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Hair Hair Hair - Another question



  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Posts: 1,477
    edited May 2014

    lago i always end up with these ends no matter who i go to. My hair has always been super fine so if i cut it short they look better but short doesn't look good on my face.

  • islandmom
    islandmom Posts: 131
    edited May 2014

    Carrol2, you look beautiful.  Have you tried cutting the ends?  not short but just to get rid of the dry part.  Our hair gets thinner as we age, so it is an uphill battle. 

    My hair does get tangles, so I use my fingers to loosen the ends and a wide tooth comb.  I only comb when the hair is dry because wet hair is at its weakest point, so it can break easily.  

    MinusTwo,  actually most people do use the brushes that come with Lattise.  It is a prescription drug so it is smart to check with your doctor.  The other reason I use so little is because I am afraid that it will darken my eyelids.  I already have dark eyelids, so I do not want to take the chance.  

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Posts: 641
    edited May 2014

    lookin good Carrol!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2014


    starting to contemplate color...but not sure...daughter's wedding is coming up in a month - which both makes me want to color & afraid to try it

  • Donnabelle
    Donnabelle Posts: 140
    edited May 2014

    I hear you notbuyingit. To color or not to color. Should I go back to the former box I used (L'Oreal Almond Rocca) or move forward and be proud of the salt and pepper. What to do.......any advice?


  • yensmiles
    yensmiles Posts: 211
    edited May 2014

    your hair looks lovely Notbuyingit!

    Donnabelle, you have so much hair! how long did it take you to grow it back?

  • Donnabelle
    Donnabelle Posts: 140
    edited May 2014

    Yens miles this picture is 10 months PFC. I have always been blessed with thick hair and luckily it is growing back the same way, although very curly (I use a straightener). So far I haven't cut it or had it shaped. I'm scared to do anything!

  • homemom
    homemom Posts: 849
    edited May 2014

    First treatment tomorrow and I already miss my hair Sad

  • Unknown
    edited May 2014

    i am only 4 months out...Donnabelle, you go,girl! my girls say i am rocking the "Jamie Lee Curtis" ha!!

    Homemom, you might not lose it! i was glad mine was in the winter tho so the wig was not so hot :) no one really noticed because i got a nice one similar to my hair style/color. Now however i do get the looks!! ha!! toooo bad! i am over it :))

  • NinaW
    NinaW Posts: 17
    edited May 2014

    Hi there - I've been lurking here to watch everyone's progress while I undergo my TCH treatments, so I can see what's in store for me after they've finished. Like every other HER2+ girl, I'll be dealing with Herceptin for the next year, so I'm already preparing myself for less-than-spectacular regrowth. Of course, if my hair decides to ignore that possibility and grow as fast as the weeds in my garden do, I'll be only too happy to welcome its rebel spirit!

    I thought I'd just pass along two or three thoughts in case anyone found them of interest. I worked in entertainment PR for most of my professional career; during that time, I routinely came into contact with models and celebrities whose livelihoods depend on their ability to look their best at all times. In particular, runway models have their hair beaten to a pulp due to extremely aggressive styling. Lots of them swear by a product called Viviscal - it's a non-medication pill featuring a compound of ingredients including the usual suspects like biotin along with a proprietary marine component. A month's supply of the stuff costs about $40, and you need to use it for at least several months before you can tell whether it's working for you or not.

    The second thought is that you don't necessarily need to choose between either dyeing your hair or living with salt and pepper. The third option is to use blue rinses to turn your hair silver, which I think is a nice compromise between the two other choices. It allows you to exert some control over the color of your hair without having to worry about looking "fake". You can vary the depth and intensity of the silver by using either blue or purple rinses. If you go to a salon, they can help the process along by putting in "lowlights" in your natural color to ease the transition. 

    The third and final thought is that Osmotics Cosmeceuticals makes a product that was specifically designed to encourage new hair growth in women who have undergone chemo treatment or who are struggling with hormonal hair loss. It's called FNS (Follicle Nutrient Serum). You apply it daily to a clean, damp scalp. Like the Viviscal, it contains no medication, and merely delivers key nutrients directly to the site of the follicles. If you're taking supplements to encourage growth, the FNS adds a kind of two-pronged attack to make sure your follicles are getting what they need to recover and start producing hair again. A four-ounce bottle of FNS costs about $60, and will last for two months. The company also makes a shampoo and conditioner, but I think those are probably redundant expenses if you're already springing for the serum.

    Of course, if a hair follicle is dead, it's just dead, and no supplement or serum will reanimate it. But if the follicle is merely sluggish, these treatments may help wake them back up and get them moving again. No product will work for everyone, but if you're looking for things to try, I thought I'd toss these into the mix as possible options!

  • Ashira
    Ashira Posts: 15
    edited May 2014

    blue hair rinse?  I have never heard of this. I love the silver color that I often see, and am intrigued. Is this something that can be done at home?

  • aff
    aff Posts: 33
    edited May 2014

    donnabelle - love it!

    Nina - great tips, thanks

    Notbuyingit - I think you look great but I'm sure you'll be happy with either choice

    HomeMom -  it truly sucks for a minute and then you get over it like everything else we have endured. I do understand. I swore I would cut it before I lost it but it was right around the holidays and I just ran out of time. The final days before I shaved what was left were a few of the worst in this journey. 

    So far I am thrilled with my hair growth. I am 4 weeks PFC tomorrow. After having really long hair my entire life I am kind of enjoying this. 


