Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?
Hello, I am brand new to starting chemo. Is there anyone doing the cold cap with Dignicap that could share their experience after a round or two? I am a bit overwhelmed and would like to message with someone.
I just moved back to the US from Europe.
Lumpectomy on July 20th.
Starting Chemo on 9/29.
Planned Mastectomy after treatement.
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I’m doing DigniCap with TC. Have completed three rounds. I’d be glad to chat with you about my experience. Feel free to PM me.
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I start chemo Wednesday, November 4 with Taxotere Cytoxan. I am using DigniCap. It will be nice to chat with Kmom57 and Clara.
My doctor and the nurses said I don't need to ice my hands and feet but I heard you should? Thoughts?
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Marie914, you are welcome to PM me any time if there's anything I can help with or questions I can answer. Or just for emotional support. I'm now one month out of chemo, and getting ready to start rads. I did ice hands and feet even though my doctor also said it wasn't necessary.
The best advice I can give you on DigniCap is get an electric blanket to take with you. It really helps a whole lot. Also, don't lose hope if you lose a lot of hair at the beginning. I did and thought it was not going to work. But a month out, I still have probably 60-70 percent of my hair. I do have a spot where a lot came out, but I can camouflage it by changing my part. I don't really bother anymore though. Also, if they tell you that it's an additional 90 minutes after infusion that you continue with DigniCap, make them verify that. Mine said that but I knew DigniCap had changed that to 120 minutes with Taxotere. I had them confirm with the DigniCap rep who said it had been changed. PM me if you need any help or support.
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yes they told me I had to stay 2 hours after. Thanks I will PM you if I have any specific w
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On haircare with DigniCap, if this helps, I’m no expert but what I did was I followed the guidelines on washing and only washed gently twice a week with an unscented natural shampoo without any of the sulfates and things they tell you to avoid. I conditioned the ends every time except on infusion days. I have long hair, so I wore it in a very loose braid 24/7 to avoid tangling. I even slept in the braid. The DigniCap rep had warned me that a mistake many women make is not combing it for fear of losing it, and then it gets matted and requires more aggressive combing which leads to more hair loss. So I brushed/combed mine twice a day with a detangling Wet Brush like the one that comes with the cap. In the morning I took down the braid, combed it out and rebraided. At night before bed, same. I also was very careful not to get my head in the sun. If I can answer anything else let me know.
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Marie914 - I would ice even if you just do it during the taxotere infusion. I iced mine during both meds and sometimes at home for a couple days after but only for 10-15 minutes. My friend was getting dose dense taxol and didn't really stick with icing and has neuropathy issues. It doesn't hurt anything to do it even if doctors and nurses say it's not necessary.
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I just had my port removed last week due to an infection as well.
After a two day hospital stay and a week of antibiotics, I am back on track (has to put infusion #3 off for a week). I go in tomorrow for infusion #3 and they are going to try to use a vein. I was a little nervous about the PICC line after getting a port infection.
I am glad you are back in forward motion. We got this!!
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Finished 3 round of Taxotere and Cytoxin a week ago and have a terrible Taxotere rash on my face neck and chest. I also have pink eye and still dealing with Thrush. One of my toe nails is starting to turn brown as well. I was doing so well with the side effects as far as getting the bone pain under control now all of these SE are popping up. I’m pretty depressed and somewhat reluctant to do my 4th and final round if this painful rash doesn’t clear up. I have been cold capping with Penguin and so far am very happy with the results. I have sent a message into my MO as well as a photo of the rash.
Hopefully we can get this cleared up quickly.
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Love that smile Sarabeara! I'm glad you got the infection under control and I hope the rest of your infusions go well
Hang in there pabl48! It sounds like you are having a really rough go right now and I hope things get under control quickly. I had episcleritis (an inflammation of the white of my eye) and had to use steroid drops for a month during chemo and chemical burn from my first infusion, but I can't imagine having a painful rash on your face and neck. I hope they can find some relief for you and that the horrible side effects stop! Thinking of you and sending hugs!
