The Next Person Game
the next person likes the sounds of the train going by
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Sort of false....the tracks are two miles away, and I can't hear them under normal circumstances...sometimes late at night, when there is no other noise, I can hear the whistle and horns though...kind of cool.
The next person thinks that trains are the best method of land travel!
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true..right over the back fence...sadly the train stopped running 5 or more years ago
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Trains are definitely cool. I took one on my honeymoon across the country!
The next person has visited someone in the hospital recently.
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False- it's been just over a year since and I sure do miss her.
The next person feels guilty when they cheat hospital parking by parking on a block nearby but does it anyway to save $ and get a good walk in.
Hi Remz - I may have ridden on that train that was over your back fence that stopped over 5 years ago. When my husband and I were dating we took the train from Courtney to Victoria as part of a vacation together one summer.
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false (I won't feel guilty at all)
The next person secretly hopes a certain family member does not come to visit this holiday season.
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trus. Most families Have at least one. Lol
The next person has at least one family member who will show up for Thanksgiving potluck brining no food or drink
0 - family knows better, in their jammies, maybe( I did this year) but never empty handed.
JBean, yes you did go right by we live in Courtenay! My biggest dog at the time loved the train. He would run up and down the fence line every day as it passed.I miss them both. Alot of work needs to be done on those tracks they are trying to get it running again but it's slow going.
The next person will have a little too much to drink at the next family gathering.
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False - seems like my "drinking" days are over. Half a glass of wine is enjoyed but on the other hand.........
The next person will eat too much at next family gathering.0 -
true...if there is meat involved, not likely if it's a vegan affair
The next person does not drink coffee.r>
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very false
the next person has to exercise because she likes to eat so much (ie me!)
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should be true. Mostly false right now.
The next person is still watching baseball.
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False - but I was up until about 15 min ago.
The next person can only "do math" with a pencil in hand.
Remz- I've spent a lot of time in Courtney ( until this past summer I had visited family in Comox at least once a year for the last 30 years) You live in a beautiful place.
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false..on most days,thankfully<
The next person is watching the final debate.
JBean, so grateful to live here, its wonderful you are right.Where in Ontario are you?br>
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True - keeping opinion to myself !
The next person is enjoying Indian Summer in their local.0 -
False- raining daily,here
Pheasantduster- me,too!
The next person likes to swim.
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False! I do know how to swim & am grateful for that knowledge.
The next person is a Whovian.
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False. Had to look it up to see if it is what I thought. I was right. I do love Big Bang Theory and those guys are Whovians. So, close.
The next person is a Big Bang Theory sitcom fan.
0 - every night..reruns of course..never gets old!
The next person has some Irish ancestry.
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The next person doesn't mind snakes
Remz - I'm near Guelph now. Grew up near Thunder Bay though.
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I am neutral about snakes. The next person does not like escalators.
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True. I have a phobia about the people in front of me stopping and me being pushed into them. I try to leave plenty of space.
The next person does not like automatic revolving doors.
0 -'s so hard to get the timing right
The next person paints their nails.
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False -
The next person rakes their leaves and compost them.........0 -
next person presses leaves and flowers
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The next person has a leaf blower
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False. Unless you count the wind - haha.
The next person has grown dahlias.
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false haha Blinkie
The next person uses an iron (to press clothes)0 -
Rarely true.
The next person uses a dry cleaners often.
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True. & yesterday when I was ironing, the iron sputtered and sparked and had a mini lightning storm!! Ack! Ack! I don't even think there is anywhere to get an iron repaired anymore. Certainly not where I live (in the country.)
Oh - just posted & didn't see the one about dry cleaning - oops. So - false - rarely use dry cleaning.
The next person has planned a Halloween costume.