The Next Person Game



  • DebKay
    DebKay Member Posts: 11

    True I love walking in the rain in the summer long as there is no lighting. 

    Candie, congrats on the clear mammo.  I had an US on Mon. and I'm worried because my dr. wants to see me next Mon. to talk about it and my blood tests. 

    The next person is going to open med. bills.  I am and it is not fun.  One feels pretty darn to be a big one.


  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    false no medical bills today

    the next person is feeling good today (I am,after tx#2, thanks God)

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I feel good!

    True, I am working hard!

    True, I opened a medical bill I was not supposed to get yesterday! Grrr.

    The next person speaks baby talk to her pets.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Everyone,  Thanks for the warm wishes on my new job.  It is only part time, but the boss told me when I interviewed yesterday that it would probably be four days a week!  I wasn't looking for that much.  It is a little shop in town, and it is very expensive!  It is what they call a 'tourist trap', I guess.  They have some designer type clothes, and upstairs, there is a whole floor of decorating stuff for the house.  I am thinking maybe I made a mistake by taking this job... I don't even know how much it pays, and I am just feeling kind of nervous, and all twisted up about it.  I don't like the idea of not having any FREE time, when I can do whatever I want. 

    As far as what my duties will be, Guggerty, I am not sure, but I guess I'll do a bit of everything.  I'll be working the cash register, moving the clothing and houseware products from place to place, taking the stuff in and arranging it when it comes in from the supplier, all kinds of stuff like that.  I wish I was more excited about it, but I really am not feeling too happy about it at all.  I have never worked in a store, and retail... you have to work most weekends... I only ever worked in an office, and I am much more comfortable typing a memo, answering a busy switchboard, greeting visitors, sorting mail... you know, that kind of crap.  I guess I'm more conflicted about this p/t job than I thought I was.  I may not be around on the boards as much, since I may be working more than I'd like.

    The dentist went ok, I guess.  Thanks for asking, Miss S!  Oh, takingcare, I don't know if I ever saw that commercial!  I was afraid to look at the dentist, so I kept my eyes closed the entire time he was in the room!

    My brown tooth was just stained, and the dentist buffed it out with pumice.  But, he also filled a cavity in the tooth NEXT to it...  He gave me a bunch of shots of Novacaine, which helped to numb the area, but ... OUCH!  Those shots HURT!  It was also very expensive!  The dentist charged me $246.00 for just filling a tooth, and buffing the other one out.  I will have to go back for a cleaning  and probably x-rays too, in July. 

    Sorry for writing a book here.... 

    ... I like to walk in the rain, if it is SO TERRIBLY hot, in the summer.

    True, I talk baby talk to my cats... they seem to like it!  I also say this to every dog or cat I see, at friends houses, when I am visiting:

    "You're SO PRETTY!"  in a singsong voice... They LOVE it!  I know, I am a nut!

    The next person keeps a diary.  I don't, but always thought I should.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false on the diary, did for years then just quit, don't know why

    the next person likes to sit out on the porch during thunder and rain storms ( I love it)

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True! I used to do that when I was growing up. I would sit on the front porch in the glider and cover up with a quilt and enjoy the sounds of the rain hitting the roof and the smell of the earth.

    True, I have a diary. I actually have an online journal that I've been keeping since 2000.

    The next person gets along well with their mother in law.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, we get along real well

    the next person  has played with a Wii

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    Oh Tom Selleck is still hot!!!!

    false not much for walking in rain .

    next person has lot of dust bunnies lol

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    yes, I get along with my motherinlaw.  Yes, I like to sit on the porch and watch the storms, if the wind doesn't blow the rain on me!  Yes, I have played wwii games... they are fun!

    True, I have lots of dust bunnies!

    The next person watched a bad movie tonight.  I did... it was so long, it got boring, and I started to fall asleep!  Now I am going to bed!  Goodnight, all!

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    Nite Harley false did not watch a movie

    had chemo today I am tired but decadron keeping me up . Not fun.

    next person loves real old movies the black and white ones. Way back yonder.Not the talkies they are to weird lol

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Candie:  Everyone is congratulating you on a clear mammo but you didn't get your results yet, correct?  You just did it yesterday?  I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that it's clear. 

    Harley:  You may end up liking the job - I hope!  Retail is tough but the shop sounds like a fun place and you'll meet people from all over - that has to be more fun than something like Office Max.  I wonder if the economy will affect sales there.  Aren't you glad to get the dentist visit over with??

    TC:  When do you leave for Hawaii?  We went once back in the 80's - beautiful.

    I love rain and love those days where you can't tell if it's 10am or 4pm - of course I don't want them everyday, just occassionally.

    False on liking the black and white movies - I'm more into the talkies and the ones with color!  I do love old muscials tho.

