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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • lotodgs
    lotodgs Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2008

    PA lady,  13 years ago when i was diagoniased, I had 6 months of Chemo and 6 weeks of radiaiton with NO side effects. My cancer this time is in the deep muscle wall of the same breast. Those steriods are keeping me so wired, haven't slept well in 2 nights, went to work for abot 5 hours this am and then just had to come home and rest. Any suggestions, I take xnax at night, should have taken 2 instead of 1.

  • Believer0711
    Believer0711 Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2008

    Chj, ok, before they gave you 4AC 13 years ago, did they say something like "your recurrence risk is 25%, but with 4AC will drop to 10%"? I'm just wondering what your risk is now, after 13 years? Supposed to go lower after you pass a certain period right? Also, if Taxotere was available then, would recurrence have been lower? And since you're getting Taxotere now, your risks will be greatly reduced right?

    Sorry, I just have all these questions in my head...

  • 40somethingMom
    40somethingMom Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2008

    PALady-thanks yes, my liver enzymes came back about the same a little high onc says we watch it she does not want them to go up any more. I do not have my # in front of me but I think mine was 95 does not sound nearly as high as yours does everyone have same scores or does it depend on body size ...just wondered-- Someone describe heartburn they get, I told my onc I have heavy chest and some tightening in my throat, she said she wanted me to first try a antibiotic for yeast/thrush( I know a lot of you have also had) and if it does not go away in a few days try the prilosec for heartburn, I've never had it so I don't know if that is what I'm having but it's been 3 days on the antibiotics and sure still feels the same like a brick on my chest, I guess I'm jumping the gun asking because I went ahead and took a prilosec and it's only been an hour but has not changed still heavy tight chest

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited March 2008

    Believer, I honestly don't remember if they gave me any percentages on my risk back then.  I had an oncologist who was absolutely wonderful - young, really on top of things, and so personable.  I pretty much trusted her to recommend and do the right thing.  Wish she wasn't 2 hours away from where I live now or I would have gone back to her in an instant!  This time I'm at a place where they have a group approach to diagnosis and treatment plans, and again, I am just trusting them.  I've read a lot of good things about Taxotere, and hope it will give me lots more time.  I guess the whole percentage thing just doesn't matter much to me - no matter how high or how low, you could fall into any range!!  I just can't stress about it, I just do what seems right and trust God for my future.

    Not much help for your question, I know!!  Smile


  • Believer0711
    Believer0711 Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2008

    Chj, you're right. The numbers are just estimates, and each case is always different anyway. Trusting God is the best thing we can do. He's always been in control. Every night I pray that the Lord will give our doctors wisdom and understanding, and that He'll help us get through this. 

    Thanks for sharing!

    God bless you,


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited March 2008

    PA - Your last tx is today?  I thought it was tomorrow.....well, congratulations! 

    I had my radiation consult BEFORE I started chemo - the group of docs from the radiologist to the breast surgeon to the medical onc to the rad onc are all tied in together and I think they all bike together on Sunday mornings....they seem to discuss the BC patients so that before you get to the next step that doctor already knows about you, has your file, etc.  My BS told me to see the rad onc for a consult immediately - so I did.......a couple of weeks ago radiation called me to set up my tattoo session and schedule my first rad tx which will be the 25th......I haven't even had my post chemo session with my med onc but I suppose we'll get that scheduled since tomorrow is my last chemo tx.  My med onc speaks with the rad onc on a regular basis.

    Someone asked what kind of popscicles I get - since I only really enjoy the banana and rootbeer I get the Northstar - no they are not sugar free but since I've gained about 9lbs already what's the difference if I have one that has 45 or 60 calories versus none IF I prefer the flavor and my mouth feels like styrofoam?  I'll worry about it later.

    I'm ready for my last tx tomorrow - have grapes, cottage cheese, pineapple, pudding and yogurt and oh yeah, some fig newtons because someone told me they help "regulate" you and even tho that's a fallacy, they taste good.  When they give me those steriods pre tx my appetitite goes sky high.

