The Next Person Game



  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    I do (hic), I do(hic hic!), but it did not work this time!!

    The trick is to get a large glass of water, take a deep breath and then sip 20 sips of water from the glass before you exhale!  Should (hic) work!!  I'll try again and (hic) let you  know!

    I do compost, did call my mother tonight, do use coupons every time I can remember (Placental brain cell crossover--makes the brain do crazy things!) and drive a six-cylinder car!

    Congrats, Harley and Candie, on your wonderful news!!

    The next person is not going to work for the summer  (I'm thinking seriously of taking the summer off!!!) 


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Thanks, Cat!

    Congrats, Candie! on your good news!

    takingcare, yes, I will hire you!!  My first day was ok, but EIGHT hours is a long time!  My other jobs were part time, only four or five hours a day.  I just have a hard time working for an entire day!!  I feel like my whole life is gone, when I go in and it's morning and I go home and it's bedtime!!

    I would like to take off the summer, but after all I've been thru with the bc last year, maybe it will be good to have something else to focus on besides dr. appts.  I won't be able to shop, unless I start to work to earn money.  It's a catch 22.

    The next person is having guests stay at their house for the weekend.  We are... the same friend who we stayed with a couple of weeks ago.  He will arrive tomorrow evening and return to DC on Sunday.  I hope we can have lots of fun while he's here.  I'm not working til Monday... I am not sure when I am supposed to go back to work, because she changed my schedule... it was supposed to be M-T-W next week, but she thought it over, and she wants me to work next weekend, cause it's Memorial Day weekend...  So it'll probably be Fri Sat Sun Mon...  I hope not FOUR in a row!!  

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, but I had company last weekend!

    I'll be working all summer, but at the rate I'm going, I'm just happy to be capable of making it through the day.

    The next person has a son who is breaking her heart.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Awwww....Miss S, I hope your son isn't breaking your heart!  What is he up to? 

    False for me, I don't have a son but have godsons that I love to death.

    TC:  We are going to Gulf Shores, AL - we rented a beach house with a group of friends and I can't wait to get there.  Leave before dawn tomorrow and home the following Saturday - I'll miss you all.

    Harley:  I have 2 part-time jobs and I'm my own boss.  I am an electrologist and have been working in beauty shops since 1976.  I did maintain an office in the heart of the city (Chicago) and 1 in the suburbs - when we moved to IN, I closed the city office and just kept the suburb office.  I only go in 3 mornings a week.  And I am a mobile notary signing agent - I go to people's homes and sign refinances, home equity loans, reverse mortgages, etc., also do purchases in Real Estate offices.  I get a call usually the day before or the morning of and depending on how I feel I can accept or not.  The pay is decent but it has slowed down due to economy - but my insurance premiums and copays haven't slowed down!!!  I love both jobs because I am with different people (and the same at the beauty shop) all the time.  And I have been able to maintain my work thru chemo and radiation...of course I wasn't "paid" to lay home in bed but I wasn't pressured to "come in".

    I use coupons whenever possible - maybe they'll start giving us $1 off coupons for gas!  Wouldn't that be nice!  I drive a small SUV but have cut down on driving as much as possible so I am trying to be green.

    The next person is taking an AI and has NO s/e's.....I have to start soon and I'm terrified!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126


    WOW!  You sure sound busy!  Here I am,  complaining about working a few days a week!  But, I am SO SORE!!  I may ask if I can break it up and work just a few hours at a time.  But, they expect me to wear their clothes, and I can't afford them, even with the 30% discount!   I love clothes as much as the rest of you, but I can't justify spending $200 on a dress, even if it is cute!  Some of their clothes are pretty, but.... I would be just working to pay for the clothes!!

    Miss S... I hope your son isn't breaking your heart!!   Please say it isn't so!! 

    I also use coupons when I can, but things are just SO expensive!!

    False, sorry, but I am taking Tamoxifen, with minor se's.  I am now having trouble relaxing at night, and finding it harder to sleep, even though the night flashes seem to have subsided a bit.

