even more lasagna

    -have in-laws call more often

    -seeing myself bald

    -getting more scarves, hats, xoxxo

    -smooth legs

    -guilt-free excuse for tupperware parties

    -daily fresh flowers for the home from friends

    and-----becoming part of the Sisterhood & Survivor Group - Feb Fighters!Kiss

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2008

    Hey guys - checking in with all.  Hope all are doing well.  Bones are aching but other than that I feel very good.  Just in time for last round!  Today is my son's 21st birthday so now I have something else to worry about!  As Guggerty says, "OY!"  Anyway, sending good thoughts to all as we go through this together.  Keep your collective chins up!


  • Rachelgators
    Rachelgators Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2008

    I have not had much energy for posting here lately, but I have a need to connect. Tx#2 was on Thursday. I laid on the couch all day yesterday; too fatigued to do anything else. Today I went to the ACS Look Good...Feel Better class. It was a lot of fun. My appetite is so-so right now but otherwise doing okay.


  • lotodgs
    lotodgs Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2008

    Well ladies, had the first treatment this am, husband and I were at the hospital early for the port installed, then rested for 1 hour or so, then went on to ocnologis't office, took blood, got that PX filled (steriods) and finally got a chair to start, went fine, do have to go back on Tues for that Neutsla shot, stocked up on ALieve, and other meds i might need. The anixety was not as bad as you all said, just thinking about it, is the worst. I will take 2 xnax tonight for a hopeful sleep. Am going on Wed to get head shaved and pick up Gladys ( that is my wig's name), she will travel with me daily and be my angel until she gets so hot, she will come off and on with the scarves and hats. Take care ladies and sleep well. Tomorrow is another day. Lots of xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxooxox


  • debap
    debap Member Posts: 51
    edited March 2008

    Hi Ladies!

    40somethingMom:  I love the optimism!  I am also a 40-something Mom of 3 boys and I so want to be an inspiration for them.  My 7-year-old had AML and has undergone 2 bone marrow transplants.  His older brother donated his bone marrow both times.  My own bc is so much easier than watching my baby go through that.  I have met the bravest children, I will try my hardest not to complain.  That being said, I don't start chemo until Wed., so we'll see!  Your list is great!!

    Any suggestions for the first time?

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2008

    Wow. I had to go back 3 pages to get caught up!

    I hope everyone is coming out of their bad times, now.

    Debap - What did you decide? I am doing 4 rounds. Last one is Friday! Wrsmith and guggerty are finishing up the same day, I believe! I have heard a lot of women gain about 15 pounds with chemo. But, we are all different and there are so many different cocktails, so who know where they come up with the numbers. I bounce around between 5 and 10 on my in between weeks.

    KathyL - I can't believe you had another reaction. That stinks!  Do you only have one more round? Sorry to hear about your BC friend. I would imagine that would be hard. I have met many women who have had BC both before me and after me, (just heard yesterday about another girl I went to grade school with just found out she has it) but none who have lost their battle. It really does suck how many women this affects and especially how young some are. Glad the Claritin worked for you. I am going to use it again this time.

    Wrsmith - your cry sounds like the one I had on my day 5 this round. I haven't been hit with depression through this but that is exactly how I felt that day and I cried off and on for about 4 hours. I really hope it doesn't get worse with this last round.

    Guggerty - My lashes and eyebrows are hanging in there still too. Did you ever go to the cosmetic counter to get any tips? I have tried using my eyebrow brush, but I swear it just looks like crayon drawing on there and no where near eyebrows! I am feeling the same apprehension on the radiation front. Did you have your appointment with radiation doctor yet? I hope you get past this fatigue, soon.

    Chj - Hope you are feeling better, finally. Is it this Wednesday when you have your treatment?

    Cc01 - congrats on hitting the ½ way mark!

    Guitargirl - my center doesn't have wireless available either. It would sure make the time go much faster. Hope you get over the se's soon. I have had sinus issues the whole time this round. Do you think the headaches could be sinus headaches?  Even with the runny nose I still need to take a decongestant for the headache.

    Goldilocks - that is too funny about the ski mask - especially with working in a court. Hope you are managing the se's well.

    Nomad - sorry about the depression. I just experienced that this last round and I did not like it at all.

    Loopy - did you have any hair when you went to your last infusion? I haven't shaved mine anymore since the first time, I did it. I actually have about ¼ inch of hair all around my head, with a few shorter patches. Not all the same color, but it is there!

    40something - glad you are feeling so well. Enjoy it while you can!

    SharonS - I am impressed that you are a marathoner. I just started running last year and was happy to get to 5K. That is awesome. It is good that you keep trying to exercise - I really think that helps keep the se's a little easier to manage.

    Lotodgs - congrats on getting past number 1. I hope your se's are minimal.

    Has any one else noticed any foot cramps?  For the past few weeks I have been getting them and they are so annoying.

