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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900
    edited August 2020

    I found many useful suggestions when I went through chemo in 2016 , Tiffany's Terrific Tips. It is where I found out about Cold Capping. It was DYI since DigniCap not available where I lived. Oncologist and surgeon were supportive, even though the clinic could not do anything to help. I would be their first patient to try cold capping. Also only did TC. Oncologist wanted to add a 3rd drug, but when I found out that 10% or more start having heart issues, I said no.

  • smittyclay
    smittyclay Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2020

    I am starting 4 rounds of Taxotere and Cytoxan on 8/14. I am very anxious and nervous. There are so many side effects and I am not sure what to expect. I will be using the Dignicap. Fingers crossed that I can save some of my hair. Smile

  • kmom57
    kmom57 Member Posts: 181
    edited August 2020

    smittyclay....I am new to it myself (Day four of round 1) so I have no expert advice (except take an electric blanket if they allow it — the Dignicap makes you supercold). I just wanted to encourage you. I was so terribly scared, but the reality was far far far less awful than my imaginings. You can do it.

  • suz_eee
    suz_eee Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2020

    Hi Nan. Good to hear from you. I am coming up on 4 weeks past done out this Thursday and I am also having some issues with fatigue. I expected to feel a lot better by this point, but I am still dragging. I am also having some sort of asthma issue. I have never had asthma before. Before surgeries and chemo I was sick the first 3 weeks of March with what I believe was COVID. I was never tested. I was very sick and had a horrible cough for weeks. The pulmonologist thinks that having chemo following COVID is what brought this asthma on. Hopefully it will fade away. It is scary being short of breath, and feeling that tightness in your chest. So, I have that, plus and still very fatigued. I also and still getting achey in the evenings and exercising is tough with the asthma. I do a wimpy 30 minute workout each day. I guess I need to be patient. This healing may take a while.
    I also have had pain in my fingernail beds. They look worn and have weird lines on them. I was worried that I might lose some, but they seem to be settling down now. I put a cuticle care balm on them a few times a day and keep them trimmed short. Hopefully yours will settle without falling off too. And, like you I ended up with an extra 10 pounds. Although 4 of those dropped off this past week. So, I think some of it may be water retention from treatment. I think we need to try and be patient and give ourselves a few months to start to feel normal again.

    Kmom, Glad your first infusion went as well as can be hoped. I am also glad you were able to figure things out with your daughter so you could stay connected. I never iced my hands and feet until round 4. I felt tingling after round 2 and a lot more after round 3. So I iced during round 4. And I didn't do it perfectly. I just kept the slippers and mittens on until they thawed and that was it. I haven't had any tingling since. If you are icing then hopefully you won't have any long term problems. Get ready for some shitty days. But they will pass. I think for most of us 3-7 are rough. Then it gets a little easier each day. I tried to think of it as having the flu. 4 times. :)

    Hi Sabrina!


  • smittyclay
    smittyclay Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2020

    Thank you so much KMom57 for the words of support. I have my patient education call on 8/6 so I hope to get more info on the prescribed dosage. How long did your treatment take

  • kmom57
    kmom57 Member Posts: 181
    edited August 2020

    smittyclay...I was there from 8 to 4, but about 2 hours of that was lab and waiting around. Think we got started getting the iv in and cap on around 10 or so. Pre-meds were around 30 mins, then taxotere maybe hour and a half or two hours (I don't recall), then about an hour I think for cytoxan, the 2 hours post cooling, then about 20 minutes to reacclimate the cap. All told, I think I was in the cap for about 5-6 hours. I was home by 4 ish. They did tell me the second infusion would be a shorter day as they don’t have to titrate the taxotere so slowly as the first time.

  • keepingcalm
    keepingcalm Member Posts: 79
    edited August 2020

    Hi everyone,

    Sorry to have been MIA! I’m 3 weeks post final chemo and doing quite well all things considered. I have a follow up with my MO this week to check my blood work and find out what endocrine therapy I’ll be doing. Nan and Suzy, will either of you be doing endocrine therapy and have you started yet?

