Hair Hair Hair - Another question
How long PFC did you lose your eyelashes & brows? I had my last chemo 7 weeks and now I see that my lashes and brows are falling out. I thought that I was safe after 7 weeks. This is so upsetting.
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I believe I was around 8 weeks PFC when the brows and lashes thinned and looked awful. I used eyeliner which gave the appearance of lashes and eyebrow pencil to fill in the brow gaps. It was very upsetting, but they did grow back pretty quick. I think it was about a month later when all of a sudden everything was back to normal. Since I didn't lose them during chemo, I also thought I was good to go. They will come back.
Patience is the key, but difficult as we have all been though more than enough.
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Thanks Rockym. I hope I don't lose them all.. I think I can handle it if they thin out only . Good to know that yours grew back quickly. I feel so ugly tonight. No hair ,now very little eyebrows and very few lashes. I just want to hide in the house so no one can see me.
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Eileen: I hear ya! Mine were getting thin, but then I noticed they are getting a little thicker, and I am three weeks PFC. I have heard they start going around 4 weeks PFC and on, and sounds like Rockymom has affirmed that--ugh! I want to have nice lashes for my son's wedding, but I think I will be wearing false eyelashes for the first time in my life. I am using Peter thomas Roth eyelash system. I don't know if it's helping, but I sure hope so. I am going to the derm. on Wed. of next week and will talk to her about Latisse. I am going to talk to my MO about Latisse as well. Unfortunately, I don't think anything will stop them from coming out. My MO originally told me I would lose some, but not all my lashes/brows. I can only hope....
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Eileen, I feel very sad when u said u feel ugly--I hope u realize how beautiful u r---u'r looking with u'r eyes that's not how to look at anyone. hair will come back even where u don't want it too LOL Then u'll feel ugly trying to get rid of it LOL
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I lost all my eyebrows and half my lashes around 4 weeks pfc. Within 3 weeks They came back like gangbusters only to thin around 4 months pfc. I'm now 7 months pfc and the lashes are back but the brows are still thin. It makes me crazy. Yay for Mac eyebrow pencil!
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The problem for me with the lashes thinning and having big gaps, was that it was impossible to get mascara on them without getting it all over my eyelid. I did find some mascara (maybelline I think) that had a mini brush which made it a little easier to manipulate.
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Ahh.....chemo. They gift that keeps on giving....or taking....
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Why do eyebrows and lashes continue to fall out well after PFC while the head hair is coming in?
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The eyelashes naturally fall out on a regular basis just like your hair does. We tend to not notice as only a few lashes fall out at a time. Now because of chemo we loose all the lashes at the same time and they grow back at the same time, Therefor the lashes will again fall out at the same time, this can happen several times until lashes go back to normal shedding and regrowth (I have heard it can take up to two years for them to be normal again)
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Diane I just have to comment on your statement about your boyfriend he sounds like a keeper to me.I have been married for 31 years to a man that I also don't consider to be as you put not a doter.Though he does tell me he loves me and is a hugger he is not a romantic and no flowers or fancy gifts.But I could not have picked a better partner as he is always at my side 100% no matter what and would give his life for me if asked.I have no doubt in my mind about that.I have many friends that husbands use to do the flowers thing but in my opinion it was all show and they are either unhappy or divorced now.So I will take the guy that comes running if I need him before the guy that sends flowers but not the heart with them.
For all those that don't think its time to date I say go for it especially if you are already going topless they already know what you look like right?.As we all on this thread know life is to short and it ain't no dress rehearsal.You all deserve to go out and have fun and as someone here put it this does separate the men from the boys and hope they are smart enough to realize it is only temporary.I have a harder time remembering that then the people around me.
Kjiberty I used the generic Lattisse for about a year before this all happened was on maintenance stage then ramped up again and started treating my brows during Chemo and they both thinned but never lost enough to be noticed by others. In fact went to see the RO 3 weeks PFC and he commented on how good my brows looked They are now filling back in but if I remember correctly for me it took about 3 months when I first started using it to see the full effects so not sure if your own will be full enough by then on there own or not. I also think that it depends on how they were before this all started.But the ones I did lose didn't start coming in for me till 10 weeks PFC so if I had lost them all I think I would have been devastated and I also think that since they are not all coming in at once I will hopefully not have to worry about them all being on the same cycle.We will see.
