The Next Person Game
I wish!!!!
the next person ate pizza for dinner
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False. I love pizza
The Next person is ready for cooler weather. It's been 90's where I live.
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True - I hang my clothes to dry. But false, as I hang them on a special rack that is in the house, not on a line outside.
The next person is seeing a lot of box elder bugs this week.
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The next person seldom irons anything.
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False - have iron and board out as I sew lot and pressing is a must!
The next person is still "up in the air" on presidential voting choice.0 -
The next person votes early
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The next person votes in local school0 -
false. Fire dept
The next person won't vote
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False. I will definitely vote.
The next person has kept honey bees.
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The next person loves honey
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The next person eats honey out of the jar. (My DH does that.)
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true - I eat honey anywhere including the jar and right from the hives in my front yard (Blinkie - do you keep bees too?)
The next person likes to watch bees on flowers
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The next person plays sn instrument
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Blinkie, the box elder bugs arrived here en masse the last few days. They esp. like sunny south-facing walls.
The next person is grateful to the spiders of the world for helping to keep the insect population in check.
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The next person is tall
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The next person needs glasses or contacts.
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true. For reading only. Getting old. Lol
The next person likes scary movies
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The next person's DH/partner does NOT like scary movies LOL.
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false. But I dont
The next person is unhappy with their weight
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false, I need to lose ten pounds but I'm working on it.
The next person should drink more water throughout the day.
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The next person has started Christmas shopping
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The next person dislikes shopping.
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so/so on the shopping
the next person knows how to read music
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The next person prefers Mexican over Chinese food
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the next person knows how to play chess
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The next person prefers chess over checkers
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False. Neither chess or checkers float my boat. Rather have a fast game of double solitaire.
JBeans - No, we don't keep bees, but our neighbors and a number of friends do. Sweet.
The next person can recite a poem.
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The next person has seen a counselor or psychologist..
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False. But, I think it might be a good idea- to deal with the mental stress of this disease!
The next person is still following baseball, even though her team is not in the playoffs.
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True - but my team is in the playoffs - is this a year for our beloved Red Sox ??
The next person's husband watches LOTS of football on TV !0