The Next Person Game
If I was close enough to a big city, maybe???
Next person IS done with their Christmas shopping?
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oh no!!
The next person still has left over turkey
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Yes and just ate some.
Next person has alot of clean up from Thankgiving
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I think my other half FINALLY cleaned it up?
The next person had a GREAT Thanksgiving???
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Yes I ate over at my friends.
Next person is ready for Christmas
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just gotta get Steve and my girls their presents, and I'll be set!
The next person can't believe we're at the end of the year...ALREADY!!!
0 -
Yes, I cannot believe it's the end of the year either!!!!!
The next person has the house decorating for the holidays all finished.0 -
Well, where I live, the majority of us don't decorate, and unfortunately, that includes
the next person has a birthday this month?
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Yes I can't believe it is the end of the year, either. Yes, I am just finishing up my decorating for Christmas... well, I'm ALMOST finished... just needs some finishing touches... the hubby will have to help with some of it... he gets on a ladder or step ladder and puts up garland and a wreath, and we hang Christmas ornaments on the garland....
no, my birthday isn't til April...
the next person had to run errands in the rain today... I did...
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no...but my sister and I had to walk to the conference in a couple inches of fresh snow
the next person is a night owl?
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SNOW!! Say it isn't so!!
no, but I do stay up much later than I ever used to...
The next person is reading a good book. I am...
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Have one ready to read- hope it's good.
Next person has an Angel as their tree topper
0 -, but I wish I had one. My Mom always put an angel deep in the tree... you couldn't really see her, but she was always there. Always used to have a star on top of our tree.
Now, we have a gold bow on top of the tree.
The next person had a very enjoyable dinner. I did... my dh made shrimp risotto. It was delicous!!
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yumm, shrimp sounds good. Not a real enjoyable dinner for me. just had leftovers by myself since daughter was with a friend.
Next person is watching a christmas movie......I am
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No I am not watching a Christmas movie.
Next person is thinking about exercising more.......
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I am after Christmas, I paid the PH at the hospital
to help me.
Next person love to eat Salads
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...I watched a movie, from Netflix, but not a Christmas movie...
...I am trying to exercise more... have been trying to go out for a walk or run almost every day, so sometimes, when I'm not feeling as ambitious, it'll be a shorter walk or run. Today, I did my tour of the neighborhood, which is maybe 2 miles.... Although I can't run the entire time, at least I'm getting out in the sunshine, and getting some exercise... I was walking every day, during my tx, but sort of lost the desire...
the next person is addicted to Facebook....
0 -
Yes, I am addicted to bco and facebook and I know you are too my friend.
The next person is finished with their Christmas shopping
0 -
NO....... not finished.
The next person is not finished with their Christmas shopping either......
0 -
Nope, not finished either.
The next person likes snow
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Yes, I AM addicted to bco and FB.... Love ya, sweetie!
not finished with my Christmas shopping...
No, I don't like snow... it's one of my least favorite FOUR LETTER WORDS!! and, I think that a WHITE CHRISTMAS IS WAY OVER-RATED!!
The next person has big plans for the weekend. I don't...
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no big plans.
the next person does not have big plans for the weekend either..........
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Just flying back to my dinky ol' village...where there's LOTS more snow now, which I'm not too fond of, but I must consider the place I'm living now...and I wish it was a LOT closer to Texas too Harley44, I agree, 'White Christmases' are overrated???
Anyway, that's my weekend plan, and hopefully, the weather will cooperate, and I won't get stuck in Bethel...yeesh
The next person has big plans for Christmas?
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No, I don't have any big plans for Christmas...
Sharon -- My favorite Christmas was a Caribbean cruise... 85 degrees and the waiters were bringing me drinks!! I LOVED it!!
The next person has plans for New Years Eve...
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next person likes to bake.....
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I love to bake, I use to bake alot more before chemo.
Next person has the Christmas tree up
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I also love to bake, but now my dh and I don't eat as much of those delicious cookies and other baked goods anymore....
Yes, I have the tree up. I did it in stages; the first night, I just put the garland on the tree. I am a bit of a perfectionist, so by the time I was finished, I was pooped.
The next person is having Chicken Soup tonight for dinner! My dh is making it, and the house smells wonderful!!!
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what time is dinner?
I'm surprised you didn't say those waiters were wearing bikini bottoms, to boot, Harley44???
The next person likes watching cartoons?
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Not a lot but do when the grandkids are here
Harley?? curious how was that soup
The next person has been snowmobiling
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No, the waiters WEREN'T wearing bikinis, but that would have been fun!!
yes, I LOVE cartoons! My favorite has ALWAYS been... THE FLINTSTONES!!
the soup was DELICIOUS!!
Yes, I've been snowmobiling with my brother in law when I was younger... I never really cared for any activities that were outdoor, in the SNOW, and the COLD.... BRRRR....
The next person is having pizza for dinner... we are!!