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The Next Person Game



  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    No, I didn't even go outside.

    The next person has been exercising.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173

    Our dojo is teaching classes on Zoom, so yes.

    The next person is aware that Andrew Lloyd Webber is streaming a different musical for FREE every weekend - it posts Friday night and runs for 48 hours. (This weekend is Phantom.)


  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    No, I didn't know that. Thanks, Miriandra.

    The next person likes musical movies.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,580

    some of them

    the next person has walked out of a movie before

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Not that I can remember.

    The next person has walked out of a restaurant because of poor service.

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120

    Only once that I remember!

    The next person has been watching the weekend Andrew Lloyd Webber free theater productions he's providing during the pandemic, "The Shows Must Go On!" Two weekends ago I saw a great production of "The Phantom of the Opera." (If you don't know, he is airing full length theater productions each weekend. They run free from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon in the US--adjust accordingly to wherever you are in the world). Just Google on Friday to find a YouTube link.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    No, I haven't.

    The next person has been watching more TV than usual.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    True. The weather has been a big mixture of sun, wind, rain and colder temperatures so I have been inside a lot.😕

    The next person is a little concerned about all the talk of food shortages.

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120

    No, not really. News hype of the day, I think. Farmers are still farming, truckers are still trucking, and if people in food production are sick now, it may shut down plants temporarily, but not totally. If we can prevent the hoarding that happened with toilet paper, we should have no problems.

    The next person is sick of having to cook and wash dishes so much during the pandemic!!

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    My hubby and I are both essential workers in the food industry so we are both still working. So there really hasn't been a change for us.

    The next person has had to drastically change their daily routine due to the pandemic.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    No, not much.

    The next person misses their family.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Yes, terribly!!

    The next person is looking forward to life getting back to normal.

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120

    Don't think the "normal" will look like it did for a long time. I look forward to getting out with a mask on. Maybe next month!!

    The next person has been using their stay home time productively? I confess, I have not been too productive, but have certainly cooked a lot more than usual!

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    I have been really busy moving house and cleaning out the old house. I hope I get to have a bit of a rest after this.

    The next person has been sleeping well.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173

    Nope. I think my tamoxifen has been giving me insomnia. Only reason I can think of. :P

    The next person enjoys naps.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    Miriandra, I'm sorry you're not sleeping well and I hope that improves soon.

    Yes, I love naps!

    The next person has a comfy bed.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,580

    not particularly

    the next person had a nice Mother's Day

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    I had an okay day on Sunday but I'm not a mother.

    The next person is having Coronavirus restrictions lifting a bit in their state.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    True (Phase 1 starts May 20)

    The next person is tired of being stuck at home

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120

    Fairly content, but I miss seeing people in person!

    The next person has spent stay home time making a puzzle? I just finished a 2000 piece puzzle tonight!

  • jelloelloello
    jelloelloello Member Posts: 83

    False- it’s actually really hard to buy puzzles now because they’re all sold out online!

    The next person started a new hobby or got back into an old one during the quarantine

  • SoulShine1969
    SoulShine1969 Member Posts: 2,843

    I have a garden every year but I added more vegetables and herbs this year to keep me busy. We’ve had some cold nights here in Northern Illinois so I’ve been “tucking in” my little plants every night to keep them warm.

    The next person likes gardening too.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    Not really but pulling weeds can be satisfying.

    The next person has been sleeping in.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    false. My girl has been getting me up before 5 o’clock every morning! It was 330 yesterday morning. I think the decrease in activity is getting to her.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173

    No, not really. My insomnia wakes me up early. I just got switched from Tamoxifen to Arimidex, so we'll see if that makes a difference.

    The next person enjoys a nice glass of wine.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    Vargadoll and Miriandra, I hope you both sleep better and longer.

    False, I don't like any kind of wine.

    The next person likes apple and blackcurrant juice.

  • lezza13
    lezza13 Member Posts: 579

    Hope everyone sleeps better!

    Yes to apple, no to blackcurrant

    The next person drinks decaf coffee or tea

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173

    Nope, leaded coffee please. But I do enjoy both black/green and herbal teas.

    Aussie-Cat, Australia makes incredible wines! Too bad they're not to your taste.

    The next person likes cranberry juice or cranberry blends.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    I don't like cranberry juice all that much.

    The next person likes to drink hot drinks every day.

  • SoulShine1969
    SoulShine1969 Member Posts: 2,843

    I drink coffee in the morning and then I switch to hot tea in the afternoon.

    The next person prefers iced drinks.