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The Next Person Game



  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    false. Not yet anyway

    The next person is widowed
  • Pheasantduster
    Pheasantduster Member Posts: 1,986
    False but have friends who have lost their spouse. I am blessed - just celebrated 50 years.

    The next person belongs to a Book Club
  • Blinkie
    Blinkie Member Posts: 123

    False. Unless you count that my husband and I are reading a book together (Berlioz & His Century by Barzun.)

    The next person knows what a skate key is.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    false. ??

    Phesent congrats

    Blinkie how sweet

    The next person knows there state representatives name

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,602

    true, it's a small population state so politics are pretty local

    the next person has met their state's Senators & Congressmen/Women (we only have 1 Representative)

  • JBeans
    JBeans Member Posts: 265

    False (but kind of true -a month ago at the RCMP musical ride I sat next to Member of Parliment Michael Chong who may be in the running to be the next leader of the federal Conservative party in Canada. He and I talked about how our kids were finding the start of the school year.)

    The next person dries or freezes herbs that they grow. (I'm drying mint now and preparing basil to freeze - my kitchen smells delightful)

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950


    The next person has been in a play

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,602

    true, long ago though

    the next person has been in a debate

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434

    true...though also a long time ago...

    the next person's baseball team is still hanging in there in the playoffs (for now)...


  • Blinkie
    Blinkie Member Posts: 123

    False. Unless you count 'discussions' with my argumentative sibling. haha

    PattyPeppermint - a skate key was a small, simple metal key used to adjust clamps on roller skates. The adjustment was for width and also length, allowing the skate to be worn over a variety of shoe sizes. You can see pictures if you do a google image search.

    The next person has carved a spoon.

  • Blinkie
    Blinkie Member Posts: 123

    Oops - posted while octogirl was posting! I'll answer the baseball one - false - don't follow a team.

    & then repeat: next person has carved a spoon

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,602


    the next person has carved a pumpkin

  • Kaption
    Kaption Member Posts: 2,934

    True. When my kids were little. I think I left the grandkids carving fun to their parents.

    The next person has dried and toasted pumpkin seeds.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,602


    the next person has has switched to a fall wardrobe

  • Kaption
    Kaption Member Posts: 2,934

    mostly true. Although it will be 80 degrees today, but 60s tomorrow.

    The next person's Fall wardrobe includes jeans.

  • Pheasantduster
    Pheasantduster Member Posts: 1,986
    True but really Jeans all year long !

    The next person has walked a maze.

    Blinkie - what is carving a 'spoon' ????
  • Blinkie
    Blinkie Member Posts: 123

    True. I know . . . it's a-mazing. haha.

    Pheasantduster - You know, a spoon. Wooden. To stir whatever you are cooking. Carving spoons is a 'thing.' People get together and carve wooden spoons. Really.

    See: or

    The next person can sing harmony.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    false. Keeping my singing in the shower

    Blinkie. I had to go back and reread that. Thought you asked about a STATE key.

    The next person has fruit trees in their yard
  • Blinkie
    Blinkie Member Posts: 123

    True. But not that anyone planted. There are apple trees, some with fruit that is quite bitter. Also wild plum.

    The next person prefers silver jewelry over gold.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950


    The next person likes thick crust over thin crust pizza

  • JBeans
    JBeans Member Posts: 265


    The next person thinks pineapple does not belong on pizza.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,602


    the next person likes to do craft projects

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    false. I !Ike to think about doing them but no creativity.

    The next person likes to paint

  • JBeans
    JBeans Member Posts: 265


    The next person has a piece of art they made up in their own house

  • Blinkie
    Blinkie Member Posts: 123


    The next person has been to Scotland.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,878

    False (I would like to go someday)

    The next person will be raking leaves sometime this month.

  • downdog
    downdog Member Posts: 830

    True. The next person likes pumpkin spiced baked goods or drinks that abound with fall.

  • Kaption
    Kaption Member Posts: 2,934


    The next person is having her first frost night tonight.

  • Pheasantduster
    Pheasantduster Member Posts: 1,986
    False - threat of frost Monday night - covered pepper plants - peppers are turning red, yea!

    Thank you Blinkie - info on 'spoon' - thought as much but didn't think it was a craft trend - although my DH's ancestors had an old farmhouse and now hanging on my back hall wall is a wooden spoon and a wooden bowl carved out of a single piece of wood.

    The next person also has some object(s) from early 1900's.....
  • JBeans
    JBeans Member Posts: 265

    True - some jewelry(pins) and a brass figure (a boot) from my grandma. Some are I'm sure early 1900's but others are likely earlier pieces.

    The next person regularly wears a piece of jewelry that was passed on to them from someone they loved.