The Next Person Game



  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Thanks, Miss S., takingcare, and candie...

    I wish I could just make myself 'cheer up'...  and I was also feeling pretty good, when the weather started to warm up, I was HAPPY!  Now, though, I just can't seem to pull myself out from under... 

    It doesn't help that I'm having all these dh issues...

    true, I hug my pillow at night.  False, I have to work this weekend, because I'm working at that store, where everything is so expensive!  The boss is nice, but I just feel so out of place there!  Maybe it's cause I don't shop at such hoity toity places!

    The next person is having pizza for dinner.  I am.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False to pizza, true to egg,cheese and taylor ham sandwich

    The next person will relax with a good movie tonight...I will.

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    False, but boy do I wish.  DH is reliving his KISS days watching a concert. lol 

    Harley, save a piece of pizza for me, Candie, MissS and all the gals who've had bad days... which would cover about all of us (gee, that's alot of pizza).  We will have a girls night jammie party and solve the worlds least for a night.   So sorry that you are having to work this weekend.  Truly, if you heart is not in it, please start looking elsewhere.  Great big hugs to you! 

    The next person has been to a concert lately.  (I'm still floating from Bon Jovi in April)

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291's been about 3 years.  Saw James Taylor at an outdoor venue. JT is still awesome!  I bet Bon Jovi was great!

    The next person will attend a graduation party this weekend.

    I will..actually two of them.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~  on the Grad. on the gift !?...Gift Gas Cards ? money...hmmmm ?????

    The next person is having a BBQ this weekend ?...I am

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    My2girls...we know they love money...but gas cards are a great idea too.  I am giving money.

    False on the least not that I know of, unless a family member has one on Monday.  Maybe I

    The next person has a sunny forcast for this holiday weekend?

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    TRUE ~ Sunny Florida !

    I ended up having one...the "hints" were dropped seems to always be at my house! lol

    Yes, money IS the gift to give....especially when it comes to teens!

    ***By the way my nieces are coming down to FL. again for the summer from Dayton area ***

    The next person has made ice cream ?

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    True...made it with my oldest daughter when she was in 5th grade at her school camp. (she is now 24!)

    My2..your house must be the favorite hang out! Have fun with your nieces...Dayton is about 2 hours from nephew lives there.

    The next person loves to have  a suntan?

    (I the summer..and I need

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~  Even though I'm in Fla. don't have the glow...fades too fast!

    Luv homemade ice cream!

    Perhaps its the pool or because I wait on them hand and foot...I need some R&R myself!!!

    The next person is going to see a movie this weekend

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291 least I doubt it.  I do love to go to the movies though.  I may watch one at home.

    My2..let them wait on you!! lol

    The next person has a sweet tooth!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False, I have a salt crave salted things like pretzels rather than sweets.

    The next person likes watermelon. I do, just bought one yesterday.

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    True!! I love watermelon...I ate a ton going thru tx's last year!

    Candie...I too have a salty tooth!

    Then next person is working this weekend.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Yummy watermelon....I agree my3...I need to put MY feet up!LOL

    OHHHH do I Luv sweets...but then I have to have somethin salty! LOL

    Not workin this weekend....well unless you count me WAITING on everyone...

    The next person luvs the smells of watermelon/cucumbers/BBQ summer scents!

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True!! Yummy!

    I have to work Monday... blech.

    The next person has ridden a double decker bus.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False to a double decker bus.

    True to barbecue smells.

    My3girls...I ate lots of watermelon when I was doing tx too.

    The next person went out to dinner tonight. I did, went to "Outback" with DH and MIL....yummy!

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    We were...but cookin tomorrow...

    Had baked Brie/fruit/bread - for dinner ( yummy too ) Not as good as the Awesome Blossom though

    The next person has contacts

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False to contacts..glasses here (love the

    Your dinner sounds great.

    The next person has a DD's chocolate lab "Paterson".

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    LOL I have a granddog!!  :-) Here she is...

    Sam and Sierra 

    The next person likes grits.

