The Next Person Game
The next person knows a hoarder
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True - quite a few of them in fact.
The next person can speak two languages.
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Blinkie - really ??? Do tell
The next person is a clean freak
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I like trout, I love to go fishing for trout, I love shrimp, I love salad and I love pets.
And I am Italian.....I make a mean lasagna and other good Italian food. I really
wish we all lived closer....we could have a wonderful party. I would cook, which is
one of my most favorite past-times and we would all "make merry".
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Buonanotte Blinkie...I can speak English, French and am currently teaching
myself to speak Italian....Ciao baby!
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PattyPeppermint - No, no, not me! I don't speak 2 languages. Unless pig latin -- igpay at inlay -- counts as one. haha. I just admire people who do.
Hello to tatatootsie62. I had to look up buonanotte; Google translate says it means goodnight. Really, I think I could have reasoned that out. Buongiorno. It's 6:15 am.
I don't think we have a Next topic so I'll do one: The next person studied a language in school.
(I did both French & Spanish, and remember almost nothing from either.)
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True Latin and French
The next person spoke another language other than English in their home.0 -
We only spoke English at home,but my dad spoke Lithuanian on the phone with his mother, and my mom was angry and claimed they were hiding stuff from her. My grandmother never really learned English very well; she (and my grandfather, separately) immigrated to the US from there as a teen. So my father's first language was Lithuanian; he only started learning English in kindergarten.
And because I married a Finn and my kids were born in Finland, they have grown up speaking both languages.
The next person likes yogurt for breakfast and for an evening snack.
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Wow. We def have some interesting women here. Impressive. I only know English
The next person has a tattoo
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False (except the dots for radiation lol. I should connect all the dots.
The next person would like a tattoo.
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true have a small one on ankle but would like a rose vine to cover scars from bilateral mastectomy. Dh says would be too big and not sexy. Hmm
The next person hates tattoos
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sort of true (?)...I am not a fan. I have the dots from rads, which I can't see, and no others.
I told my daughter if she got one, to get it where the sun doesn't shine, in case she has to interview for a job with old fogeys like me. She took my advice and got one on the small of her back :-)
The next person has more than two piercings...
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False. Just two, one in each ear.
The next person just got a haircut.
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False, but getting one in about 2 weeks.
The next person colors her hair.
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true and I am about 3 weeks past due
The next person colors their own hair
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false, I leave it to the experts
the next person is mad about something (I am mad about the shoddy work the contractor did in my kitchen, I keep finding things that need to be redone )
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Ruth. Bummer did they have their contractors license. Will your home insurance helps cover cost if they don't fix it ?
The next person survived raising a teenager .......
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(yes, he has his license yes, he gave us some money back (should have been more!), we don't want him to fix it (don't trust that he'd do it right), we will do it ourselves (with the help of a friend who is a handyman and will do things right.......and whom we will also pay! )
The next person has a family member in Florida
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Oh Ruth. Sounds incredibly frustrating
The next person as been cheated by a contractor
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False. As far as I know, anyway. haha.
The next person has knit a sweater.
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false. I wish
The next person has a child in college currently .......
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It's cold enough that the heat is on in the house where the next person lives.
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I'd say cooler and sun at a different angle so doesn't warm rooms enough so a few logs in the wood stove around 3:00 p.m. till bed time.
The next person uses a wood stove or pellet stove for supplementary heat........0 -
False, but the house I grew up in was heated by wood stove (ccccoooooooold...mornings) and in our home now we light the fireplace and huddle close when the power goes out to stay warm.
The next person celebrates Thanksgiving this weekend like me. Happy Thanksgiving fellow Canuks
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false, but Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians!
The next person is watching the debate
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False - no cable or satTV. :-( Following what I can, along with the Jays game via the Internet. )
The next person will wear sandals with socks.
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True! Birkies! With wool socks, until the snow arrives.
The next person lives in a valley.
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Very true! (The Great Central Valley).
JBeans, just in case you want to watch the next debate, it was (and next one will be) available in its entirety live on the internet. (I have no cable or satellite TV either, but watched). CNET can tell you where and how.
The next person is still harvesting tomatoes from a home garden...
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Well, there are a few tomatoes - the garden is on it's last leg except for the winter squash.
The next person gives a lot of produce from garden to family and friends .....0 -
False; I buy produce at organic farmers' markets and only grow herbs now.
The next person lives somewhere where the fall leaves are resplendent with bright reds and oranges.