    Good luck to all.....Trina

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2008

    40Somethingmom:  I have a heavy chest but have never mentioned it to my doc.  I have trouble catching my breath during my bad days and then it slowly gets better.  I just figured it was a side effect of the poison?  Wish I could help more.

    Guggerty: I will be in the chair at about the same time as you tomorrow - will send good thoughts your way.  My hubby and I are going celebrating after I get out of the chair and I may drink myself silly!  My onc doc says, "Whatever gets you through!" 

    I am so happy to be getting done with this and am looking at rads as it will be a breeze!  I sure hope so anyway.  Will call and setup tatoo appointment tomorrow.  Already had consult with radiologist and I like her very much.

    Ya'll think of me this weekend - my hubby is going out of town on a dog trial and made me call my mom to come babysit me.  I kinda dread it because she was so against me doing chemo but maybe she'll be on her best behavior?!  She has actually been really good lately so maybe she'll see me looking like a vegetable and will leave me alone about it.  She says she is coming to help me. 

    I expect lots of sleeping on Sunday and Monday and hopefully by Tuesday I can work from home.

    Good luck to all who are having another treatment soon and to those who are suffering - I feel your pain and am sending good positive thoughts your way.  We will get through this!

    Hope you are feeling well, CHJ, after your most recent treatment.   I noticed you said "back to work" so am guessing that so far you are good.

    PALady - are you tomorrow also?

    Love to all - cheers!

  • goldilocks
    goldilocks Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2008

    The first time I had bc I did everything. Chemo and the radiation. The radiation seemed like such a breeze after the chemo. I did make sure that I applied the Aquafor(spelling?) after each rad treatment. I did burn some but it was not bad. Due to having done the radiation on my right side (lumpectomy)the first time there was not enough strong tissue to have the "tummy tuck" procedure for reconstruction this time. The ps said that if I went that route I had a strong possibility that the tissue would die and then I would need to wear a prosthesis. Not particularly interested in having my boob fall off. Embarassed So radiation can have its down side, but there were other choices. I pray for all of you and good luck to everyone during each and every treatment.

    I feel really tired and my stomach is a bit tight. Is this a se? All my body hair is now pretty much just falling off.  I take my 2nd round next Friday. Thought I was suppose to be feeling good until my next treatment. Guess that was wishful thinking. Please share if this is normal.

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2008

    Sharon - there may be a lucky few who don't lose all their hair. I never lost all of my hair, but it was patchy enough I didn't want to have to deal with it. Who know what it would have looked like if I hadn't shaved it.

    Believer - I just talked to my onc today about the BRCA test. They were looking into seeing if insurance will pay for it. When I go in tomorrow for my chemo they will let me know. If it is covered, which I am quite sure it will be, then I am going to have it done.

    Lotodogs - what kind of chemo did you have to have for 6 months? That must have been awful. I'm glad you didn't have side effects. Did you have a lumpectomy again or masectomy? Can you have radiation a second time? I just started my steroids for tomorrow -so I will be with you on the no sleeping. I take xanax too. The doctor gave me a scrip for ambien to, but I haven't tried them yet.

    Guggerty - My last one is tomorrow. They make me come in for bloodwork and to see the dr. the day before. I start at 2:00. How about you? My appetite goes way up to with these dumb steroids. I see my radiologist on the 20th. So not sure how long it will take them to get me set up. It was so weird today as I don't see my onc again until May. I almost felt like crying - like I was being let out into the world with no back-up plan.

    I think the heavy chest is an se. I had it for one day and mentioned it today and onc wasn't surprised. I also told him I have been having a feeling like my thighs are thick or heavy. Said that should go away about a month out from the last chemo. I forgot to mention the dumb foot cramps though.

    Wendy what time do you go in tomorrow?  Can you believe we are almost done?!! I hope your mom is good to you this weekend.

    Goldilocks - what kind of chemo did you have the first time?

    I wondered about the body hair. I haven't lost any hair on my arms and my leg hair is still growing. I still have facial hair too. How about everyone else?