    The next person will be enjoying nice weather this weekend, and going to some local festivals.  I am... even though my friends cancelled, we are still going to go to the Silver Coast winery festival on Saturday and on Sunday, we are going to the Blue Crab Festival!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False, to a festival...have DD's graduation and family party.

    The next person enjoys classic rock music...I do.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I love classic rock!

    Unfortunately my son is breaking my heart and I am terribly worried about him. He is at a very bad place in his life and my biggest worry right now is if he'll live through the mess he is in at the moment. All I can do is pray for him and ask God for mercy.

    The next person is going to a chili festival soon! or cook off... or whatever..

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    MissS:  So sorry to hear about the troubles with your son.  I've heard it said that mothers are only as happy as their saddest child and isn't it true.  My wish for you both is that he gets his world together and soon!  Worrying about our kids is way worse than any other worry in the world.

    False, but I do LOVE chili.

    The next person loves peanut butter toast. 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    No cook off but am going to a family reunion Sunday where everyone brings a dish

    Am so sorry about your son, I will pray for him also.  Did go through a bad time with my son with drinking, driving, and not caring but thankfully he lived through that stage and is a wonderful caring man now.

    The next person has moved at least 5 times during their lifetime

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291


    The next person eats a high protein diet.

    I am trying!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467


    The next person had chicken for lunch today. I did, I made myself a chicken and cranberry sauce sandwich and a side of broccoli. Oh boy, it was good.

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    False on the chicken Candie...but boy does that sound good! 

    Not really on the high protein diet, although I am watching fat & calories.  Geeze, seems we're always following something!

    GSG - I love peanut butter toast!  Okay, now there's some protein, so maybe I should change above to true. lol

    MissS - My heart goes out to you for what GSG says is so very true...we are only as happy as our saddest child.  I will add you both to my prayer list and ask for brighter days ahead.  I wish there were a smiley to make you feel better. Youre The Best A heartfelt and great big hug coming your way. Luv ya, Michelle

    Candie - definitely true to classic rock...It simply "rocks" lol 

    Spar - Yep, I've done some movin' in my life.  Looking to move at least once more to Colorado someday...hopefully within the next few years.

    Guggerty -  I'm triple negative, so I'm unfamiliar with the SE of  AI or Tamoxifin, but I wish the very best for you.  You've come this far, you can handle just about anything.  A week at a shorelined beach house sounds heavenly and quite possibly the best medicine of all.  Have a terrific time and savor every moment. You'll be missed too!

    Harley - Have fun at the festivals this weekend and forget about the job for a few days!  Monday will come soon enough and you need to go enjoy that sunshine! 

    Wow! Festivals, Graduations, Reunions, can sure tell that summer is fast approaching!

    The next person loves summer!  It is my favorite time of year!

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    Nope, I love Autumn the best-especially living in Maine.

    The next person drinks at least 32 oz. of water every day.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Miss S.- I will also pray for you, that your son will come around soon. 

    I love classic rock, chili, and I have never had peanut butter toast, but it sounds good!  I love peanut butter!  Maybe I'll try it!  Does it 'melt' onto the toast, like regular butter??

    Guggerty,  have a wonderful vacation!!  I'm jealous! 

    Michelle, thanks for the warm wishes for the fun festivals!  I know that things will work out.  I made it thru the dentist, right?  A friend told me that if I got thru chemo alright, the dentist should be a breeze...  I don't think so, though. 

    Yes, I also LOVE SUMMER!!  My dh is saying one of my days off next week, we should go to the beach!  I think that would be great!  We live near the beach, so it's a short drive. 

    Hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    The next person is going out to dinner tonight.  I am!  We don't feel like cooking...

  • NaughtybyNature
    NaughtybyNature Member Posts: 190

    The way I feel right now... probably order in... definitely NOT COOKING!!!!!!!!!

    Next person has a sh$$ load of things to do this weekend and not enough time!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true on too much to do

    the next person will do some baking this weekend

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    NbN, my dh came home from work today, and he didn't feel like going out, so we may just order in also. 

