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Hair Hair Hair - Another question



  • mattzie
    mattzie Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2010

    i went 'topless' quite accidently the first time outside my house (still haven't done so at work though i have a quarter inch of hair). i was taking a shortcut across my lawn this past winter on a windy day. the branches of my 6' plus tall rose bushes were waving about and as i walked past my wig caught on the thorns and was yanked right off my head. i wasn't ready for that! the workmen at the house next door pretended not to notice (and probably tried even harder not to laugh) as i fought with the rosebush trying to wrench my wig back out of its grip. four letter words were being thrown about liberally! i slammed it back on my head and got into my Jeep still muttering, then burst into laughter. 

     when i first lost my hair, my cat, (who is supposed to be indoors only) was out with me in the backyard where i felt comfortable going bald since no one can see back there. the little brat suddenly decided to run around the house and across the street. believe it or not, i actually ran in the back door, jammed a wig on my head, and ran out the front door to get him. that's how timid i was about my head (even though i actually like myself bald). now i say screw it. 

     it's fascinating washing a quarter inch of hair when i used to wash 18 inches of thick curls that took all night to dry. i still forget i have no hair to wring out when i am done with my shower!

     btw, the Olive Oil shampoo and conditioner i got is organic and, believe it or not, i got it at Walmart! as for the other chemo shampoo, it came in a special chemo CARE package a friend ordered for me. it had Queasy Pops, moisturizer, the Crazy Sexy Cancer book, and a coffee mug that says "i have Cancer, what's your excuse?' in it. :) 

     no wispy weak peach fuzz on this head, and to that i attribute the final post-chemo shave. i swear by it.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2010

    Oh Mattzie, I know you told that story so we could laugh. That is just too funny, and the way you told it, I was right there watching you with the workmen next door. You should of scrambled over there to them, and said something like "when ur done over here, could ya's go do something with that darn rose bush?"

    Thanks for starting my day with smile!

    Happy St. Patty's Day to everyone. May the luck of the Irish be upon us all.


  • Ezscriiibe
    Ezscriiibe Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010

    Speaking of hair and St. Patrick's day, my middle grandson just got sent home from school for having green hair today. It was hairspray, for pete's sake! And it's St. Patrick's Day! When did schools get so freaking ANAL!!!

    I am going to spray my scalp green and go pick him up!!

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited March 2010

    You girls crack me up!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2010

    Go get em Michelle! You should do your scalp, then tell them that you helped him do his!

    But I agree, good grief!

  • MarieK
    MarieK Member Posts: 467
    edited March 2010

    No green hair in my house today although a fight did break out between my 2 teenagers and a green hat this morning!

    With all that going on I almost left the house without my wig, braless and in my house slippers!

    My kids were very supportive and told me I have enough hair to go topless but I'm still unsure.

    Here are some pics I took this morning - I am 8 weeks PFC!

    Right side not so much hair:

    More hair on top and on left side!

    What do you think?

    Happy hair growing to all!


  • buccaneersdj
    buccaneersdj Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2010

    MarieK,  I think your hair looks great for being 8 weeks PFC! I am 16 weeks PFC and my hair is growing in the opposite of yours thick on sides and back, thin on top, I still wear a baseball cap everywhere I go. I hear alot of people that say their hair is thinner on one side than the other; I am convinced it has alot to do with sleeping one side more than the other, remember when our kids were babies my daughter had hardley any hair on the sides from laying down and rolling around from side to side. My husband also thinks my hair is good enough to go out without a hat, but oh well it's not good enough for me yet! You will know when it's time and that will be when "you" are comfortable!

  • buccaneersdj
    buccaneersdj Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2010

    right side" right side

    left side" left side

    top" top

    yikes no makeup" yikes no makeup and way too much forhead

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited March 2010

    Marie - I agree with Buccaneer -- you have to go topless when YOU feel ready. 

    Buccaneer -- I think you and I have pretty much the same amount of growth (except my hair is black).  I believe I COULD go topless but I don't want to.  I like my wig and I'm fine with wearing it a while longer while I wait for the hair to at least get long enough to be cut into a style!  I have a lot of errant hairs sticking straight up on top of my head or straight out at sides -- looks SILLY!  Yours actually looks much neater.


  • MarieK
    MarieK Member Posts: 467
    edited March 2010

    WOW!  Bucaneersdj you have a ton of hair!  You can actually part it!!!  Looks good!

  • buccaneersdj
    buccaneersdj Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2010

    Photobucket" This is what I'm most uncomfortable with very thin on top.....remember when in the sunshine cover your head, my scalp got burnt this weekend while working in the yard!

