The Next Person Game
No, not on Friday.
The next person needs to do clothes washing.
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The next person plans to watch a movie today--in person, online, or on TV.
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Yes, I just watched a movie at home.
The next person plans to watch TV shows today.
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The next person plans to paint pastels today!
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False. I'd like to put pink fabric paint on a top of mine though.
The next person is writing emails.
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The next person is planning a St. Patrick's Day dinner with family.
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The next person has been looking at photos.
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The next person got a new phone today!
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The next person wore green today
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No, I wore blue and purple.
The next person wants some new clothes.
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TRUE! I am a shopaholic! I always want her clothes!
The next person has a hair appointment today. I did and I might actually have an inch cut off!
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False, I have been cutting my own hair since 1985.
The next person has grey hair. I do and I started going grey when I was nearly 21.
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False. My hair is dark brown almost black. I have a tiny grey streak on the top. Depending on how my hair decides to part you might see it.
The next person is looking forward to spring!😎
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Yes I am. Our spring doesn't start till October.
The next person has comfortable shoes.
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True! I have many pairs of comfortable shoes.
The next person is going to take a warm bath to warm up.
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No, but a warm bath sounds like a good idea!
The next person needs to go shoe shopping.
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Yes, I would like another pair of shoes.
The next person plans to watch a movie tonight.
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The next person does not enjoy grocery shopping
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Well, you can tell I'm social deprived...I enjoy grocery shopping! Especially when there is a Caroline's cart available. No loading and unloading my girls stroller.
The next person likes to bake.
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I have mixed feelings about baking.
The next person likes to make ice cream.
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I have never made ice cream but have always wanted to!
The next person likes to eat ice cream! Halo Top is my favorite brand.
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Yes - we even have peanut butter ice cream here in Australia now!
The next person gets overwhelmed by how many choices there are in grocery stores.
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True- there are so many choices for everything!
The next person is doing lots of laundry today ( sick kiddo at home
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The next person is always reading a book
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Vargadoll, I'm sorry you have a sick kid at home.
I usually have a few books on the go but I don't get a chance to read as often as I'd like.
The next person is trying to catch up on computer tasks today.
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True. I had some Ghostbusters labels to make for the kids birthday party Sunday.
The next person is enjoying the sun shining today.
(Thanks Aussie! He's much better today)
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No, it's still dark here but we've been having cloudy days anyway.
The next person wants to go to the beach when it's warm enough.
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So very true!!!
The next person has two meetings today.
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False. I'm planning to go to the beach even though it's not very warm.
The next person likes to go sightseeing even when they're not away on holiday.
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True- i love to sight see and window shop to!
The next person has an RO appointment tomorrow.