  • lotodgs
    lotodgs Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2008

    PAlady, i think I had the cmf, the last time I was the sole caregiver to my mom who was in a nursing home from a major stroke, could not talk or walk, so I was very careful in my care, as I didn't want to change our times together, etc. She was 45 when she had me, and said she didn't know what to do the first 20 years and didn't know how she would have managed the last years of her life. I am now 48 and miss her so miss, it will be 7 years this year since she died. SO, back to the radiation, my ocno/rads doesn't think I will need the radiation, that the TC will take care of the tumor, he will have to be very carefuly if radiation does occur, since that area had been radiated 13 years ago, so will see what happens. Take care and keep in touch

  • guitarGrl
    guitarGrl Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2008

    PAlady - I'm not wearing the scarves alone - I wear them as decoration for the soft knitted caps. This way I get a bit of height like hair, but what you focus on are the scarves that are wraped around my head not the little hat.

    Just the scarf didn't work for me in the 70s - won't work now.

  • KathyL
    KathyL Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2008

    Hi everybody.  Looks like we've been chatty today. 

    SharonS:  I didn't lose my hair until day 19 after the 1st cycle, and like PALady it really didn't all come out but was patchy, so I shaved it off.  Now I have some growing in, some coming out-- I look like a baby bird.  It's ridiculous.  When I'm all done later this month, I may shave/cut it so it's all the same length to grow in.  Your party sounds like it will be fun.  I love tacos!

    Believer: I got the BRCA test done through a genetics counselor I saw at my cancer center.  My BC surgeon sent me there at the same time she sent me to my onc.  I'm sure your onc could order it for you.

    lotodgs:  Try taking your second dose of 'roids earlier, like in the afternoon instead of evening and see if that will help you with the insomnia.

    PALady:  I hate the whole hair thing-- it's so weird!  My arm hair hasn't fallen out at all.  My eyebrows have thinned a little on the edges, and maybe my lashes some but they're light and short anyway so I can't really tell.  The pubes are mostly gone-- looks like a bad wax job!  Leg hair and armpits keep growing back, but slowly-- I have to shave about once every 3-4 weeks. 

    Congrats to PALady, Wendy, and Trina for finishing chemo this week-- huge milestone, girls :)

    Gotta go, almost time for American Idol!

  • Believer0711
    Believer0711 Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2008

    Congratulations, PALady, Wendy and Trina! Stay healthy, come back and see us Kiss

    KathyL, PALady, yea, I will definitely ask my onc about BRCA next week. Thanks for the tip.

    Speaking of American Idol, I'm happy with the results! I can't wait to watch the Top 12 next week!

    Good night ladies, and sleep well.

    Love and blessings,


  • jt1945
    jt1945 Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2008

    Day 2 of first TC was OK.  Felt OK but very tired.  I took a Benedryl last night so I got a good nights sleep.  Got the Neulasta shot today.  It was given in the saggy flesh of my upper left arm.  It guess that is a good use for that flesh!

    When I went to a Cancer Support Group meeting a couple weeks ago I was informed that breast cancer patients can get a free wig that is paid for by the Susan B. Komen Foundation.  Those of you who are in the wig market right now should check that out.  Ask at the Amercian Cancer Society.  I was able to get a voucher that I took to our great wig and styling salon and got a great head of hair and personalized attention.  The guy who owns the salon does the "Feel Better, Look Better" programs for the ACS here in my town.  My wig consultant had had BC when she was 23 and knew all about living with no hair.  She is now 33.  They also have a great selection of head wraps, comfort caps, hats and hairpieces to put under the hat rims.  The money I didn't have to spend on the wig I am using for 'accessories'.  The ACS also had a limited selection of wigs and accessories, but I like the salon where there was lots of choices.  I did end up with my own hairstyle and color.  They said that when the hair goes it is more comforting to wear a wig that looks like the old you.  I did try on some other funky stuff, but the older face didn't go with the hair.  Oh well!