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By 4-5 weeks PFC had had lost all the eyelashes...I managed to keep about 4-8 lashes per eye only on the top thru chemo but all bottoms were gone by my 3rd treatment. When they came back they did not come all at once and they came in slowly, scattered and thick !! Now at 13 weeks, they are thicker and longer than ever, but I've used Latisse for months...I'm hoping if they thin again they won't go like before. Black powdered shadow in the outer corners and crease, along with eyeliner really helped to cover it up and most people didn't realize - even tho, my lashes were so long normally they would hit my sunglasses. It's devastating, but to most people, it's not as noticeable as we think. I also used brown eyeshadow on the brows and swiped the few hairs that were left with waterproof mascara, since they had turned some strange shade of light red.0
RE: lashes and brows, I'm 1 year PFC and have seem them come and go 3 times this year! Every time though, I don't lose as many all at once - seems to be trying to get back onto a 'normal' shed/grow schedule where it is more spaced out.
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One more data point on the eyelashes and eyebrows - I lost all bottom eyelashes by the 4th round of chemo (TC). The top lashes were really thin and then gone completely at 4 weeks PFC except for one lonely lash that refused to give in to the chemo. I am 7 weeks PFC and can see lots of lashes returning, though I have a bare area on one lid...I hope that fills in eventually. I did not use Latisse. As for the brows I never lost them completely. I did have bare areas though. The low point again was about 4 weeks PFC. Now they are filling in and just need a little powder to look normal. For me the lash/brow thing wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. The nails and hair are another matter...
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Hang in there Eileen! I lost all my bottom and most of my top lashes almost overnight at about 8 wks PFC. But they started growing back almost as quickly as they fell out. This hair thing has beent he hardest part for me too....feeling unattractive. Just remember, you are beautiful and this is temporary. Sending you some hugs.
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We've all been there hun so like everyone else says, hang in there. About 4 weeks PFC I lost the majority of my lashes and the majority of my right brow which was weird. I became very adept at using a brow pencil and powder and my GF's were amazed how good it looked. I'm now 13 weeks PFC and while my lashes are short, they're growing (never had great lashes to begin with) and the brow has filled in. The hair on my head is filling in too. Most of my friends have now seen me without my wig so it feels a little less weird if someone pops by the house and I'm sans wig. I only wear it to go out and am quite sick of it really particularly in the heat. When I first started wearing the wig I felt so self concious. Now I just feel like no one even notices. (((HUGS))).
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I'm 22 weeks PFC and still only have half my brows (the ends are missing)...pencils are a wonderful thing!
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Brows? I haven't had eyebrows since Febrauary!!!!! I am getting kind of scared. It is funny your leg hair and "other" hairs come in quickly. But what about my eyebrows?? I can powder and pencil them in but would love some actual hair so I don't have to feel so alien like.
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I hear ya.....I've got everything else back (even nose hair) but the brows are still not 100%. I have to admit they were starting to thin even before BC....I am an OLD broad!
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Is it better to wear a scarf or wig? I want to look "normal" so am considering a wig but don't want to look ridiculous (or blow my tight budget). Will wearing a scarf advertise "hey look at me I'm sick and bald!"
This newbie could use your advise.0 -
im so glad to ehar what dolts husbands can be. mine did not get what i was going though. He told me i looked good, and that he could see the hair growing when it was super short. but now that it's pretty long again he confessed that the friar tuck look was not good for me lol. Oh well . . . i know he loves me.
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Tpoly, its really whatever you are comfortable with. For me, I feel best wearing a wig (im still wearing it 24 weeks pfc ). I never went out during chemo without a wig, except for treatments where I wore a hat instead. I didn't see the point of sitting in a chemo chair with a wig on, although im sure some women feel better that way. I love my wigs - they are very realistic looking and people I don't know really had no idea. But this is just me - there are so many hats, scarves and other head covers to choose from that you just have to find what makes you feel most comfortable through this tough time. My favorite place for hats that are stylish and don't scream "cancer" is so wig or no wig, do what you have to do to get through.
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Tpolychron - I chose to wear a wig. I tried the scarf look and my poor DH freaked out. I had to agree with him, it definitely made me look sick.
