The Next Person Game
True. really love scuba even more, but currently don't have a dive partner
The next person was able to doyard work this weekend
0 -
ha, ha, ha......buried in snow here
The next person is thinking of digging through the cupboards for a snack
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True . . . my husband ate my last cupcake!?!
The next person is mad at their spouse/SO
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The next person wants to get a new watch
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True, or at least a new battery for the old one! Or, a new band.
The next person might get a snow day this week.
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False, it just won't happen here.
The next person wants to weigh 5 pounds less
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rue, and then another 5 and another 5 and one more 5!
The next person likes to go on walks when the weather is good.
0 -
True, love to...
The next person is wearing dangly earrings
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The next person had a smoothie at breakfast
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false, oatmeal
The next person loves smoothies (had one yesterday, mmmmmm)
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The next person is grocery shopping today
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False, should but false
The next person is having nice weather for a change
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True, we are having nice weather today but.............most of the time we do have nice weather here.
The next person needs some caffeine
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Probably true. Just realized that I feel like a zombie.
The next person avoids caffeine
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False......... but I do try to limit the amount.
The next person exercised today
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I exercised my patience, jumped to conclusion, jogged my memory and stretched my imagination...does that count?
The next person has noisy neighbors
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( Good one Meece but..................... nope it does not count as exercise! )
False......... no noisy neighbors.
The next person was a Brownie when she was a child
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True, for a very short time. Maybe a year or so.
The next person went on to be a Girl Scout
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False (Camp Fire Girls)
The next person is wearing glasses
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True......took out my contacts a short time ago.
The next person sometimes watches HGTV
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True, Love HGTV, upset when our cable company took it off the air for a month.
The next person is going to force themself to take a long walk today!
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False...too many snow drifts on the roads here.
The next person had a great weekend?
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The next person is planning a quite evening at home
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The next person ordered/bought Girl Scout cookies
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FALSE! I must have missed out! NEED Thin Mints!
The next person has forsythia blooming inside!
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False, although I think it is very pretty it does not grow here.
The next person wants to take a class
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True, not sure if one on horticulture or accounting
The next person loves different cheeses
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False (I'm just getting done with taking 16 hours of 'professional development', so I'm 'classed out')
The next person is going to take a bubble bath
0 -
You must have answered the one before mine
True. I love relaxing in the tub
The next person loves different cheeses
0 -
True. And now it's organic
The next person is about to eat ice cream.