    I picked up a 'Heal' magazine at the onc's office today and there was an article about the late effects of chemo and radiation on lungs and hearts especially from the drugs and that are used for treating BC.  My onc had told me about the Adriamycin but the C and T and are also culprits.  Radiation also does residual damage.  You are d----- if you do and d----- if you don't.  Doctors are much more aware of the issue now and keep the doses at a better level, but some people treated 20 and 30 years ago are having heart and lung issues now.  Sorry for this depressing report.

    Hope everyone has a good night and a good Friday.

  • bdatlanta
    bdatlanta Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2008

    Welcome newcomers. I'm sure in your wildest dreams you never thought you would be on this chatboard...but now you're part of a bigger family, so welcome!

    Its Day 3 after the Neulasta shot and I have just gone through the 24 hour Neulasta hell. Same se as the first 2 tx - 24 hours of excruciating spine pain. The Claritin regiment did not work at well.

    It was so bad that I woke my mom up at 4 am yesterday morning (being 38 yrs old I still have that privilege). Not that my mom could easily rush over - she's in New Jersey and I'm in Atlanta. But I just needed to hear her voice while I was in the paralyzing pain. God bless her because I have a zero pain threshold and I'm a cranky SOB when the meds don't work. I slept through today, Woke up every 4 hours to take Advil and that was about it. Felt bad for my doggie cause her momma couldn't descend the stairs and let her out. Luckily my nephew came over around noon and took over doggie duties.

    Go to my onc tomorrow morning to find out my WBC. Hopefully the Neulasta would have done its job.

    So I was thinking of having a big "end of chemo" party after I finish my last round on March 20th. One of my friends said that it might "jinx" it. WTF? Apparently she doesn't quite get it - nothing "jinxes" cancer - it happens all by itself. After reading all the comments in the last 24 hours, I'm now more determined to having my "end of chemo" party. And then I'm going to have an "end of radiation" party.  I'm not waiting 5 years to celebrate this crap being over with - you never know what might trigger it again. As much as I like my chemo nurses I would prefer to never see them again.

    Its 2 am , going to take another round of Advil, play a video game, and hopefully that will tire me out.

    Check in with you ladies in the morning hours.

  • PAlady
    PAlady Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2008

    Lotodgs - sounds like you had a great relationship with your mom. Woke at 5:15 thanks to the steroids. (I am not a morning person)!

    Jt - the lung issues are what are stressing me about the whole radiation thing right now. Especially since I had clean margins on a 1.2 cm tumor, no lymph node involvement and I did the chemo.

    Guitargirl - "Just the scarf didn't work for me in the 70s - won't work now."  That just made me laugh!

    Bdatlanta - I think cancer IS the jinx!

  • sharons
    sharons Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2008

    Good Morning All

    PA Lady, Wendy and you woke up with a big woohoo about today being the last treatment -congrats to you

    Someone bought be a couple of Buff headwears at an outdoor store...they can be made into a lot of different looks and feel good...the hubby and I had fun playing with them last night and taking pictures...seems we do a lot of things just for giggles - kind of like when we were younger....guess I can thank cancer for bringing that back to us....

    Have a great day and se free weekends!

  • KathyL
    KathyL Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2008

    Checking in quickly before I head out... I GOTTA get out of this house today before I go nuts.

    JT:  would be very interested to know what the article said about heart/lung effects from TC.  What have they found happens long term from it all? 

    bd: sorry claritin did not help you :(  Do you have anything stronger than advil laying around (I have all kinds of left-overs from my surgeries)?  I'm thinking, like percocet?  And hey, I'm 37! I'll be 38 in December.  And my bro lives in atlanta-- he goes to emory for PA school, will be done this year.  I'd love to get down there to visit him sometime (and could say hi to you, too).  But it's tough planning with a family of 4, and oh yeah cancer's been my major social thing for the past 7 months.  I'm thinking maybe the fall or next year sometime.

    As for your friend.. I agree, WTF???  Party on, and celebrate each milestone!  I plan on doing something after chemo's done, when my boob is done (I still need my nipple done, chemo put that on hold), and probably each "year" milestone after!  We're also going to have a big party/open house this summer to thank everyone that has helped or supported us along the way.  Party, party, party!

