The Next Person Game
So you have seen my house! True
The next person is expecting guests tomorrow
0 -
The next person is having tea right now
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False - very light coffee.
The next person has started their Saturday chores already
0 -
chores ~ schmores! I'm going shopping!
The next person has a cat in her lap
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Not at the moment, but it could happen; I have three!
the next person is buying some cute shoes today
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Tried....failed! :-)
The next person looks forward to a glass of wine tonight
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True, it is Saturday night, although I am going the easy route with dinner, wine will be nice.
The next person has gone clothes shopping this week.
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False. Only grocery shopping
The next person is watching a chick flick tonight
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I am not sure. Right now I am cleaning up in my sewingroom and watching back to back episodes of Bewitched!
The next person still has to clean up after the dinenr
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False, went out to dinner
The next person is paying bills
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False.......just relaxing.
The next person likes to try new recipes
0 -
I like to read them, does thaty count?
The next person just ate some ice cream
0 - ice cream as I have been trying to "behave" so my clothes do not shrink! And yes Ruth , of course reading counts......
The next person is thinking about making plans to get together with a friend/friends
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True! Feeling better and starting to get out again:)
The next person is having Sunday brunch
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False, we hit Jack it the Box before church, it's a tradition.
The next person is going to church this morning
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Technically, False...although I did go out into nature! I think that counts in God's eyes!
The next person will spend time with a child today
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False unless DH starts acting up
The next person has to limit how much time she spends online
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True...I really need to do that one of these days! LOL! Too funny about your DH Meece!!
The next person loves to knit
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The next person will exercise today
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True......... I exercise just about every day ( brisk walking )
The next person likes oatmeal raisin cookies
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Oh yum, true!
The next person needs to get started on their taxes
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True and false......... all the paperwork is together and organize....... ready to be given to the person who will do them.
The next person is thinking about going to bed early tonight
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(About to sign off and go to bed!)
The next person will have a salad for lunch tomorrow.
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True, or at least that is the plan
The next person is staying up late
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False...too tired
The next person will get their car washed this week
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Awwww, what's the use??!! :-)
The next person likes beets
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True, esp with goat cheese!
The next person watched the entire Oscars last night
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false singing along to my ipod
the next person is enjoying this spring weather!
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The next person likes to watch American Idol.
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False, I hav never watched it. (I planted several rows of beet seeds this winter, can't wait for them to get big enough, had to start the page with a picture)
The next person grows a vegetable garden.