The Next Person Game



  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    spar--false--I don't lie, but I don't like hurting people either. 

    MissS, thanks for the invite!!  I do promise to be a courteous Cat--no hairballs or clawing of the furniture!

    The next person will dive off a high dive this summer.  (No way; I'm scared of heights.)


  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I'm a big chicken!!

    Okay, cat. I'm looking forward to your visit. :-)

    The next person talks too much!

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Miss S - thanks for the eyebrow....I think I see a hair or two!  Maybe it's working.

    Cat will get rid of all your mice and rats.....she can come here anytime, I'll even clean up the hairballs!

    TC - Bad thing about holidays - too much food! 

    I don't think I talk TOO much but I'm no shrinking violet either!

    The next person will see the sun today.....

  • NaughtybyNature
    NaughtybyNature Member Posts: 190

    True... true... true...

    Next person is wearing black underwear to match her pants... LOL (I am...)

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    false white ones boring lol

    next person loves to go camping

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    True, as long as there is hot running water somewhere in sight!  The older I get, the more amenitites I require. lol

    I wanna come to MissS's too!  I won't make a mess, but I cannot promise that I won't get into mischief Kitty 2 

    The next person remembers how to play the card game Canasta. (I liked it as a kid, but have forgotten how to play:(

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    Come on over, TC! We'll have your leftover punch!  :-)

    False, I never knew how to play Canasta. *sniff*

    The next person snorts when they laugh hard.

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291


    The next person will scrub floors today.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    No, I don't have a good singing voice, No to the riding mower, and no, I didn't go grocery shopping yesterday, I went on Sunday afternoon. 

    Yes, I snort if I laugh too hard, and no I am not scrubbing floors today. 

    The next person is going to the dentist tomorrow... I am!  I have a blackened tooth...  I hate the dentist!

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I'm not going to the dentist, but I do go faithfully, twice a year.  *snicker*

    The next person wears bracelets.

  • LumiPojo
    LumiPojo Member Posts: 752

    True (sometimes). The next person has green eyes.

  • DebKay
    DebKay Member Posts: 11

    Harley I went to the dentist teeth did not like chemo at all.  I bet my dentist likes the business though.  This was my 4th trip fixing what chemo messed up.

    I love bracelets MissShappen

    FALSE- Dark brown eyes here.

    The next person is wondering who will do well on American Idol tonight.

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    True, but I think they all will do well...I'm just wondering how the vote will go down.  Crossing my fingers for David Cook.

    True, love Bracelets.

    False on green eyes (mine are blue), floor scrubbing (drs. appointment instead, but I'd rather scrub floors - lol) and false on the dentist, but that is next on my agenda!  DH is going to disown me if I don't schedule that next.   Harley (((hugs))) and good luck tomorrow!  I wish, wish, wish white-out were the solution.   Hey, wait a minute...MissS is a fairy after-all, can't she fix us painlessly??? Let's all just go to her house and have a few of her Purple Passion Drinks.  That ought to work!

    The next person plays online games.

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    false no games but here

    next person annoyed with teenage daughter i am lol

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False -don't have teenage daughter but if I did would probably be annoyed with her....aren't MOST teenagers slightly annoying?

    Chemo did a number on my teeth also - once I'm "better", my dentist will be digging out the roots and replacing a few teeth that chemo destroyed.  Oh joy!

    And while my eyebrows have started growing back in (ever so slowly) my eyelashes have now decided to once again disappear - just in time for my vacation - we're leaving Saturday - I may never return......

    The next person is a skier

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I don't have a daughter, but I'd probably be annoyed if I did! LOL

    I do play online games.... Scrabble, Pool, Dominoes, and Tiki tiki boom.

    I am waving my wand like crazy... is everyone fixed? No, well, let's just have some Purple Passion and forget about it.

    The next person thinks Tom Selleck is a babe!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Thanks for the hugs, and warm thoughts for my dentist appt. tomorrow... YIKES, I am scared, with the stories I am seeing now, about all ya'll's chemo-damaged teeth!  Well, I guess it's time to try to get this taken care of, before I end up with no teeth!!

    Guggerty, please come back!!  Have a wonderful vacation!!  We'll miss you!!

    No, I don't ski, and I don't have any children, but I think that teenage daughters are always annoying. 

    My eyes are brown, I like to wear bracelets, and I must be the only person who doesn't watch American Idol.

    I am weird...   I guess Tom Selleck is ok... 