    Have a great day everyone.

  • goldilocks
    goldilocks Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2008

    PAlady; don't remember what type of chemo I had the first time. Only remember that there were 3 drugs involved. The strongest that they always referred to as red Kool-Aid. It was actually that color. My hair fell out 3 days later. ALL my hair. Was slick as a baby behind.

    I personally believe that I don't remember because I just did what I had to do, and wanted to just get past it.  I didn't join any groups and pretty much winged the whole thing.  Denial is a wicked thing. I now know better. There is a great support network out here and I am very happy to be a part of this one. Thank you all!

    I absolutely agree on the celebrations! I didn't make the 5 year mark so there wasn't the party, and this time I don't plan on waiting.

    KathyL: My chemo also put my completion of reconstruction on hold. The ps said that it is actually better because it gives all the scars time to become softer, so that everything will look more natural for the end result. I myself don't particularly plan on the "nipple" because after studying options if the nipple is made it will always have the look of "being cold". That look is not really what I want, however I do want the color difference. It is individual preference.

    Hope everyone gets through the se this weekend without many challenges. I woke up extremely stiff and achy.  However, the weather here is snow and ice-breaking records. So I think it may just be my arthritis.

    Congrats to all the sisters that have finally crossed the final frontier. We salute you.Smile

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2008

    Guys - I'm done with chemo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't believe it!  I don't ever (Lord willing and the creek don't rise) have to go see those chemo nurses again!  And they are great - don't get me wrong.  I think I'll send them something saying thanks!

    First trip with Radiologist on Monday - not sure they will tatoo me at that time because I can't actually start until the last week in March.  Anyway, wanted to say hey to all!  Hope all are feeling well on this day.  Love and positive thoughts sent to you.

    Cheers - I'm off to drink myself silly!


  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited March 2008

    Way to go, Wendy!!!  I'm really happy for you.  I know it's been a rough road at times, and hopefully it will be nothing but up, up, up from here!

    Keep us posted on how everything goes with rads, lots of us will be following you there, too.  

    Love, CHJ 

  • goldilocks
    goldilocks Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2008

    Just received this email and am not able to include the pictures, but this is a wonderful story and I needed to share this with all of you.


    There is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse.  But if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing. Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home for him.

    This alone is amazing. If you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell. Looking around for the source of the sound, you will see that it comes from the smaller horse in the field. Attached to the horse's halter is a small bell. It lets the blind friend know where the other horse is, so he can follow.

    As you stand and watch these two horses, you'll see that the horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse, and that the blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to where the other horse is, trusting that he will not be led astray.

    When the horse with the bell returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, it stops occasionally and looks back, making sure that the blind friend isn't too far behind to hear the bell.

    Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges.

    He watches over us and even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in need. Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing bell of those who God places in our lives.

    Other times we are the guide horse, helping others to find their way....Good friends are like that... you may not always see them, but you know they are always there.

    Please listen for my bell, and I'll listen for yours.

    And remember... everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

    Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly....Leave the rest to God.


    Congrats Wendy and good luck!

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2008

    Goldilocks - that was beautiful and so appropriate.  I have said many times that you ladies keep me sane and if it weren't for you guys and my hubby I would never have made it this far!  It HAS had its moments, CHJ, but I am one step closer to being able to start LIVING again - really living, not existing!  And CHJ, I will hang around to see you at the end of yours also.  Its the least I can do after all you have done for me.

    Thank you - you guys have surely been the horse with the bell for me!


  • Believer0711
    Believer0711 Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2008

    Wendy, you're almost at the homestretch! My prayer for you is that you'll stay well and cancer-free forever and ever.

    Goldilocks, thanks for sharing that wonderful story...brought tears to my eyes. It's really amazing how God brought us all together.

    Love and blessings,


  • lotodgs
    lotodgs Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2008

    Wendy, congratulations on being done with Chemo, drink yourself silling, I love mojitos, have one for me. ENjoy the little things in life each day, I never thought about it, that much until now. Went to work for about 7 hours today, have a little stomach discomfort, but not that big a deal, just suck on a roloaid. Have a good weekend, and party , party.

