Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
I don't know if Voltaire said this but whoever did was right on the button.
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let's not let political stuff confuse the discussion
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Political stuff will determine if we have the same rights as others. These people are getting more control over politics every year.
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My perspective from Canada is that you're having a harder and harder time keeping church and state separate, so yes, politics is becoming increasingly polluted by religious influences.
There are a not insignificant number of people who are yearning for a Christian theocracy.0 -
Not arguing, but I agree with Lisa - politics is so contentious & divisive we should try to keep it off these threads.
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Vote for Egads!!!
I'll put a chicken (organic) in every pot....and pot (organic) in every chicken!
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there is 2 political threads, both locked by the mods. PM me if you want their thread names.
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I didn't realize that there was a restriction of topics on this thread. Oh well.
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I do think atheists who are guided by principles of sharing and inclusion and fairness could put many "Christians" to shame. Thankfully there are still some Christians who follow the teachings of their leader. I think they may be outnumbered, however.
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I like that Voltaire quote,,, stealing that.
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Beautiful song. I grew up in Kansas and Oklahoma so dust in the wind brought back lots of childhood memories.
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MinusTwo, also agree with you and others who feel that politics is so contentious & divisive we should try to keep it off these threads.
ananda8, I participated in a respected photography forum for 15 years (still do). When politics started seeping into threads about cameras and photo equipment, the management set up an Off Topic forum. It denigrated to the point that they finally closed the forum because the stench and meanness were so strong.
If you're an atheist, agnostic, believer, need to generalize about other people's faith, especially in a breast cancer forum!
Just my 2 cents, for what it's worth.
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but this is the atheist thread - I'm ok with keeping politics out but surely we can talk about our view of religion? otherwise what's the point of an atheist thread??
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There’s plenty of Christian threads, prayer threads, etc on BCO. If that’s your cuppa, go there.
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Moth, Spookies - YES. I'm against discussing politics, but what has that do to with thoughts and musings about life & death?
Atheists & questioners definitely need/deserve a place to discuss their feelings about life & death. Breast Cancer certainly makes everyone of us think of the time we have had and what time we have left.
And yes, there are tons of prayer threads so hopefully anyone who doesn't feel comfortable here will migrate w/o causing a fuss.
Ananda - love the song. Most interesting video.
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There may be other threads for politics on BCO, but the politics of atheism are surely worth discussing on this thread.
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I have a degree in political science. For me, pretty much everything is political - including life & death - but I get that some people don't like to discuss specific political issues.
What I don't get at all is being asked to not generalize about other people's faith on an atheist thread. It also strikes me that generally speaking people in religious discussions are quite comfortable blaming the ills of the world n society's lack of faith, but somehow atheists gets admonished if we say the ills of the world are a result of religious dogma, or pursuit of theocracy etc.
That said, obviously just as religious folks identify with all sorts of different political views, the same is true of atheists. We're a diverse community & I wouldn't presuppose any commonality beyond the lack of belief in a god.0 -
I say as an atheist I am not afraid of death..only dying.
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I'm not afraid of death or dying... just slow decay.
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I was thinking more about a possible painful trip.
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I volunteered at our local hospice. Pain is not a problem. Hospice has superior drugs. I don't want anyone having to "care" for me unless it's for the last week or two of my life. I'd rather die like my 99 year old father-in-law did. He got up from the pot, pulled up his pants, stepped out of the bathroom and fell over dead. He had all of his faculties until the very end.
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My parents were intact mentally when they went, so I'm hoping for the same.
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Maybe there was no beginning and probably no end. We tend to think laterally. There may be many more unseen universes out there. Endless.
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SoCalLisa, I completely agree.
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Dear SoCalLisa. I'm a latecomer to this topic who is facing a possible recurrence of Stage II IBC. Incidentally, I am a male. I am a lapsed Catholic and former Unitarian Universalist who is now a skeptical agnostic. In my mind that means I just don't know, and I'm OK with that. I've always feared the process of dying more than the actual event, but now I'm not so sure. Almost every organized religion claims to have THE exclusive way to a human envisioned paradise. Who (if any) is right? I certainly don't believe in divine intervention in human affairs. I don't deny "miracles" but I don't believe they are caused by a deity. I think the reason we call them that is we have no scientific understanding of how they may occur...yet. And we may never really know since we experience what we call reality with only our 5 (6?) senses. With quantum physics' particle entanglement and spooky-action-at-a-distance now proven, who know what the multiverse is capable of. So I'll accept prayers, good vibes, blessings, healing thoughts etc. any time from any source (just don't ask me to actively participate.) If you'll indulge me, I'd like to post a selection from Blood Sweat and Tears version of "And When I Die":
My troubles are many, they're as deep as a well
I can swear there ain't no heaven but I pray there ain't no hell
Swear there ain't no heaven and pray there ain't no hell,
But I'll never know by living, only my dying will tell,
Only my dying will tell, yeah, only my dying will tell
And when I die and when I'm gone,
There'll be one child born and a world to carry on, to carry onAnother favorite is "Fruitcakes" by Jimmy Buffett:
Where's the church, who took the steeple
Religion's in the hands of some crazy-ass people
Television preachers with bad hair and dimples
The god's honest truth is, it's not that simple
It's the Buddhist in you, it's the Pagan in me
It's the Muslim in him, she's Catholic ain't she?
It's the born again look, it's the WASP and the Jew
Tell me what's goin on, I ain't gotta clueI guess I'm not sure what my point is to this post except that I, like all other humans, am confronting my eventual demise, so I'm going to try wringing every drop out of what remains of my health and life and know that at least my molecules will reincarnate in some other iteration of life.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Hamlet
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Fiddleman, So well said. Thank you.