The Next Person Game
The next person is having a rest today.
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the next person just got a new computer
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The next person has a Mac computer.
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The next person stays in touch with some of her cousins
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Yes, sometimes.
The next person still writes letters (not just emails and text).
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True. I send lots of cards and write in them.
The next person is kid free for the first time in months!
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I don't have kids any of the time.
The next person needs a holiday.
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Yes! A little vacation would be nice!
The next person has been working on getting organized.
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Yes, getting organised is a life long task.
The next person needs to declutter.
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the next person likes to travel
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Yes, in some ways.
The next person has some sewing to do.
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True. I have a poncho to make and several things to repair.
The next person is having strange weather today. Bright sunshine and really nice out. Rain was predicted. ..calm before the storm I guess.
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I don't think our weather is strange.
The next person should go to bed soon.
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No, our's is just cold. Had some flurries this morning. But nothing strange. Had downpours of rain yesterday.
The next person is planning their summer vacation.
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No, but I wish I was planning my summer vacation.
The next person wants to stay by the sea.
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I love the ocean, so true.
the next person will be by the sea/ocean soon (I will, I'm going to Florida to meet up with some old girlfriends)
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I'm hoping we can go to the beach once more before our weather cools down.
The next person has been baking today.
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False. I (we) were volunteering at church today. Ruth, enjoy your sun and sand!!!
The next person would love a trip to the beach to!
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I would ALWAYS love a trip to the beach!!
The next person would love a trip to the mountains.
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Maybe just a trip...Have no current travel plans.
The next person is planning a party.
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No, I don't like parties.
The next person has been watching TV.
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No, not since last night. I've been working.
The next person has been working at a computer.
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Yes, I am just trying out my new keyboard.
The next person likes their computer mouse.
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Yes, it's ok.
The next person likes their computer monitor. (I like mine at home better than the one I have at work. It's bigger!!)
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I really like my computer monitor.
The next person likes their desk at home.
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The next person turns off the computer when it is not in use.
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Yes, most of the time.
The next person types fast.
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Yes, I can type fast--not always as accurate as I used to be though!
The next person uses a laptop instead of desktop computer.
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The next person is good at using Excel computer program.
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Pretty good. I use it every day for work. But there are still things that pop up that I have no idea how to do!! Lol
The next person gets frustrated by computer programs!!