The Next Person Game
I ordered pizza, when I was in Bethel, waiting to fly I did, but it wasn't/isn't for dinner tonight!
The next person likes big band music?
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True- I love all sorts of music!!!!!
The next person is going to eat something!!!!
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I like some different kinds of music... but not country or rap
I ate dinner earlier... probably won't eat again til I get up tomorrow, and eat breakfast.
The next person has an onc appt. soon. I had one yesterday.
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I like some different kinds of music... but not country or rap
I ate dinner earlier... probably won't eat again til I get up tomorrow, and eat breakfast.
The next person has an onc appt. soon. I had one yesterday.
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I have an appt, the end of next month, along w/a treatment of Zometa.
I like country, but don't care for rap too much, unless it's old school, like the Sugar Hill Gang?
The next person CAN believe it is the end of the year, already???
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...I also like the Sugar Hill Gang.
I can't believe that it's the end of the year either....
The next person is never going to finish getting ready for the Holidays! I'm not...
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It doesn't seem like the holidays, huh? I think I'm ready as ready can I said, considering the place I live...
The next person is living in snow free conditions?
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I just got back from a snowy vacation but I am living in snow free condition right now but we will get some sometime this winter I am sure. We usually get ice.
The next person really enjoyed putting up her Christmas tree
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Man!...if I had the resources up here, like I did down states...I MOST certainly would've enjoyed putting up a tree!!!
The next person has been to Europe?
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I'm guessing that everyone is having a GREAT holiday???
I'll answer my own next person??? I went to Europe during the summer of 1981, right before my senior year, in high school.
The next person had a great Christmas?
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No, did not have a great Christmas
The next person is ready for spring flowers
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I love to garden, and right now I am not enjoying watching everything loose their leaves.
The next person is tired of watching the news
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I love to garden, and right now I am not enjoying watching everything loose their leaves.
The next person is tired of watching the news
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True - I don't like watching the news. I normally get all my news on the internet.
The next person is lives in a warm climate.
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True - I was out in jeans and a t-shirt tilling up the garden today. I started out in a sweatshirt but took it off soon after I started.
The next person has at least one daughter and one son
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I'm so jealous - it's about 10 degrees here.
False - no children. Maybe someday.
The next person has a tattoo.
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True? Actually six, but they are the ones from my rads. I can actually only see three now, the others have faded or been cut out.
The next person has a green thumb
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Well, if I was in a warmer climate, I'd be growing plants, so I'd like to think I have a green thumb?
The next person enjoyed bringing in the New Year?
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True, I needed to say goodbye to 2009!
The next person is trying to decide what is for dinner....
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False, I still have last night's leftovers!
The next person has cold hands
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True - cold hands, warm heart :-)
The next person has a pet(s)
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Yes, if my dear hubby counts. He is so cute.
The next person loves to play in snow.
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False, I would rather sit indoors in the warmth and watch the snow falling. I have gone and built a snowman or two in my time, but being from a warm climate I do not have the winter clothing required to remain comfortable in the snow.
The next person is a football widow
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False, I'm single. Not too mention, I would be there right along with him - especially if it was college football.
The next person loves to dance
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True, but am very uncoordinated at it. maybe that's why DH never wants to.
The next person loves to cook
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True - just starting to really get into it. Love to bake too!
The next person loves karaoke
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False and True - can't sing at all, but love to watch others.
The next person enjoys taking cruises.
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True, but it has been many years. Maybe one day when things settle down DH and I will go on one.
The next person like to make lists
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Yes, but I never get through one.
The next petson works from home
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the next person likes to shop