Check out the ACS "Look Good, Feel Better" program in your area. There are usually sessions once a month in most cancer centers and hospitals. When you attend, you will get a nice bag of cosmetic and skin care products, some great tips on how to NOT look sick, and maybe even an opportunity for a free wig. I know at the class I attended they handed out certificates for a free wig along with a list of participating salons. It was very easy! Also, check out your insurance coverage - they may pay for all or a portion of a good wig.
After I finished treatment and my hair was just starting to sprout I wore a ballcap. I was in a store one day and this little girl shouted out for everyone to hear, "I know why that lady is wearing a hat, she's bald!" Well, I laughed but I don't think her mom was too happy...LOL!
My eyebrows and eyelashes all fell out by the time I had my last treatment. But they came back quickly and I've noticed some thinning and then they rebound. I'm 10 months PFC. Hang in there, friends!
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tpoly....I bought a wig and wore it twice ...I HATED it...was uncomfortable and made me feel like I was in disguise. I always wore a "smurf" type hat in the house (it was winter and my head was cold) and scarves outside. I had 3 and rotated them. They weren't real scarves but someone made them....looked kinda like Aunt Jemima when I tied the knot on top. Several people said they looked "chic"....that was the leopard print one. I tried to tie a scarf but I was too impatient. Ditto what LuvRVing said about the program!
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I think I freaked out a lady at work today! I was walking to my car and she came up to me and said i just love your hair! I said it isn't mine, she said what? I said it is a wig, I just finished chemo. Now I usually don't go around telling people I did chemo, not sure what got into me! She was very sweet and asked how I was doing. I said I was fine and thank you for the hair compliment!
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Tpolychron: I'm 3/4 of the way through chemo, and I've chosen to go "topless" since about a week after I lost my hair. I never really considered a wig since I knew I'd be too warm with my hot flashes. I tried scarves and hats for a few days, but even they were too warm at times. And so I just took a deep breath and went out bald. Honestly, I wasn't happy about any of the options - wigs, hats, scarves, or bald - because I'm not happy about breast cancer, but it's where I am right now. Being bald hasn't been as bad as I feared. People are generally funny, kind, or act like there's nothing really unusual about me, and I don't really feel like they're staring. All that being said, I read this thread every time there's a new post, and look forward to the day when I have my hair back. Do what's comfortable for you!
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I have decided I am getting Latisse when I go to the derm next week. I still have some lashes and brows. Actually, people have said they think they look great, but there is loss--just not all of them. We shall see. I asked my MO today if I would lose more and she didn't think so... Sounds like she doesn't read this boards! I am glad I have you gals...
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Tpoly: yes absolutely do what's comfortable for you. I am a self confessed hair obsessed person, so I had to do a wig. I had long super thick hair before all of this, so I invested in a wig just like my "old" hair. I even had it highlighted to match my hair. Unless I tell people, no one has any idea it is a wig. Even though I am now officially done with chemo, it will be a while before I have my hair back, so to me the wig was important. Everything now is so overwhelming. I can remember back a few months ago being in the same spot as you. I think we are similar in age, and I know this is a crappy time. I'm glad you're here and please let us know if you need anything. Feel free to message me too if you need to. I want to help if I can! Take care!
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Here's a hair topic I haven't read on this thread (maybe I missed it): for those of you, like me, that have avoided telling others about what they are going through (by using a wig that looks like their hair), how did you handle the topic when you went topless for the first time? Like Diane's, my wig is close enough to my old hair that no one knows...they think I just got my hair done slightly differently (it was long brown and wavy as is my wig). However, my new hair (which is about 1/3" long now 7 wks PFC) is black/silver/white. Even with coloring it, I doubt it will look anything like my old hair and certainly much, much shorter. I am not sure what I will say when they ask 'why did you cut your hair?'. I'm not embarassed about having breast cancer, I'm just a very private person and don't want to be explaining myself to everyone. The only thing I could think of is 'mid-life crisis' which isn't entirely untrue since I have a had a crisis mid-life. I'd appreciate any suggestions you all have on this one.
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slak: hmmm....You could just say it was time for a change, and you haven't had it short and it's been so gosh-darned hot this summer and didn't feel like dealing with it. None of which is untrue.