  • 40somethingMom
    40somethingMom Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2008

    I am very depressed today, I started my period again, like some of you who have mentioned I too seem to have my period just before every tx!  I used a super tampon and bled right though while shopping.  I am anxious about  tx 3 next Tuesday as 2 was so much worse than 1.

      I called the Walgreens to make sure my Emend would be ready (they told me last time they would put it on automatic refill-their suggestion by the way) well they did not, when I called the lady tells me "We need to order that it might be ready on Monday"  I said, I need it on Monday can you make sure, "It might, you'll have to call me later," she says,   well I hang up thinking this sucks, maybe I have to go somewhere else there must be a billion drugstores in the metro area right, well then the phone rings a half hour later and I get an auto call back and the message says "Your order has been placed and will be delayed--that's it nothing else"  What the hell I think, so I drive up there to talk to someone face to face maybe take my script somewhere else and the woman who I talked on the phone looks up and says "Oh I talked with you, I have your order here it will be ready tomorrow"  I said are you sure or I will have to take it somewhere else if not I'll need it for Monday, "she says it will be ready tomorrow afternoon" She made no apology she did not even flinch--and went back to her work-- Now why couldn't she tell me that on the phone!!!!!!!!!!! What is up with insensitive people these days, she has to know I need the drugs because I'm on Chemo and she sees me in a scarf bald and she doesn't even say I am sorry you drove up here! I am hormonal I guess being I started but I think she was like my Not so warm and fuzzy Nurse  I had tx1  boy if I get one more person like this I will just loose control.

    Yes, welcome to you ladies just joinin! The comments on this thread have been helping me get through all of this.  I think I have to look at my "what's good about having been diagnosed with BC" list today to turn my mood around.

    I too will have the BRCA test, my onc. ordered it, we definitely  want to know having a daughter.

    I took the prilosec twice now and still have the tight heavy chest with throat tightness?  guess now that I really zone in on it, I might call it a burning, I'm thinking it's heartburn, maybe I need to cut down on coffee and watch what I eat as well. it sure is annoying. This week I can actually taste my food and I know next week I'll be back to blah bland food again.

    I am happy for all of you moving to tx 4 Congratulations!  Keep us posted on how you are all doing. 

  • 40somethingMom
    40somethingMom Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2008

    Yes--I did not mean to be insensitive myself,  Wendy I am truly sooo happy for you ---your post was not up before I started writing my depressing book, sorry about that guys!

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2008

    40Something - you are not being insensitive and deserve to feel however you feel.  If there are ever any people that will understand then this is the place.  I am sorry that you are not feeling well and do not mean to be insensitive to you all that aren't feeling well.  If I came off that way then I apologize.  I understand all parts and pieces since I have felt them all.  And I have been lucky - I know that and embrace that I was given an easier row to hoe, so to speak.

    Much love to you 40somethingmom.  This too shall pass and I do mean that!

  • guitarGrl
    guitarGrl Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2008

    A not-quite-off-topic question: have any of you flown since you became bald? What I'm most concerned about is will they make me take off the hat? I don't want to stand in the eternally slow waiting line bald.

    And ... when baseball season starts at the end of this month - if you are bald, do you have to take your hat off when they play the national anthem?

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited March 2008

    40something....Take a DEEP breath, It'll get better. You sound mad enough to pull your hair out. And you have every right too. If anybody touched my barf drugs I'd cut their hand off. I just wanted to add that what you may be feeling has something to do with thrush.This can go up and down in your esophogus. It gives you the feeling of the throat almost wanting to close a little and it can make talking uncomfortable at times. I got that years ago when a doc persrcibed antibiotics three times in a row. It whiped out all the good cells in the digestive system and worked it's way,throat, mouth.

    , This is what chemo does as well. I think being treated for Thrush related symtems is what you need.

    Accually when the nurse went over all the se yesterday that is one she talked about and I told her "I'D BETTER NOT GET THAT". It was accually rather hellish. Hope this helps. Artsee