The Next Person Game
false, although I have inherited a few nice pieces from my mom. I just don't wear jewelry that often.
The next person likes modern furniture
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True! & we also have a few old things we inherited.
The next person has a piece of furniture that needs to be reupholstered.
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Definitely true! My dining room is an old set which I love, but the chair seats need re-doing. Wish I had the energy and time to get it done for Thanksgiving....speaking of which...
The next person is hosting a large group for (US) Thanksgiving.
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False. I haven't done that for a few years. I used to do the whole big thing and combine it with my DD birthday, which is usually near the holiday. This year we are actually going to be at the beach.
The next person person was surprised to see the Christmas decorations up at the mall yesterday!
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True....what happened to Halloween and Thanksgiving?
the next person is has a vacation coming up soon
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True. We are going to the Cranberry Festival and Mackinac Island.
The next person wants to go shopping for a new wardrobe
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the next person needs to downsize her current wardrobe before she buys more stuff
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The next person does not like to shop.
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True, except at pharmacies and hardwear stores.
The next person is a night owl
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true and false depending on the night
The next person wears a watch
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False usually.
The next person had a Samsung iPhone they had to return. (I did not. iPhone girls here.)
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The next person likes to sing.
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true, in the shower and/or very large groups
the next person was in choir when she was in high school
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The next person was a cheerleader or in drill team in high school.
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The next person was in a Marching Band.0 -
the next person went on some cool band trips (I went on a band trip to Norway when I was a junior in high school!!!!)
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False - my school didn't have a music program.
The next person was on one or more sports teams in school.
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True. Loved sports. Got volleyball scholarship
The next person got a scholarship
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true, but never got a degree.
Next person has blue eyes.
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True and passed trait onto my daughter!
The next person has brown eyes.....0 -
False. Mine are blue/ green.
The next person shops more online more than in stores.
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false..although truth be told i barely shop at all!Next person lives in the city.
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false. But only like 5 miles to city limit
The next person lives in an apartment
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false..haven't lived in an appartment for almost 40 years.
The next person has a pet.
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two cats
the next person's pets are old
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The next person has been on a train
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the next person has slept in a sleeper car on a train
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The next person lives close enough to train tracks to hear the trains go by.
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False, but my workplace is right across the street from the train station.
The next person has tinnitus (mine's apparently from chemo
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True, but way off in the distance-just the horn blowing
The next person has ridden in a hot air balloon.