The Next Person Game
True, if only I could be sure it really is going to change! We've had so many ups and downs (80s one day 30s or 40s the next, literally) it is hard to tell!
The next person enjoys cuddling with her dogs.
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No, but I do enjoy cuddling with my teddy bears.
The next person has lots of pets.
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Not at the moment; but I do have 2 grand-puppies and 2 grand-cats who live in town, so I hang out with them a lot.
the next person is going out of town this weekend
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No-it's Baby Charlee's birthday! My house will be busy with grandkids!
The next person bought an electric blanket today! ( I did no more freezing at night )
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False. If you are Ruth, I hope you have a great time.
The next person is going to have a relaxing weekend.
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Unfortunately, no. Not so busy today but full day tomorrow.
The next person should be cleaning their house today--like I should!!!
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false I'm waiting on steak. the DOG walked the next person today.
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The next person would like to have a pet bunny.
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The next person would like to see some sunshine.
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The next person is having rainy weather.
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we had 8 inches of snow yesterday!
the next person has a snowblower
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Nope, not in this part of Texas! Hope you do, though.
The next person enjoyed a walk outdoors today.
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No but we went on a lovely drive and it was sunny.
The next person wishes they lived in a nicer house.
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Some what true! I just wished our downstairs was finished! It has alot of space that could be used for something other than storage!
The next person gathered all their tax information today.
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working on it . . .
The next person needs to get outside for some exercise today.
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I did!! Took a walk around the mall (outside!!) on my lunch hour today!! Thank goodness for a break in the weather!!
The next person has a lot of outside chores to do!! (I do!!! I don't even know where to start!!)
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True, I'm sure the garden could do with some weeding.
The next person has a big garden to look after.
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Hi Aussie!!
Not yet...but my husband is talking like he is going to put one in this year.
The next person has many flower containers.
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Hi Ocean!!
The next person has a lot of flowers in their garden.
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No, I do mostly containers but not many of them.
The next person has many indoor plants.
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False - I wish I could have a few! I have to be careful with the cats they chew on plants.
The next person had rain ....again today!
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false, but we are in the path of another winter storm later this week
the next person likes to wear sparkly earrings
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Sometimes, but I wear only clip ons (my husband once said I have enough holes in my head when I was expressing concern about allergic reactions to piercing and some of the posts)
The next person has pierced ears.
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the time change is effecting the next person today
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No, I have no internal clock and can't sleep anyway!!
The next person ate some junk food today. (I need to get diet back on track!!)
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The next person has some nice recipes to make.
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the next person did not leave the house today
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False. Gone most of day!
The next person got caught in the rain today!
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The next person got cold today.
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True- I'm always cold!!
The next person changes all the linens (bed sheets ) on Friday.