    I am curious where everyone is getting their scarves. I have couple, but I usually where my wig out. Around the house I just where a knit cap. I just don't see me wearing a hat. Today it was so windy I was coming out of Sam's Club and I swear my wig was going to blow away! I had to put my hood up on my coat. So, I am thinking I need to get some more scarves before my kids soccer games move outdoors, cause the wig is just not going to work!

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2008

    debap - I did not see your latest post. I have three boys also. Wow, your family has been through it. I have to ask what is AML? I can't imagine how hard it would be to watch your child have to go through this.

    Rachelgators - glad you made it through #2. Are you doing 4 or 6? I really like that class, too. Hope you keep the se's at bay.

  • guitarGrl
    guitarGrl Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2008

    PALady - not all the hats are those turbans - I've found some really cute ones on (I think that's the name - did a google search on "chemo hats.") I get lots of compliments on the hats from people who don't even know why I'm wearing it.

    But then I'm so discouraged about the wig, I'll use just about anything else. Believe it or not, there's some interesting stuff on Amazon - I was looking for silk scarves to tie around the knitted caps and found a bunch. Just search "silk scarves" & tons of pretty stuff come backs up.

    I may know nothing about side effects, but I do know how to shop!


  • beegirl
    beegirl Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2008

    I was going to ask about the drippy nose. I had that for the first 10 days--never really runny but now and then drippy, so i had to keep tissue with me, which I normally don't do. Then this morning there was a little blood. I just started a new nasal spray, which may be the cause--also may be related to the headache I had this morning. Feels sinusy.

    PAlady - I felt a foot cramp in bed one night and wondered if it was an se. Someone recommended a glass of tonic water a day to prevent leg cramps--may also work for feet.

  • nomadnan
    nomadnan Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2008

    Hello, ladies...

    Not so much energy tonight for anything but wanted to check in.

    The bloodtest was disappointing.

    They did give me the choice of 3 Neupogen (sp?) injections or 1 Neulasta. Now, that Neulasta shot was bad, so I figure I might try this.

    This nurse was so great and I couldn't wait to tell you all: she warms up the stuff before she injects it. I did NOT feel it. She knew she was good (she's a traveler out here who goes everywhere--I told her I will follow her wherever she goes for my injections of any kind). 

    I don't know what to expect from se's but at least I don't have to dread going back for the next 2 days for more.

    I am still not feeling well tonight from the weekend, and I have a headache and all that.

    Thanks for the kind words of encouragement, and to those who are having an off day, we'll just get through the bad ones together. Just like we'll get through the good ones and all of them until we're through with this thing.

    Sleep well, be gentle with yourselves.

  • bdatlanta
    bdatlanta Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2008

    exhausted, but wanted to check in.

    nomadnan - glad you conquered the first tx. the blood tests are always disappointing, just remember its nothing that you are doing wrong or right. it's the damn chemo.

    right now I feel like a Swedish deep tissue massage therapist is sitting on my upper body. Man, I'm really sore to the touch. Never had this se before. 

    Went driving today and that was a big mistake. The seatbelt was beyond uncomfortable. Plus, I had the nervous jittery feeling while driving. I mean I was driving 60-65 mph on the interstate, which on a normal day will get you killed driving so slow in Atlanta, but the traffic was totally freaking me out. And I'm normally a speed demon on an open highway.  So I'm staying away from the wheels until Friday or so.

    No nausea or reflux today. Which is great. and no achy bones. gotta be up all day tomorrow to deal with clients - yeah, that will be interesting...trying to pay attention, stay awake, and resolve their issues. that thought alone cracks me up.

    have a good day ladies.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited March 2008

    Lotogds:  congrats on getting that first tx behind you - I felt like a warrior getting it behind me and not having many s/e's.  The s/e's may not get easier but the process of going and doing it does.

    Susan and PA:  I agree with you on have a nice selection and I'm going to order some scarves that are already tied or come with instructions on how to tie them so they look stylish and not like your grandma's babushka.  Spring will eventually get here and hats are too warm.  Just a note on wigs.....try the Revlon website - they have wigs are are called "alternate" hair - synthetic so easy to manage, approx $100 and believe me they are not only comfortable but look so real that even the hairdressers at the shop didn't know it was a wig.  Just a thought.

    Wrsmith:  My lower back is very achy - I don't know if that is arthritis or s/e's.  I did read somewhere that chemo somehow prevents arthritis from acting up but when you're done the aches are back.  I'm still on chemo so that makes me wonder what it is.  I am still tired tho maybe not as tired as I was last week - perking up just in time for Friday's tx.....but it is MY LAST ONE.

    My mouth is back to sort of normal, at least I don't feel like I just sucked on some styrofoam.  I love the popsicles at night - banana and rootbeer are refreshing. 

    I think the sinus issues are from Taxotere?  Or is it the Cytoxan?  Can't remember but I do know that my chemo nurse always drips it slowly because she told me dripping it too fast gives you sinus headaches and sinus issues.  I sneeze a lot but haven't had any headaches since my first tx.