    The next person loves their job - I do

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126


    Thanks for the warm wishes for the sucky new job.  I MAY end up liking it, but I'm not too sure.  Yes, I'm glad to get the dentist over with, but I sure can't afford to go back and see him again... ever, I think...  this new job won't pay THAT much!!  lol

    It remains to be seen, whether I like my job.  What do you do, Guggerty?

    The next person couldn't sleep very well last night.

  • NaughtybyNature
    NaughtybyNature Member Posts: 190

    Hum... false and true...

    (Do we get a discount if we come to your store?!)

    Next person has never received flowers at work Bouquet ... (it has been a VERY LONG TIME (Frown) for me!

  • DebKay
    DebKay Member Posts: 11

    true I did not sleep well...bad dreams

    I do wish I kept a diary especially during this wild ride.

    I love to set on the porch in the rain.

    I get along great with my MIL

    OMG I had to look under my bed the other day....and my dust bunnies are huge.

    I have a hard time getting into black and white movies.

    Kbug - I hated those no sleep chemo days and nights.  It gets better hang in there.

    the next person is wishing for sunshine


  • DebKay
    DebKay Member Posts: 11

    oops forgot to send and then missed one.

    false - I got flowers last year on my anniversary.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True,I write in my journal but not every day

    True to talking baby talk to my cat and parrot

    False, I am scared of thunder and lightning storms

    True,I love my MIL

    False on the Wii

    True,Tom Selleck is still a hottie

    True to dust bunnies....but why do they call them bunnies?

    False I have received flowers at work..just a few weeks ago for Administative Personnel Day

    Guggerty, the radiologist came and told me nothing new or suspicious. I took that for being clear...oh oh...I guess I should wait for definite results...

    Harley, good luck with new job. You might like it.Just give it a try, if you don't like it u can always find something more suitable

    Kbug....gentle hugs, hope today you feel better.

    Debbie, praying for good results for you...keep me posted

    The next person has someone in their family graduating from graduate school soon. I do...DD will be getting her Masters this weekend. I am a proud

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    Angie, yipee on tx #2 done!!!

  • Pepper_B
    Pepper_B Member Posts: 173

    False - no graduates this year

    the next person is babysitting grandchildren this weekend

  • DebKay
    DebKay Member Posts: 11

    false - no grandkids yet

    My dd#2 is getting married July 5th and will start trying right maybe not too far off in the future I will be grandma.  My dd#1 is getting married Oct. 18th.  I'm starting to feel the stress that is coming...yikes.  Not because I may be a grandma...but these weddings.

    the next person is going to the grocery store tonight


  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I don't believe so.

    The next person loves boating.

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    not crazy about boating

    leaving for disney tonight will be back in a week will miss all u

    next person wants to go with me wish i could take u all

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, wish i could take all my grandkids to disney.  already took my kids.

    the next person good about saving her money

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538


    The next person is a closet American Idol watcher!

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    lol - False irishdreama, but I am a closet Big Brother watcher...oops! out of the closet now!

    Debkay - Crossing my fingers and holding warm thoughts as you meet with your doctor Monday.  Wow! 2 weddings in 3 months, I don't know how you do it!  Best of everything to you!

    Guggerty & KBug - What will we do without you while you're off playing without us? Wink  Kidding aside, have wonderful vacations...enjoy every moment, then come back and share! Details, I want details!.  Gugg - We leave for Hawaii 6/28 and will be there a week.  Where are you headed?

    Angie & Kbug - You're getting there.  Sending the sleepy fairy (MissS's helper)  to help you on those sleepless nights!

    Harley - I also have been in the office management realm my whole career until last year.  I badly need a change and really don't care what it is, so long as it is different.  Give it a try, you may really enjoy it.  Warm thoughts and let us know how your first day went.

    Proud Mama Candie - Congratulations on your DD's graduation.  A masters is quite an achievement! 

    MissS - True! True! True! to boating.  There is nothing like being out in open waters whether it be a lake or ocean.  As for Tom Selleck...he's still got it, but I'm forever a Jon Bon Jovi gal. Wink

    Pepper, False to having our grandson this weekend, but we sure enjoyed him last week and will see him at his 1st grade open house coming up the end of the month...if not before.  Are you having yours? 

    Spar, I'm pretty good at budgeting, but who can save in this economy? Yell Like Harley, as soon as we return from a pre-planned vacation, I'll hit the pavement running for a new job.  Harley, maybe by then, you can hire me. lol

    Okay now that I've written a book (maybe this can be our conglomerate journal), the next person...

    likes watching the Animal Planet

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291



    I used too, but no need to anymore.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, maybe 1 load a week

    the next person uses coupons when shopping for grocerys and cleaning items

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    true...I use what I can.

    The next person will call a loved one tonight before they go to bed.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I probably will when I get home from work.

    The next person has a 4 cylinder car.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, 6 cylinder chevy

    the next person composts (we do)

  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342

    false (but I would if I didn't live in a tiny apartment)

    The next person knows a good cure for the hiccups.