The Next Person Game
I'm waffling on this one...I force myself to eat both
The next person like German food
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the next person has eaten frog legs
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the next person has eaten octupus
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False..but I have eaten squid
The next person has eaten escargot
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True! in a bath of butter and garlic, but not in many years!
The next person has lost their appetite!
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True!!!! You gals are a hoot! Mind if I play?
The next person has hot flashes.
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Hi Seaotter!
The next person is reading a really good novel
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The next person is expecting snow this weekend
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False (anyway, I think it's not going to snow this weekend, we've had frost and freeze warnings for the past five days though so who knows?)
The next person has seen the professional verson of Phantom of the Opera.
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the next person is enjoying family today
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The next person has tried cabrito?
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I had to google that and it is false but I do love goat cheese
The next person is not wearing under-ware.
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The next person has tried bison?
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True MMMM......
the next person has attended a game dinner
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False, but I've always been intrigued by those dinners, where they serve 'exotic' fare, such as the fried bugs and worms?
The next person is ambidextrous?
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The next person wears contacts
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very false, although I'd like to get some!
The next person is left-handed?
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False, but my two DD's are!
The next person likes hamburgers.
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very much...plain, with cheese...YUM!
The next person likes tootsie rolls?
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False - I use to but I'm eating so healthy these days!!!
The next person watches 24 and is totally grossed out by it!
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False now but it was true until this year when I got grossed out on the second or third episode and couldn't watch anymore!
The next person subscribes to netflix.
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True--I love netflix. We also have a blu ray player so use the streaming feature through netflix. Love it!
Ruth--good to see we are on the same threads.
The next person sleeps with more than 2 pillows (sorry---I had to ask, since I am a pillow hog!!)
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True...having a hard time finding a really comfortable one
The next person has roses planted in their garden
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the next person has a king size bed
great minds think alike, goodvib
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The next person has white sheets
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True--love my bed. So much room to spread out. My DH is 6 ft tall and I still have room! Wouldn't have it any other way!
The next person likes Starbucks iced Skinny Caramel Macchiato. (OMG it is so Good!)
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Very True, I am drolling thinking about it!
the next person loves to buy purses
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True--Just bought a new one for my trip to Barcelona in June! Also have a flea market here in NH that is a knock off of the name brand purses. I go there once a year!
The next person has turned on their heat in May.
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True ...last weekend, back up to 90 today and humid
The next person has feather pillows
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true three of them
the next person has a shoe addiction