  • buccaneersdj
    buccaneersdj Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2010

    MarieK- haha I call that my comb over! LOL

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited March 2010

    Marion....All you need to wait is a couple of months before coloring your hair. I think that is when I started. I am now 8 months PFC and have colored my hair about 5 different times and have added highlights the last couple of times. Just make sure you get the 'chemo ends' trimmed off every 4 to 5 weeks.  Also, your hair may not turn out the same color as it was before after you color it even if you use the exact same color as you did before. Your hair is totally different now and it may look a little brassier. Just keep that in mind.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Marie  - your hair looks great for 8 weeks.  Do it when you're ready!!

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378
    edited March 2010

    Why don't either of you two have the mohawk look going on???  You both look great!  Mine is longer on the top, so that part sticks straight up and both sides of it kind of goes inward toward the center to make a triangular mohawk.  Not a good look. 

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited March 2010

    MarieK and Buccaneers...Thanks for posting pictures.  I believe the Mohawk you are speaking of is called a Fauxhawk.  I skyped with Navyson tonight and that is what he jokingly suggested for my new hairdo.  I have longer hair on top that stands straight up on end and then abruptly gets shorter in the back and sides and then lays very flat.  I am still wearing a baseball cap when out in public places.  But not at home or when out in the yard.  Eyelashes and brows seem to be hanging on so far.

    Take care gals


  • MarieK
    MarieK Member Posts: 467
    edited March 2010

    Thanks for your kind comments about my hair growth! 

    I'm considering shaving it off again to get rid of the white fluffy chemo hair and see if "darker" hair will grow.  If not, maybe the new stuff won't be so whispy?  I'll give it another week and then decide...

    Sugar77 how is the Rapid Lash working for you? 

    I picked some up on the weekend and have been using it nightly ever since.  I know it's only been a few days but I feel like my eyebrows (yes you can use it on your eyebrows too!) AND eyelashes have had a growth spurt.  I actually have a little something to put mascara on!

    Just wondering if anyone else is having success with it?


  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2010

    I have read comments on several pages now about shaving off the initial white chemo hair - I am sorry for not addressing anyone in particular but I am overwhelmed right now with things going on in my life.

    My hair came in white at first just like some of ya'lls did also.  I didn't shave off the white chemo hair.  Within 1 month after that, my hair started coming in a mousy brown/gray color and you couldn't really see the white at all.  In fact the first trim I got 3 months PFC, even the ends were no longer white.  I can't explain it - that is just what happened.

    I guess what I am saying is maybe not be in such a hurry to do a second shave.  We endure enough losing our hair the first time around, I can't imagine shaving what little hair I had growing even though it was white and a totally different texture.  Heck, CCBaby will remember way back when it was mentioned to do scalp massages to promote hair growth and I told her NO WAY AM I MASSAGING MY SCALP - I didn't want to lose not one single strand of hair!!!

    I did wait 6 months before I started "frosting" my hair.  I wanted the chemo poison to be totally out of my system.  The lady at the wig shop encouraged me to wait because when you still have chemo in your system then you stand a chance of the color coming out "brassy" like CCBaby mentioned earlier.  You need your hairdresser to understand your new chemo hair.  

    I was a natural blonde so I frosted my hair twice 4 weeks apart with the old fashioned frosting cap.  This was less damaging to my hair than to totally dye 100% of it.  After the 3rd frosting, I love my hair color now!    Years ago I dyed my hair a strawberry blonde and I remember my scalp burning so bad.  I am hesitant to go that route again.  I would rather color the tips and leave the roots alone for now.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited March 2010

    Marie - I can't really tell yet about the Rapid Lash. I haven't lost many lashes on the top and that's where I'm putting it.  The bottom lashes are sparse but I don't think you can put the Rapid Lash there (at least I haven't) so I might just have to wait to see if many more on top fall out.  If not, then perhaps it's working.  That's a great idea...I will try on my brows as they are a little sparse in the inside area close to nose bridge.

    Janice - I've been wondering about shaving off the white fuzz, too.  I think I'll wait a bit.  I'm just 5 weeks PFC and mine is really just started to poke through the scalp now.  Still can see my scalp!


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited March 2010
    Jancie....I definitely remember that!!  When are you going to post a profile pic?? I need a face (or at least hairstyle) to go with your name!! lol
  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2010

    ccbaby - I guess (1) I need to shower and do something with my hair and (2) I need my hubby home to take pictures of me.  Right now I am 30 lbs overweight so I hate facial pictures because my face looks so round.  The other problem I have is figuring out this stupid picture deal.  I think I went to photobucket or something like that, set up an account and actually posted a couple of pictures but it has been so long I don't even remember my password, etc.  If you PM me with your email addy I know I can get you a picture that way.

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited March 2010
    Will do Smile
  • PraiseTheLord
    PraiseTheLord Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2010

    after chemo about 2 weeks later I had little hair rather then shiny bald. But it grew about 1 inch..then it slowed down a bit. then it took about 6 months for me to get 2 inches. After that my hair started growing much faster. However mine grew back white and grey! yuk. so I dyed it. and it looks good now. see my pic. I am keeping it short on purpose. much easier for me to deal with.