    Yes, I have too much to do, and if I continue going at the pace I have been, I won't get anything done this weekend, either.  I'm a regular on gsg's "I can't get my act together" thread, on Moving Beyond ...

    I should do some baking, but read the above notice about never getting anything done... 

    The next person will order in for dinner, just as NbN and I am doing.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, always... always!

    Thank you all so much for your prayers and good wishes. I do have faith in God and I know I need to trust Him and not worry. Your love and caring mean so much to me. gsg, that saying is so true. I had never heard that. Thanks for sharing.

    The next person loves Cheetos!

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    True!! I have not had them in a long time. But during g/f and I ate them by the bag!

    The next person will do some gardening this weekend.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true will do some gardening this weekend, plus family reunion, plus keeping grandkids etc....

    the next person has lost some weight and is feeling good about theirselves

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    Believe it or not, true!  I joined Weight Watchers and have lost 7 pounds so far.  I really do feel good, cause I haven't been able to lose any weight over the winter!

    MissS, I have two sons, and know how they can break your heart!  They can also turn their lives around and bring us lots of joy--my youngest has done that through a lot of hard work and soul searching!  Have courage and keep praying!

    I am planning on gardening this weekend!  We're trying to put in a new back yard without any grass!!

    The next person can sit through "Alien" without running away!  (I can't--I have seen the entire movie, but in about 35 separate sittings of about 15 minutes each--can't stand it all at once!)


  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I don't think I can sit through Alien.

    Cat, I need to join Weight Watchers!!! Congrats!!

    Gugg... have a great vacation! Don't forget about us!

    Thanks for all the encouragement, ladies. You truly made me feel better.

    The next person uses Windows Vista.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631


    the next person has perfect weather today (we do in okla.)

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    False, it's rather cool and cloudy.  Bring me some sunshine Spar!

    The next person will have pasta for lunch today.

    (I am)

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    sunshine on its way

    false on the pasta, don't have a clue yet what we will have. What kind of pasta are you having?  I need some new pasta recipes.

    the next person does not have to have name brand items

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    true, I will go have some pasta for lunch now. 

    true, I don't care for brand names.  This is why I am not sure whether working at this little clothing shoppe is for me... they sell such expensive, name-brand items, I could NEVER afford them!

    The next person shops at thrift stores.  I don't... well, maybe sometimes.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, I love thrift stores

    GSG, what is peanut butter toast?

    Miss S, I have never heard of that saying either...good thoughts to you.

    Guggerty, I take arimidex...not too bad. Have a "beachy" time.

    TC, I love all the seasons...I like the changes.

    I drink a lot of water daily.

    I don't like going to the dentist...not can I afford

    I have lots of things to do with no time to do them.

    No baking this weekend, tho, I will be making a 7 layer salad for DD's grad party.


    Need to do weekend

    Need to lose weight...congrats Cat, on the 7 lb loss.

    The next person is wearing something blue today...I am...

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I have some blue on.

    I was craving spaghetti last weekend, and maybe I'll make it tonight finally!

    Peanut butter toast is just peanut butter spread on toast! It's good!

    I used to shop at thrift stores all the time, but I got burned out! I haven't been in a while now.

    The next person can veg out and watch a movie, even with a bunch of undone chores waiting.

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291 them, some of them...but I am open to try others and it's cheaper!

    Thanks for the sunshine spar! However it looks like a storm is

    I just had left over pasta. I am at work all day.

    The next person still get's herself on a good old fashioned bicycle and rides.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    I love Cheetos, but... they have SOYBEAN oil in them, and I think that is a NO NO, for me, with the ER+ bc...  everything I like is bad for me... not that cheetos are the nutritionally best choice, but hey...

    True, I am wearing blue today.

    True, I can watch a movie or read a book, or play on the computer, and just ignore all those dust bunnies and all the other chores that need to be done.  In fact, I am practically a regular on gsg's thread, I can't get my act together, on Moving Beyond.

    False.  I walk or run, and I've started yoga again.

    The next person does yoga or meditates.  I would like to start meditating, but I don't know how.