The Next Person Game
The next person gets most of their news online
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mostly true. I seldom watch tv anymore, and husband reads the newspaper in the morning, so most of what I read is online on my tablet.
The next person visited a park this week.
Our tiny local rhododendron park is a bit past full bloom, but still quite pretty. Here are the azaleas:
And here some rhodos:
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Absolutely beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing.
The next person is going to a concert this month.
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The next person has a movie planned for this weekend.
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false (I had company all week who just left today so I am trying to get the house reorganized)
the next person is going to a parade tomorrow
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the next person is getting hi-lights or low-lights next week.
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False, but very soon.
The next person needs a haircut.
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Desperately awaiting my 9:30 appointment on Monday!
The next person is tired!
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true..exhausted (& sore) from push-mowing
the next person hates paying bills (and wishes someone would offer to take over for the next 38 years!)
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false, thanks to auto-pay for making that possible
the next person is getting a pedicure this week
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False. Would love to, but not allowed on my treatment
The next person likes water skiing
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false...I can't swim
the next person wants a massage
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The next person is just trying to stay cool...
0 - hot and DRY around here
the next person is getting her carpets cleaned soon
0 - carpets anymore
the next person has to take pets to the vet this week
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False- no pets right now
The next person has a favorite dessert.
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true - Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte - Black Forest cake Haven't had it in years
the next person has had the DNA test for ancestry genealogy
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The next person did some weeding today
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speaking of weeds, the next person is getting a haircut this week
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False, I wish, but my stylist hasn't gotten back to me yet.
The next person enjoys the sound of a lawn mower. (We live in a maintenance provided neighborhood)
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true...and like the smell of fresh mown grass
staying on theme: the next person needs to purchase a new mower
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False - But, would not be opposed to finding a new mowee - Preferably young and handsome!
The next person likes dark chocolate.
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false...prefer milk chocolate
the next person is tall...over 5'6"
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true --- was 5'9" but have apparently shrunk in recent years at least half an inch (had the tech neasure me twice last year when I had bone density measured)
the next person is short...under5'4"?
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True, I was 'almost' 5'4" but more like 5'3" now
the next person's significant other is shorter than them (no mine is not, although he is pretty short at 5'7")
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false (I'm shorter by about 5 inches)
The next person loves Grumpy Cat
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the next person HAS a grumpy cat!
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False, but I did in the past.
The next person has had more than one dog at a time.
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True. At one point hubby and I had three dogs, two cats and two teenagers in the house. Fun times.
The next person has no pets at all right now.
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False, the above mentioned grumpy cat......and my adult son lives in town, so I spend quite a bit of time with 2 grand-cats and a grand-puppy.
the next person will go or has gone to a Major League baseball game this summer