    I got my eyebrows back 2 weeks after chemo. all of them. My eyelashes took longer then my head of hair..and still to this day are very short,about half the length they used to's been since Dec 2009 when Chemo ended.

  • mattzie
    mattzie Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2010

    i didn't shave my hair just because it was white. not at all because it was white. i shaved it post chemo because it had grown while my body was full of toxins and was therefore a product of those chemicals. i am not an 'all natural' person by any stretch, but i have seen some really bad chemo hair coming in, and so what did i have to lose? 3 weeks later i had just as much hair back again and this time it was black and grey like it should be and the texture feels healthy. it's uniform - no odd long hairs sticking out here and there like the chemo hair i shaved off. i didn't want brittle or wispy or peach fuzz coming in and was more than happy to trade 3 weeks of more bald for what looks to be nice healthy hair. if you hate the way your hair's coming in and you're willing to endure 3 weeks time for re-growth, why not? it just may beat having to buy nioxin or rogaine to get a decent head of hair going.

  • dutchgirl6
    dutchgirl6 Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2010

    I guess that this is more of a scalp scalp scalp question.  I will be starting chemo sometime in April, at least that's the rumor, and I am fully prepared for the hair loss.  My issue is that I have an ugly benign sebaceous cyst on my head, it's been there for as long as I can remember, and I am considering having it removed before my locks fall out.  When the word chemo was mentioned to me, all I could think about was that the darn thing would be exposed and I would be very self conscious about it.  Am I being too shallow about this?  I feel that having no hair will be enough to adjust to without having to think about this as well.  

    weety911, I guess that you have a chemo-hawk

  • MarieK
    MarieK Member Posts: 467
    edited March 2010

    dutchgirl6 - What a perfect opportunity to have it removed.  Can you do it before your hair falls out?  That way it will be healed over by then (usually 2 weeks after you start chemo) and not so noticeable.  I was surprised at all the little scalp imperfections I didn't know I had when my hair fell out! 

    I have funny skin story to share.  At least I think it's funny!

    I had a skin flap on my right lower eyelid that was driving me crazy for years.  Whenever I wore mascara it looked like I had a clump of black there and that I"d messed up the application!  When my eyelashes fell out I went to the GP to have it removed - I thought with no hair there it would be easy to burn off.  He told me he could not burn it off becuase it was too close to my eye but he did tell me to just twist it.  He demostrated the twisting and told me to do this several times a day.

    But before I could twist it myself I had coffee with a friend who advised me not twist it becuase I could get an eye infection.  She said I should insist on seeing a specialist and having it cut off.  I was getting tired of drs so I thought I would just leave it until I could deal with it later - I did nothing after the initial twisting by the dr. 

    Long story short (long) the thing actually fell off on it's own after the dr's twisting!  I have to say that has been one of nicest bonuses of losing my hair!

    I told my friend and she said "too bad you couldn't just twist off that cancerous boob!"

  • charmainejensenvoisine
    charmainejensenvoisine Member Posts: 210
    edited March 2010

    Hello Lilah,

     I hear yah when you say that you have allot of hair growing straight up on top and some on the sides.   I had that exactly up to about 2 weeks ago, and now that I am starting to get more hair, the hairs are starting to fall down...   and I am nearly 7 weeks PFC.   As soon as I am 8 weeks or so PFC, I will get some photos taken of my hair growth and upload them, but not as much hair growth yet as some of you, but there growth is starting to come in more faster now.


  • charmainejensenvoisine
    charmainejensenvoisine Member Posts: 210
    edited March 2010

    Hello Marie K..

    The white chemo fluffy hair for me does not seem to be growing on its own any more.  I noticed last week some dark hair coming in too.  So we shall see where this goes.. hmmm


  • Mickey32
    Mickey32 Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2010

    It is so heart warming to see and hear about everyone's hair progress!  My avatar pic shows my hair growth 23 weeks PFC, I just had my first official hair 'cut.'  I like the color, I think I will try it out for a while.  I'm sure I will feel better about the length in the next few weeks.  I knew I had some 'gray' hair after almost 20 years of being a bottle brunette, I did not expect it to return so WHITE!  But I am definitely embracing it, it is soft, shiny, and super thick. This topic thread has been truly therapeutic for me through all of this and I thank each of you for sharing your stories and great pictures.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    I shaved my chemo whites over a year ago.  Glad I did but not for everyone.  Just lost lower lashes again - aaarrrghhh!!  Why does this keep happening?  My hair is now salt and pepper, about 1/4 inch by choice but I like it.  The brows are somewhat coming back but still need pencil and powder.  I have so many cowlics I can't imagine growing in the hair - too funny.