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Hello. At my first chemo. I had my premeds. Taxotere for an hour and now on cytoxan for 90 minutes. No problems so far. The nurses are so nice here. They put the dignicap on me before my premeds and I have to wear it for two hours after cytoxan is finished. This week I have to stay for a training session for chemo. I missed last Wednesday's training since we were on vacation. Port is working good. I did put lidocaine on it an hour before and just felt a little pinch. I did ice my feet for the entire taxotere and for 20 minutes after. I held come bottles and used my icing mittens for most of it but Keith taking them off for things. The bathroom is really close to my chair and they only have one dignicap unit so I'm in a section all to myself. Lots better than I thought it was going to be. The dignicap only was really cold for 10 minutes. So now to manage the side effects. Thank you for all your advice.
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Just another trip for those of you going through chemo still, paint your fingers and toes a dark color. It seems to help them from turning colors and peeling, things like that. I kept dark colors on mine throughout my entire treatment and only have a speck of brown on one nail because I insisted on wearing sparkly pink on my nails for the final one
My friend going through chemo forgot to paint her nails dark and has had more issues with them turning colors.
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More questions for you pros. I had my taxotere and cytoxan infusion on Wednesday. My neulasta went off Thursday. I felt really good up to Friday around 2 pm and then faded fast. Friday night and today Saturday I am having severe bone pain. I took Claritan Wednesday night, Thursday morning and night and Friday morning and night and Saturday morning. I have been taking ibuprofen and tylenol. Anything else I can do? The nurse said to just take Claritan every day when on chemo instead of just a few days but that doesn't help right now. I know I am tired from the steroids wearing off so that is fine. But the bone pain in my knees and my pelvis is really hurting. Heating pad?? Any ideas?
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Sarabeara, so sorry you’ve dealt with an infection and had to be hospitalized - how scary! Sounds like you’re now likely in the thick of post chemo #3 but on the bright side it means you’re one step closer to the end of chemo! While the PICC line was annoying I found it relatively tolerable if just for cycle 3 and 4. That said I was so relieved when I got it out! See if they can do that on the same day as your last chemo!
I finished chemo at the end of July and for what it’s worth I’d say I’m really doing pretty well now. I’m in a much better physical and emotional place than I would have expected from how worried I felt at the beginning. And my hair is growing back
All to say, you got this! And you look great!
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Marie914 - add pepcid to the claritin and ibuprofen daily for a couple of days. I always had supper bad bone pain after the neulesta. One day I was desperate that I soaked in an epsom salt bath and it helped.
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take claritin and Pepcid it made a big difference for me. The first time I only took claritin and was in terrible pain.
Good luck
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my doctor prescribed pepcid and so I was taking that and Claritin and it didn’t touch the pain.
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Hi all, am going to start TC 4 rounds tomorrow. Got the port in yesterday and it feels ok but am nervous about it for tomorrow, so soon after surgery. I do have prescrip lidocaine to put on so hopefully that will work. Am nervous about potential side have scripts for nausea and will get the Neulasta Onpro--- can people describe how that was and how it works, etc?? Also got Claritin to hopefully help with bone pain--- do you guys take it at night or in the morning, just the once a day it describes??? Also have cold mittens and socks for during the T round-- not bringing any refills, so will see how it goes. Any other advice is surely welcome!
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Hello Aviva,
I finished 4 rounds of TC Taxotere Cytoxan on January 8; started on November 4. I had my port put in a week or so before but i remember the surgeon saying it could be used immediately even that day. I remember reading about people who used it on the same day. I used lidocaine the first time but I really didn't feel it so the next three times and then for blood draws between I didn't use any lidocaine
I didn't have to use my nausea medicine at all. The nausea meds put in the infusion was enough for me
Neulasta Onpro - I used all 4 times. The first time was the worst. I was using Claritin but Claritin D and you are supposed to use plain Claritin. I started taking one a day after the first Neulasta hurt so much. After that is was much better and my oncologist said I could use ibuprofen every 6-8 hours and that helped too. I would take it every morning first thing. I did take two a day the day after the infusion when the Neulasta went off and the next day too. I don't think that is recommended but I thought two days of 2 Claritin wouldn't hurt me too much.