    Have a good day gals.......((hugs))

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited March 2008

    PALady - I've gotten a few things on, and also on  At tlcdirect I got a hat that's called a "denim crusher" - I bought it in the denim color and like it so much I ordered it in khaki, and probably will get a black one too.  I think those will be nice in the spring - comfortable with good coverage.  I just don't like my wig much, and only wear it to work.  When I leave the office, I take it off and wear my hat home!

    beegirl & others - yes, my nose runs constantly too.  Not sure what that's all about, but there is also less hair in there to catch the drips, so that doesn't help!!

    PALady - you are right, my 3rd (out of 6) tx is tomorrow.  I have been feeling really good for the past few days.  The cold is still hanging some - I'm still a bit congested - but it's only a little bit annoying and not keeping me down at all.  And I'm loving the couple of really nice days we're having!

    Wendy - wow on your son's 21st birthday.  Big milestone!! You don't look old enough... Laughing

    Take care of those se's everyone, and have a great day!!


  • lotodgs
    lotodgs Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2008

    guggerty, what is the brand of the popsicles you buy?I always get the Weight watchers ones, they are good and not full of sugar, and come in chocolate flavors, YUM!!!!take care and have a good day.

    PAlady, congratulations on your last treatament on Friday, what is the next step for you? Have had a little dirrareah in the past few hours, will get some Imodomium this am.So worried about the constipation, filled up on those drugs. Take care.

  • KathyL
    KathyL Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2008

    Hi girls!  I had some catching up to do!  It's been busy on here.  I'm feeling good today, probably my first "normal feeling" day since last week's round.  The heart palpitations returned last night though and really freak me out, though my onc does not appear concerned about them.  Maybe it's part of chemopause??  I do not have the hot flashes (yet?).

    Loopyloulee:  great news about the hair!  I have a little golden colored fuzz, but still have one round to go, so I doubt it'll hang on.  Just nice to know it will grow back :)

    Guitar:  Day 4 seems to be my worst.  Sleep and drink is what you need most.  Eat just little snacks when you are awake- I live on crackers, pretzels, soup that day.  I also have the drippy nose-- it's the cytoxan (I've asked)!

    40somethingmom:  loved your list!

    Wendy:  the end is in sight, hang on!

    lotodgs: hope this week goes ok for you with SEs... we're here for you.

    PALady:  yes, I have one more round to go on March 19.  Thank God!  I can't wait to be done and start really recuperating.  I got my hats/wigs from the cancer center and a nearby BC boutique.  I love a website The boutique gets stuff from there, too.  They have a cover called the "beaubeau" which I LOVE-- I have 5-6 of them.  If it's cold, I layer with a plain cap underneath one.  I think they'll be really nice once it's warmer out.

    Nomadnan:  Low counts are so upsetting, I know!  But remember, it really is normal and they will come back up.  I get the Neulasta so let me know if you have questions.

    Hope everyone has a good day.  It's supposed to be 60s in DE today!  Yay!!!

  • sharons
    sharons Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2008

    40 something...I loved the list...thank you

    PA Lady - trying to keep moving, read yesterday where wt training is beneficial as well. Just got back from my 2 mile loop...walking...but a workout.  The weirdest thing about this is that I have probably been in the best shape of my life mentally, physically, and I love my job these last two years...then I get cancer....

    Going to try and get out of the house today...Everyone hang in there..

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited March 2008

    Yes, 40something - I forgot to comment on your list.  On my list, I'd have to substitute "baked ziti" for "lasagna".  We're getting a lot of that.

  • goldilocks
    goldilocks Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2008

    WOW! It is great that everyone is keeping in touch. Everyone's posting give me such a warm fuzzy family feeling.  Thank you everyone for such great support and virtual hugsKiss

    I am feeling pretty good today. I was not able to keep my eyes open after dinner last night. I would watch bits and pieces of a show and drift off again. Hubby didn't care, he said just relax and rest.

    40somethingmom: Your posting speaks volumes. I still haven't been able to quite realize what foods are best for me, but I am hooked on Applebee's cheese and broccoli soup.

    I had a wig that was purchased the last time I went through this, but back then my hair was brown..have colored and changed dramatically. So when I pulled the wig out, I put it on and got the best laugh. I looked very different, a stranger. I threw the thing back in the bag. A bit later hubby came out of the bathroom with the silly thing on.  He looked like James Brown, and he started singing, "I feel good". I was laughing so hard I started crying.  That was true entertainment. He decided that he really shouldn't wear the wig to work. Thought all you would get a laugh.

    I am still having rouble with the reflux. Does this go on the entire time?  I have only had one treatment and the reflux is extremely strong in the evenings. I am taking mylanta if there is anything better;please advise.  Other than that I am currently holding my own.

    Loopyloulee: Great to hear about the hair. We are never happy with what we have. We just miss it when we don't! Go figure.

    My next round is next Friday. My birthday is the day before, so I am hoping to be in pretty good shape to celebrate with a nice dinner out.

    Ladies, take care...have the best day possible we are here together for one another...smileCool