    Nan, I am so sorry to hear about your ER ordeal. I hope you are feeling much better this week! I had a near ER visit after cycle 2 for my presumed port infection and then landed in the ER cycle 3 after that fainting episode I had. Kind of feels like once you’re in the system for one thing it’s one thing after another! Fingers crossed we can all look toward recovery and distance ourselves from the ER

    Kmom, hope you’re doing okay. It can feel like such a slog getting through the chemo but once you’re on the other side you will definitely begin to feel a little better!

    If any of you have been reading the May 2020 chemo group, PJAL set up a private FB group to keep in touch. If you’re interested, you can send her a private message through this sight with your email address.

    Hope everyone is hanging in

  • IsMe
    IsMe Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2020

    hi, I have questions... after the infusion normally the nurse will drip in some liquid for flush.. what is that for?

  • sabbymama
    sabbymama Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2020

    Do you have a port or an IV? I am not a nurse so I am just guessing, but my understanding is that the flush clears out the vein/artery and moves the meds along so that you do not develop a clot at the site of the IV. It is also helpful to have the additional fluids to keep you hydrated. If it concerns you, I would certainly ask your nurses at your next infusion and I'm sure they can explain it :).

  • IsMe
    IsMe Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2020

    hi Sabbymama, I had IV. Is not a concern but I just done round 3 a week ago. Just that I found my timing for SE to kick it this round is different with the first two round. I am trying to figure out what are the different variables happens during the infusion. For the first two round I feel extremely tired and weak from day 4-9. With other SE. But as for now for round 3, I didn’t really feel that yet. Feel strange. Still there are some SE but not as bad as first two round... wonder is it before I have longer flush this round after the infusion. I use the whole bag for flushing compared to first two round which I only flush for 10min

  • sabbymama
    sabbymama Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2020

    Interesting.... I had somewhat different SEs with each round, but usually the time frame was pretty consistent. Days 4-7 were just awful! I'm glad you are feeling less weak with round 3 :). Maybe those extra fluids really help?



  • smittyclay
    smittyclay Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2020

    Hi KMom57, so your estimate was dead on. I had my first treatment yesterday. I got there about 8:30 and was done at 3:30. Along with the Dignicap, I also iced my fingers and toes during the Taxotere infusion. My teeth were chattering but I was able to endure the uncomfortableness. So far so good with no issues of nausea or vomiting.Thank GOD! 1 treatment down, 3 to go. Faith over Fear!

    Prayers for everyone having to go through this. We got this!

  • CCGirl
    CCGirl Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2020

    Hi there everyone,

    Week 6 after my last infusion. Am feeling a lot better, sleeping okay, and getting some of my energy back. Started walking again - not as much as before, but more than I was. And today, it was a lot cooler, which is really nice! But I’m definitely having problems with neuropathy - both of my feet are numb from the balls of my feet up to my toes and now they’re getting puffy and swollen. I’m wondering, does anyone else have problems with edema in their ankles and feet? I’ve never had this before except when pregnant, so I don’t know what to do about it other than elevating my feet. My MO sent me to a cardiologist for an echo cardiogram. My heart is fine. I’m just wondering if there’s something wrong with my legs or is this a normal side effect of Taxotere/Cytoxin?

    Hope you’re all doing well and soldiering on. Does anyone else feel as though this summer has lasted a year already?



  • kmom57
    kmom57 Member Posts: 181
    edited August 2020

    Hi Smittyclay. Glad it went well, and that your side effects are minimal. That’s good news.

