The Next Person Game
False, probably. Not quite up to that. But I watch nearly all the Royals games on tv. Have the All Star game on now.
The next person is having a heat wave now.
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the next person would much rather be cold than boiling hot
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True... you can always layer for warmth, but there are laws about how much you can take off!
the next person loves a good thunderstorm
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The next person loves the smell of a first rain!
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True. As long as there are no tornados
The next person likes to walk in the rain.
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Velvet - a great response
True and fortunately my dog is not afraid of them
the next person has been caught outside in a hail storm
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the next person does yoga
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false to yoga, not limber enough, yet
false to the rain...I don't like my glasses to get wet. And I agree about the tornados
the next person is a member of AAA and AARP
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True and false: yes to AAA and No to AARP (I have not yet forgiven them for what I felt was selling out on the Medicare Part D donut hole in 2003, though I admit it has been so long that I can't remember if they supported it, or just failed to actively oppose it)....
Speaking of which, the next person has been known to carry a grudge, even when s/he knows they shouldn't...
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Oh so True and I try not to
the next person is very proud of a child who has nearly finished a graduate degree (and maintained a 4.0 throughout! while working full-time!!) I am shameless
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The next person had a surprise this week. My good friend flew in for a surprise visit!
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That IS a fun surprise!
No surprises for me so far this week.
the next person likes to watch Stephen Colbert
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The. next person likes satire
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the next person enjoys puns
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The next person has gone to a tea party.
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True, quite retro!
The next person knows what a tea dance is
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false - what is it?
The next person likes scones
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A rather old event - tea dance took place in mid afternoon about tea time and provided a social venue for tea and dancing.
True - with butter
The next person has had a BLT this week with garden tomatoes
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the next person belongs to a book club
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Yes, I do. We started in 1999......all teachers or former teachers. As people have moved away, new people have joined, but it's the same core group and so very fun!
The next person loves to read
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The next person loves to write...
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true - poetry (also retired teacher)
The next person did some house cleaning today
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False. But should!
The next person mowed their lawn today!! (What I did instead of house cleaning)
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False. Live in a maintenance provided neighborhood! Love it.
The next person had a gathering with old friends this weekend.
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false but dear friend surprised me with a visit this week
The next person is relaxing tonight watching old movies
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false...baked brownies & cupcakes for Volunteer Fire Department fundraiser tomorrow
the next person will pay bills tomorrow.
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I think I'm good right now (until the mail comes on Monday anyway).
the next person got a lot done today
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Yes. Kiddo back from camp, helped middle boy by editing his project, worked on vacation plans!
Hi Ruth!
The next person has been to the Grand Canyon
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Hi Poppy!
the next person has been to Mesa Verde
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The next person is heading to yoga today