The Next Person Game
False, but I do grow flowers.
The next person has daffodils and tulips peaking through the ground,
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True, well tulips and paper-whites and narcissus
Teh next person grows plants indoors in the winter
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The next person likes to watch "Dancing With the Stars"
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False ~ No TV!
The next person has a wonderful husband
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False. *sigh* I ain't got nobody. (but the dog and 3 cats. I need to teach them how to drive me to appointments.)
The next person likes to play Scrabble.
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True, just wish I had someone else that likes to play. At one place I worked, every Friday afternoon we'd go online and play scrabble against each other.
The next person considers herself outdoorsy
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True - at least I love to garden
The next person loves to dance
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True (but I'm not very good!)
The next person plays a musical instrument.
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Define plays.... Attempts to play, will play when nobody is around to hear....
The next person has the ability to carry a tune.
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True, especially if I'm standing next to a really good singer
The next person has sung "Handel's Messiah" with a choir
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False I cannot sing unless it's in the car with the windows and the sound up.
The next person has joined the E-LAB Project thread
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The next person had a sandwich for lunch today...I did, bologna and cheese, my fav!
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Haven't had lunch yet, but that sandwich does sound good!
The next person likes Mexican food?
Good morning, y'all!
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The next person likes to bake yummy things
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I like baking bread, but that's about it?
The next person likes Italian food?
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Bread is the yummiest of all!!
True ~ I like Italian food too!
The next person has fresh flowers in the house
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I wish?
The next person like Thai food?
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Okay,'re onto me! I love ethnic foods of all kinds!
The next person is thinking about spring cleaning
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When it warms up enough upstairs, I'm thinkin' about cleaning up.
The next person would be brave/bold enough to try what we call 'eskimo' food...there's dried fish of all kinds, fresh fish, reindeer, musk ox, seal, walrus...there's even something called stinky fish, which I WILL NOT TRY!
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Okay, well, you lost me! Perhaps I would not love eskimo food!
The next person will soak in a warm bath before the day is out
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lol Suzanne! As one of my brothers says...Native food is a wee bit like Japanese food? I like most of what I tried, but I'm still acquiring a taste for some of the walrus. But, growing up in Texas, I've tried a lot of foods there, that's why I've been asking about the ethnic foods...
As for soaking in a warm bath, I'd love to...but being in the place I am...running water is hard to come by, unless one takes a shower at the washeteria? I'd like to take a steam even better!
Let's see...the next person has taken steam baths?
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The next person loves to shop online
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I do.
The next person has joined the polar bear club?
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Oh heck no!! Can't stand the cold
The next person loves to wrap up in a blanket
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True if need be as I hate to be cold.
The next person likes to cook
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True! It seems like all I do !
The next person loves to watch reruns of I Love Lucy
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True, I like watching a lot of the old shows.
The next person has a dr. appointment this week.
0 - week
The next person likes crossword puzzles
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Yes ~ I wish I was better at them though!
The next person would never buy a bottle of shampoo without sniffing it first!
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False, but funny idea!
The next person has a grandchild