I used cold socks. I was doing cold capping so it started 30 minutes before and a few hours after. I had to change them once in the middle. I just held water bottles that were frozen. I never got neuropathy.
My side effects weren't bad. The worst for me was not being able to taste very well. Nothing tasted good either to eat or drink except sugary food which I was trying to avoid. The last infusion I didn't drink as much as I should and I had some worst side effects like high heart rate due to dehydration and just really tired. It could have just been the last infusion and it built up in my system.
Please let us know any other questions you have. The monthly thread is good too because you are all going through it at the same time. I didn't see a March one but the February one would help too
I will be thinking of you.
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Thanks much. The first round went well yesterday. Did the lidocaine about hour before got there and I think it helped. It was a long first day, but the infusions were fine, felt nothing. The C did make my head a bit fuzzy, but not bad. The neulasta onpro goes off this evening. Im really nervous about that. Started Claritin 2 days ago, in the evening. Will add ibuprofin or maybe a norco tonite or tomorrow if its really bad. Trying to think positive.
I brought iced slippers and gloves and lasted about 1/2 hour with them. The nurse said the T doesnt really give neuropathy so bad, probably don't need them, but I think Ill keep trying.
Thanks for the help!
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Glad you posted aviva. I have been wondering about you. Let us know how you are doing this next week and after the Neulasta.
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Thanks. Chemo was Thu, the neulasta onpro went off right on schedule yesterday evening. That is a crazy device. Felt nothing going in, and was easy peasy to take off. Put as recommended into a tupperware until my sharps container from them comes. I took 1 nausea pill yesterday afternoon. Pretty good today, then very tired and napped all afternoon. Not much appetite. Waiting for the neulasta whatever is to come !
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Hello all, I have just been reading about lawsuits regarding Taxotere? Saying potential side effect can be permanent hair loss !? saying oncologists may not be aware so patients are not aware, has anyone heard of this? Also read patients should be told of the option of Taxol. Freaking out now because supposed to start TC regimen on March 11. , I am calling my oncologist in the morning
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Hi Coral,
I can't say I have heard of the lawsuits, but I just wanted to tell you that I finished 4 rounds of Taxotere and Cytoxan in July last year and my hair has come back fully. It took about 4 months to see some real growth, but now it is growing quite quickly, and hopefully, that will continue. I believe Taxol and Taxotere are in the same class of medications and may use the same basic ingredients and both cause hair loss. I understand why you are concerned and freaking out and you should definitely discuss it with your oncologist, but I just wanted to give you an example of a positive experience with hair returning
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SabbymommaThanks for sharing your experience, happy you are one of the lucky ones with no permanent hair loss. My oncologist agreed with my findings and offered CMF treatment, since no taxene drugs, no neulasta injections and neuropathy issues and hair shedding, no complete loss so with those factors I feel so much better about moving forward! Just have to do 6 instead of 4 but I am ok with that, just extended me being done 4 weeks
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Corals---I'm glad you and your oncologist were able to come up with a plan that you feel more comfortable with! No two journeys are the same and you have to take the path that you are most confident with. I'm happy that you found one and your doctor is supportive
. Wishing you all the best with your treatments and hoping you have a positive experience!
Sabrina0 -
sanbymomma Thank you
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Hello Corals - I was very worried about permanent hair loss with Taxotere/Cytoxan. I had 4 rounds the last was January 8, 2021. I am growing hair all over. I did use cold capping. The first and fourth round I lose quite a bit each time so by February 1 I hardly had any hair. Today, April 1 I can go out without a ball cap but I still have a ways to go. It is fuzzy all over. I started seeing sprouts about a month after my last chemo.
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Hi - I realize your note is from a year ago but I had TC#2 a few days ago and have severe pain in my neck and the glands around my throat. What an uncomfortable feeling. Did you ever figure out what it was from - TC or the neupogen injection
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I just finished my 2nd round of TC, and despite cold capping, I have lost ~40 percent of my hair. I am debating shaving it. Did the shedding continue past the 4th round?