  • gg44
    gg44 Member Posts: 54

    False to grits

    The next person is enjoying this three day weekend.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, I am enjoying this 3 day weekend. Yesterday, I stayed home and did some chores. Today, me and DH went to the shore. We walked around some cool stores, had a bite to eat at an outside restaurant on an inlet. After that we stopped at a flea market along a beach and then went to listen to some good music at a club.

    Tomorrow, I plan on doing my outdoor planting.

    The next person is glad to have only a 4 day work week coming up.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Miss S - Is that YOU kissing your granddog?  Gorgeous doggie and blond gal!

    I'm back - had a wonderful week at the beach - nothing like an ocean breeze...I LOVE water.  Now back to dr appts, etc.  I think a couple eyelashes grew is starting to come back and my eyebrows are actually looking like eyebrows, albeit not quite great yet.

    I have missed this site and all you gals....hugs and kisses to all.

    False - I actually have a 5 day work week - Monday is my normal day off so I don't get that "extra" day but no problem I'm used to it.

    Harley - How's that job?

    The next person is rethinking summer vacations due to rising costs

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    guggerty!  Welcome back.  It sounds like you had a wonderful vacation!

    Just a quick catch-up (our Internet connection went out this past week, so I have not been able to get out here on the boards.)!  I am sometimes shy; love watermelon; suffer from the same sweet/salty tooth as Luv; and am in the market for a dog!

    Harley, hang in there!  Sorry you had to work today.

    And, yes, we have re-thought summer vacations because of the rising costs.  Still going to my brother's wedding in August,  but will pop in and out rather than touring the area for a week. 

    The next person is sick and tired of all the election news coverage!


  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~  Too just jump on the to escape! lol

    Yummy - sweet/salty!

    Welcome back guggerty!!!!! 

    SEND your  - HUGS4Harley thread ! Wink

    Getting LOTS of company this summer...we'll stay put.

    The next person had a BBQ...yum! 

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    False to BBQ this year as it was actually cold and gloomy in CA today!  Cooked indoors and enjoyed playtime with DD and our little grandson.  Also ate sweets, salts and watermelon all weekend long! lol

    So sorry to the working gals...that's no fun! 

    Guggerty - It's great to have you back.  See what a little fun in the sun (aside from rads) did for you?  Beach  That sea breeze and sunshine worked wonders on your hair folicles.   Glad you had a great time!

    The next person noticed MissS got her giggley mouth back! lol

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, I did notice that.

    Welcome back guggerty...congrats on the hair growing.

    The next person likes butterscotch krimpets.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Thanks all - it was pretty darned nice to get away even tho a week is an awfully short time - I envy those Europeans who get 6-8 weeks of vacation a year!

    I think Miss S wants to see if we're on our those lips!

    Now that my eyelashes are coming back in I'm experiencing itchy eyes - so much so that I'm considering going to an Opthamologist to have him check it out and make sure it isn't something else.....ugh - ANOTHER doctor!#$%^&*

    Candie - I have NO idea what butterscotch krimpets are - I know "butterscotch" but krimpets?  Candy? Cake? Cookies?

    The next person is going to have to wear a jacket today!  We are here in the Chicago area - must have dropped 30 degrees during the night...brrrrr. 

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    Nope-Surprisingly, here in Maine it's in the 70's.

    The next person went to a parade yesterday (Memorial Day)

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880


    I never had butterscotch krimpets ! Am I missin out !???

    I luv butterscotch so I should!  What are they ?!

    The next person luvs surf n turf

    Takincare...sounds like you had a nice weekend despite the weather! GFY...salt/sweet where was I !??? LOL

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    Yummy!  True to surf n turf, it's the best of both worlds!

    Luv ~ It was a fun weekend, although I really should keep my mouth shut about weather.  We Californians don't really know what gloomy weather is, yet we cry when the sun takes a break! Ah, but wait, you're in Florida! Guggerty's wearing a jacket and I pout when I can't barbeque in my shorts!  lol

    The next person has seen the animated movie Ratatouille.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    irishdreama ~ sorry...missed your posts...and guggerty's gosh were am I ??? LOL

    No parade..but a BBQ in shorts!  LOL

    TRUE ~ Ratatoullie - adorable !!!

     Next person luvs Japanese open grill restaurants.

    (gugg~ I would think if your eyelashes are growing back the WOULD itch ? )