The Next Person Game
The next person enjoys their job.
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The next person love American Idol...
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EWWW No hate that show ! lol
The next person is going to watch the superbowl !!
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NO no supper bowl over here in OZ
Does the next person live near the bush
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Nope city life here !
The next person is a baseball fan.
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Yes.....go Red Sox!!!!
The next person is annoyed with a family member.
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True, my sister, she never tells the truth since her gambling addiction took over...
The next person also has a secret addiction!!
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True - I am addicted to the TV show West Wing. I just discovered it and am one season 4.
The next person has kids in college.
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If I do, I don't even know about it, because my addiction to BC.Org is no secret
Tha next person loves blue cheese
0 - cheese salad dressing
The next person loves a beautiful sunny day.
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True, it means geting to play in the garden
the next person is involved in organized sports
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False, I wish I had the energy for exercise right now.
the next person, is drinking coffee.
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False.....I wish I had one, but am drinking wine instead....much needed
the next person loves a massage
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the next person loves to bowl.
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the next person has the football game on at their house
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False- watching 24 and totally addicted!!!!
The next person is scratching their family pet right now!
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false...everyone is asleep but me..even the critters.
the next person, has a winning lotto ticket in their purse..
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Yes, I have a $2.. winning ticket!!!
The next person has been to Key West!!
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The next person has plans for next weekend.
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It is my son's 14th Birthday party!
The next person has to go to the grocery store later today
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False...but I will be tomorrow.
The next person loves to go to the mall.
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Ture, but it has been too long since I've had one.
The next person works full time outside of the home.
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No.............. part time.
The next person loves to read.
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True...mysteries are my fav.
The next person loves ride horses.
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True, don't have any myself, but DS does.
The nest person has more than one dog
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The next person is thinking about buying something they have been wanting.
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very true..
the next person lives somewhere warm
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True ( do not like cold weather )
the next person is trying to decide what to make for dinner this evening or a way to get out of it
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False I gave up and made tacos..
The next person is thinking about taking a relaxing bath
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True, I enjoy my bubble bath before bed. So relaxing!
The next person has a food allergy