    Have not been on here much this week, so if I missed reaching out or responding to anyone I apologize. Kind of down this week and too much on my mind. Anticipating number two on Friday. I’m not looking forward to it, but at the same time, ready to get it over with. Week two after my first chemo I pretty much forgot I had HAD chemo. Felt fine. Now starting day before yesterday, though, my hair is thinning, so it’s hard to forget. Scalp itching. Itching all over actually. First PT appointment has me worried as I’ve got swelling under my arm still. I know, lymphadema If that’s what it is can be managed but I’m tired of managing. I realize I’m lucky I had hardly any side effects of the first chemo and I’m grateful. Just all this feels a lot to handle today.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited August 2020

    KMom57 - sorry to hear you are feeling down. The scalp itching will subside. Every round of chemo is different so you may find the others better than the last one. Hope you are feeling better today. Take care! Soon the chemo will be over.

  • kmom57
    kmom57 Member Posts: 181
    edited August 2020

    Thanks Sugar. School has started (homeschool) so we are back in a little bit of a routine so that helps a bit. Tomorrow #2. My MO tells me it won’t be worse than Round One. Just do exactly the same thing I did the first time he says. Eat the same, drink the same (copious amounts of Gatorade which I craved last time). Praying my labs are good. We haven’t tested them since my last infusion so who knows. You are right. The itching is subsiding, though the worst itchy spot on my scalp has thinned noticeably so maybe that’s why. The rest is hanging in there so far. I’m curious to see if the woman who caps the day before me is having success still. She’s a round ahead of me. Feels overwhelming lately, this whole thing.

  • kmom57
    kmom57 Member Posts: 181
    edited August 2020

    Hi All. Infusion #2 in the books. It was a horrible horrible day. Vented about it at length in the July 2020 thread, so I won't bore you with a repeat here. But it's done. Little nauseous already this morning which is unlike last time but that could partially be because I got so upset and stressed yesterday during the infusion. Anyway I'm half done. Oh, and the woman who caps the day before me finished Round 4, not Round 3, I was told, and kept all her hair. Lost virtually nothing. Unfortunately not likely to be the case for me since they screwed up my cap session really bad yesterday.

  • pabl48
    pabl48 Member Posts: 24
    edited August 2020

    Hi Ladies,

    I will be starting 4 rounds of Cytoxan and Taxotere next month. Unfortunately this is my second time around with breast cancer. I had a BMX in 2004 and four rounds of AC in 2005. Needless to say I am pretty upset to be doing this again. I did not cold cap last time and am wondering (not even sure if it was an option)! I was looking for any recommendations from the ladies who have tried it and their results. Also if you have any tips any getting through this I would be happy to hear from you.

  • keepingcalm
    keepingcalm Member Posts: 79
    edited August 2020

    Nan, sorry to have dropped off of here a while. Like you I am about 6 weeks out and would say I’m doing pretty well. In terms of your question about neuropathy, fortunately I have not experienced that thus far. I did ice my hands and feet - no idea if that helped or not. All of that said, every time I saw my MO during and just following chemo she checked my feet and ankles for swelling so there may be something tied into the chemo. Have you been dealing with this in an ongoing way or did it just come on?

    Pabl48, I am SO sorry you are dealing with this again. While any chemo is certainly not a walk in the park from what I read/hear I think there’s a decent chance you’ll find TC a little more manageable that AC. As for coldcapping, I can’t speak to that as I didn’t try it ... didn’t have a lot of time to look into it and was just overwhelmed at the time and didn’t want to add something else to the mix. BUT of course if I had hair right now it would probably speed along my emotional recovery from all of this. If you’re in FB there’s a great Chemo Coldcappers Support Group you might consider joining which has a wealth of information on different types and many people have shared photos of their challenges and successes.

    Kmom57, I’m sorry you had a rough go of it. My 2nd cycle was also full of all sorts of different hiccups. If nothing else focus on the fact that you are over the hump and you will get through this. I am 6 weeks post all of this and all things considered doing quite well physically and fine emotionally although I definitely feel it’s going to take time for me to adjust to this having happened in my life

  • pabl48
    pabl48 Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2020

    Starting TC this Friday, September 11. Getting my port put in then chem. I am going to try Penguin Cold Caps and see if I can minimize hair loss. Hope everyone enjoys the weekend.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited September 2020

    pabl48 - hope your treatment goes well on Friday. Thinking of you. Keep us posted.

