The Next Person Game
true 6 different ones
the next person loves zoo's
0 -
The next person has a safety deposit box in a bank.
0 -
The next person has a parrot
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False, (though my friends Tom & Jena love birds have several and belong to a bird club)
The next person has a landmark state
0 -
0 -
what's a landmark state?
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true (a state that has a national landmark in it)
the next person is mowing /or having the lawn mowed today
0 -, would that include the national parks too, standingfirm?
false...there's still snow on the ground here...
the next person likes Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers?
0 -
the next person has colorful paint on the walls of their house
0 -
The next person will be taking a summer vacation soon?
0 -
true--can't wait
The next person is a Gemini.
0 -
The next person has ridden on a snow mobile
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the next person has ridden on a motorcycle
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true ( Not sure about the national park thing have to look it up)
the next person has a pet
0 -
The next person likes to ride horses
0 -
the next person has a horse in their yard
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False...but I wish I did
The next person lives by a lake
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False. Nearest "lake" is about 30 miles away
The next person does not live in a housing tract
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True, 10 wonderful acres all to ourselves in the house hubby designed.
The next person has a birthday in May or June.
0 -
The next person has some kind of water feature in their yard (pond, fountain.. etc...)
(how's your paper coming suzwes?)
0 -
True (a little pond in the garden)
(Paper is in, class is done, waiting for the grade! Thanks for asking scooter)
The next person loves roller coasters.
0 -
the next person is concerned about a parent
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True - My mom is 94 so always a concern.
The next person needs to use an umbrella today.
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True....later in the day
The next person is on their way out to run errands (I am)
I know what you mom is 90, in good health and active, but still 90.
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false Md appt today 1st taxol Ugg!!
the next person enjoys flying
0 -
the next person enjoys hand gliding
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False - would be too afraid of my arm getting lymphdema!!!!!
The next person is going out to dinner tonight.
0 -
The next person went out for lunch today...I did.
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The next person likes to wear hats...any kind
0 -
The next person will travel outside of the continental US this summer.