    The next person wears multiple bracelets.

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    Guggerty, have a wonderful time, but please, please come back to us!!

    I'm a blue-eyed Cat who wears boring white, cotten underwear.  No sexy panties for me---yet!  Just wait until after my exchange surgery when I'll be  a new, wild woman!!!

    Harley, you're not alone.  I've not seen AI either!  It interferes too much with "House."

    MissS, on to the Purple Passion!!!!!

    False, I only wear my watch.

    The next person has two piercings in each ear for earrings.  (Eww, I could only stand to go through that one time on each!!!)


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    False, I only have ONE piercing on each earlobe... 

    The next person is starting a new job soon.  I am... on Thursday.  I was hired today, and will be working at a little store in town, which is close to my house.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False, good luck with your new job Harley. How exciting!

    I have one piercing in right ear and 2 in left ear.

    The next person is going for mammo and us today. I am and I am a nervous wreck, as always. Please pray for good results.

    Guggerty, have fun on your vacation...enjoy!!

    Kbug,prayers for your son's safety.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False on having a mammo today tho I'm sure I'll be having one soon - hopefully after my burned boobie heals.

    Candie:  I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a clear report on your mammo!!!!!!!!!!

    Harley - Congrats on the new job, what will you be doing?

    Thanks for the good wishes for my's been a loooong winter here.

    Yes, I think TS is a babe (still), have 2 holes in each ear tho I only wear one pair at a time, still not sure why I have 2 piercings - can't remember getting the 2nd set?????  I am with you guys Cat and Harley - I have never seen AI tho I'm familiar with the winners because they even mention them on NPR..yikes.

    The next person felt like a science project during and post tx - when does this end????

  • NaughtybyNature
    NaughtybyNature Member Posts: 190

    False on the science project... I was just very lucky....

    Next person is wearing pants today, I know I am... again... LOL

    PS: Harley... congrats on the new job.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, am wearing pants today.

    Radiologist says nothing new and suspicious on mammo and US.Wahoo!!!! So far no one can explain the breast pain I have.

    Guggerty, thanks for crossing your fingers and toes.

    The next person will have lunch outdoors today...I can't, used my lunch time for appt. this morning.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I'll have lunch in my lil kitchen.

    Hooray on the clear mammo, candie! I have two piercings in my right ear and one in my left. LOL

    Gugg, have a great vacation!

    Harley, congrats on the job! How did the dentist go?

    I love kitties with blue eyes. :-)

    The next person is somewhat of a trivia expert.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false on trivia, i seem to forget what i've learned within an hour of learning it

    the next person loves to walk in the rain in the summer time (i do)

    Harley, what kind of store is it?  Hope you do good and enjoy it.

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    Possibly true, but could be false.  I think I might like the *idea* of walking in the rain in the summertime more than actually doing it.

    The next person hasn't bought anything new for summer yet.  (I haven't.)

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    True, so true...and I really must before we head to Hawaii next month.  I think I've had the same bathing suit for OMG, I can't even count back that far! lol

    Congrats to both Harley on the job and Candie on the clean Mammo/US....Woohooo to you both! 

    Harley, please tell me your dentist doesn't look or sound like the guy doing the 1 800 dentist commercials! He gives me the willies for some reason. lol  

    XOXOXO to the cute little fairy.  She fixes us AND let's us get plowed! lol

    Guggerty - My lashes fell out at the end of treatment too...just when I thought I was safe!  They come back pretty fast though.  Have a blast on vacation.  Use a little liner on the top outer corner and people won't even notice.  xoxo

    Piercings - one in each ear, must be the only conservative  one here. Ha! lol Wink

    Unsure on walking in summers rain as we don't get that here in California.  I may find out in Hawaii however.

    Okay, now I can't go back to the previous page, and I forget the rest, so we'll still call it chemo-brain 2 1/2 years out and let it go at that. lol

    The next person enjoys being out in the sun, maybe a little too much!  That would be me!  In The Pool 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011

    TRUE - I love the sun! It works wonders on the ol' Seratonin levels!

    The next person golfs.

    OOOHHHHH nice!

  • NaughtybyNature
    NaughtybyNature Member Posts: 190
    He-he... not really... may be mini-golf...  Tee Off 3 
    Next person is having a busy day at work...

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True/False....only a lil busy today...we have been slow due to the economy.

    The next person has a family member graduating from graduate school soon...I do...DD will get her Masters this weekend. I am a proud