    Hello everyone, I'm now three months post chemo and feeling great. My hair is growing in well. Hope to ditch the wig shortly. Hope everyone is doing well.

  • kmom57
    kmom57 Member Posts: 181
    edited September 2020

    KeepingCalm, thank you. Facing #3 is proving to be mentally harder than the first two. I don’t know why.

    Pabl48, Hoping your treatment goes well and you have success with the cold caps. Word of Advice....Don’t freak out if in a couple of weeks, you shed a bit. I did on about day16, after a shower, and I was worried the caps didn’t work. But the shedding did slow down as everyone said it would. My MO says they are having lots of patients capping now, and having very good results. Will be thinking of you tomorrow.

  • ampmusic14
    ampmusic14 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2020

    Hi everyone. I just completed round 3 of chemo this week which is taxotere and cytoxan. I'm also getting neulesta to help my counts. I have one more round to go in three weeks. My question is, have any of you experienced tender glands in the face, neck, chest and under arms after your chemo? Or maybe from the neulesta?? I'm hoping what I'm feeling is normal. It happened after round 2 and again after round 3. It lasts 2-3 days. I did not have any lymph node involvement with my cancer and had clear margins after surgery. So I'm just a little paranoid with the gland pain. Thank you.

  • sabbymama
    sabbymama Member Posts: 83
    edited September 2020

    Hi Ampmusic14 congrats on finishing 3 rounds so far! I definitely had some gland pain, particularly around my collarbone, in my neck and behind my ears. They were very tender, swollen, and sore. My MO advised me to monitor my temperature closely to watch for fever which might indicate infection, but otherwise she didn't seem concerned and the symptoms eventually went away. That happened with my last two rounds. I understand your concerns as I was equally paranoid, especially since I did have lymph node involvement. I would discuss it with your MO just to ease your mind and make sure they have no concerns, but you definitely aren't alone in experiencing gland issues after TC. Have a great weekend!



  • ampmusic14
    ampmusic14 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2020

    Thank you so much for your reply. I sent a message and will see if the office calls back. I brought it up Tuesday before chemo and he basically said it was "all them" as to what they're doing treatment wise I think. It's just scary... I also noticed my neutrophils were high and lymphocytes were low before this last round which is now freaking me out. I hope it's just my body being in distress from treatment and nothing else going on.

  • pabl48
    pabl48 Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2020

    Hi Ladies,

    One treatment down. it has been somewhat Manageable except for the bone pain. I just cannot get comfortable. I move around so much it’s crazy. My cold capping went well, I was glad we hired a cold capper for our first time. Hubby now has it down it didn’t feel terrible but I also was pretty medicated since my port was put in a few hours earlier. It does make for a long day but I scheduled my next treatment starting at 7:40 am so that we can drive home afterward. Thinking of calling my Oncologist today for bone pain I have taken aleve, Tylenol and aleve, Tylenol and nothing is working. I had the Nuelasta on pro and am also taking Claritin it doesn’t seem to be working that well for me.

    I will try and catch up with everyone soon. In the meantime know I am thinking of all of you and hoping you have a pain free, symptom free Wednesday.

  • ampmusic14
    ampmusic14 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2020

    For bone pain, my place recommends pepcid, Claritin and ibuprofen. Good luck!

  • ampmusic14
    ampmusic14 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2020

    Anyone here ever get muscle spasms or twitching in their arm, hand and fingers? I'm hoping it is from chemo or neulasta and not something else going on...

  • kmom57
    kmom57 Member Posts: 181
    edited September 2020

    Ampmusic, yes I get that, often, but mine started before chemo, after surgery, so I assume it’s nerve related from the mastectomy and ALND. Sometimes it’s so bad my muscles feel like they are actually quivering.

  • ampmusic14
    ampmusic14 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2020

    Im actually starting to feel it all over my body. I don't see oncology again for about 10 more days.