The Next Person Game
Next person is having fireworks for Hallowe'en
0 -
False - supposedly unlawful in this state.
The next person does NOT have Trick or Treaters visit their home.........0 -
True. Sadly. Since we moved into a 55+ villa community, kids just don't come. I miss that.
The next person remembers a special costume ( yours, your kids', a friend's)
0 -
True..When we had just 4 kids, I made them Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costumes. That was nearly 30 years ago.We had so much fun in those days, but it sure didnt seem like it at the
Next person has a large family.0 -
False. I've got inlaws, though.
The next person has a prism hanging in a window.
0 -
false. I can't remember the last time I used an iron.
The next person enjoys folding laundry.
0 -
True. Oddly satisfying.
The next person is rooting for the Cubs
0 -
False..All about hockey, here.
next person has an unusual hobby0 -
true (beekeeping) but it is becoming less unusual I think.
The next person has been stung by a bee this past summer
0 - hobby is mason bees...very docile
next person has a wood fireplace or stove0 -
R.E.M.'s- that's very interesting!
Let's find out more hobbies- The next person has an interesting hobby.
0 -
True - I consider my hobby as sewing because I love to sew anything, anytime, anywhere !
The next person considers her/his hobby to be..........0 -
True, My hobby is scuba diving. Why I had to pick one that was so expensive, who knows? But I do love it and I have met some wonderful friends and travelled to some amazing places as a result...(the actual diving isn't expensive. It is the gear and the travel involved, unless one wants to cube in one's cold and murky local lakes....even the closest ocean, the Pacific, is COLD...)
The next person's hobby is ______ and is very unusual....
0 -
co!oring which is unusual for an adult but becoming more and more common all the time
The next person spends more than 40 hours a week on their hobby
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The next person speaks another language.
0 -
true. I am more or less fluent in Spanish.
The next person has lived abroad.
0 -
The next person has travelled abroad
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True (went to England in my Senior yr of high school)
The next person has a birthday coming up soon
0 -
False. Next April.
The next person has an anniversary coming up soon.
0 -
True! Celebrating 17 years of marriage this Saturday!
The next person is NOT a morning person....
0 -
False - love getting up early - read paper with coffee and start my day. Look for my pillow by 10:00 pm !
The next person is a night person.......0 -
True..especially in winter
Next person Spring best
0 -
False. I love Autumn. I even like the word Autumn.
The next person loves Autumn but is ready for a freeze at night so allergies will be easier.
0 -
false. I love autumn
The next person drives a Truck
0 -
The next person has a convertible or sun roof.
0 -
The next person may see a little snow tomorrow
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False...rain ,rain and oh yea more rain
The next person volunteers their time weekly
0 -
False-currently. I was last summer, but cannot right now.
The next person is doing some Fall cleaning.
0 -
false. Need to
The next person will watch the great pumpkin Charlie Brown tonight
0 -
True. Hoping to get my house cleaned up for Thanksgiving!
The next person is enjoying rain!