  • NinaW
    NinaW Posts: 17
    edited May 2014

    Hey, Ashira - you can certainly buy the rinses at any of the beauty supply places like Sally's, but unless you know what you're doing, I'd encourage you to go to a stylist at least for the first rinse. Another option is to get silver highlights with the lowlights, but I think the rinse is a cheaper way to go and if you've still got some natural pigment in your hair, it provides a more natural look because you won't get that "stripey" thing that sometimes happens with highlights.

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Posts: 278
    edited May 2014

    aff, I think your hair is ADORABLE!

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Posts: 641
    edited May 2014

    notbuyingit - you do remind me of Jamie lee Curtis .. I think you look great!

    donnabelle - I'd like to see it curly.. as far as color - the salt and pepper looks good but I wonder how you'd look with a softer color..maybe the color you use to use.

    aff - love the look!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2014

    nina - i might consider that route (the silver) my mom was white as long as i can remember & it looked beautiful on her - she used to use a blonde rinse of some kind - i will ask when i talk to my hairdresser.

    aff - your hair is nice & thick!! as i have said before - i am liking this no muss no fuss do - may be a new summer tradition!

    thanks, Iam, so far no curls for me

  • MaryFox
    MaryFox Posts: 88
    edited May 2014

    aff - I'm extremely jealous. I'm three months PFC and don't have that much hair.

  • Deblc
    Deblc Posts: 154
    edited May 2014

    Aff I can't believe your hair growth after only 4 weeks. It's been 2-1/2 weeks for me and NOTHING :(

  • aff
    aff Posts: 33
    edited May 2014

    Thanks everyone. I starting going out without a hat or wig 9 days ago and couldn't be more thrilled about it. My hair starting growing in around week 5 or 6 of Taxol so it's about 10 or 11 weeks of hair growth. eyebrows and eyelashes are another story. Top eyelashes have grown in but they will not cooperate and curl the right way so I have a very difficult time with mascara. Bottom eyelashes are coming in very slowly and are very short, but they're coming. Eyebrows seem to be going in the wrong direction. They were much thinner this morning and I needed to dig out the eyebrow kit again.

  • BlueFox
    BlueFox Posts: 26
    edited May 2014

    In case anyone finds it useful, I photographed my hair regrowth at regular intervals and also my experiments with colouring my fine white chemo hair:

    Eyebrows and eyelashes seem re-grow very differently to headhair - nothing visible then suddenly they are back to normal.

  • laurie2025
    laurie2025 Posts: 28
    edited May 2014

    After chemo I didn't see much action for a month or two, but then it started growing in about an inch a month, so pretty quickly.  I was using Nioxin but it really did a number on the quality of my hair, so I no longer use it.

    Unfortunately, while my eyelashes and brows grew in (the brows were sparse), the brows have now started falling out, quickly, again.  Apparently this is not uncommon.  And my hair seems to be thinning a bit.  I believe this may be from the AI I am taking.  I am adding women's minoxidil to my daily hair regime, and will see how that goes. And I do use one of those lash growth serums - works pretty well.  

  • Ashira
    Ashira Posts: 15
    edited May 2014

    Nina, thanks so much. Will the rinse work to make my hair silver if I am salt and pepper?  I found something online called roux fanciful. I'm thinking that's a good option because it's temporary. Are you familiar with it?

  • NinaW
    NinaW Posts: 17
    edited May 2014

    Hi Ashira - well, the Fancifull is a temporary rinse, so while I don't have any experience with it, I can't see what the harm would be in trying it out to see what it does for you Smile  Both the blue and the violet rinses "counteract" the yellow or brassy colors found in fading hair, turning those dull colors silver or white in appearance. A temporary rinse won't lighten hair that's still loaded with pigment, so you'd still have your pepper, but your salt will be a clearer and prettier shade. If it were me, I'd start off with a minimum of the product, as you don't know how much of the product will be absorbed by your hair and if you use too much, you'll end up with a noticeable blue tint to your hair (of course, if you want to go punk or Dame Edna, this might not bother you, lol). Also, check the ingredients for drying agents like alcohol and make sure you keep your hair nicely moisturized to prevent any damage.

    Other temporary solutions to consider are Matrix Essentials So Silver shampoo and Aveda Blue Malva. When I had hair, it was highlighted, and I used Coppola's Blonde Bombshell shampoo and conditioner to keep it from looking brassy - the product was violet. It's important to note that using temp rinses or shampoos will result in a gradual fading of any yellow tones in your gray hair, as opposed to an overnight "wow!" thing. Give it a whirl and let us know what happens!

  • Donnabelle
    Donnabelle Posts: 140
    edited May 2014

    Thanks for all the info Nina. I am headed to the hairstylist soon to get a trim and some color advice and I will ask about the blue rinse. Sounds like it might be what I need!

  • lisaj514
    lisaj514 Posts: 289
    edited June 2014

    ugh I feel like I'm getting obsessed with this hair thing. I'm 6 weeks PFC tomorrow and have now lost all eyebrows and have 2 eyelashes left on each eye. My head looks like a fine white halo when In the right light. It's really thin and colorless or white and maybe 1/8-1/4" long with some slightly longer strands sticking out. I know you all say it will come but I'm not good at being patient and this is like watching paint dry! I was good at drawing and filling in eyebrows when I had some left to follow, just 2 weeks ago but now it doesn't look so good anymore but the thing is I'm feeling good otherwise so why doesn't my hair just start cooperating. I have light eyes so without eyebrows and eyelashes it looks down right scary. Working on the brow pencil still and eyeliner and wearing my glasses almost full time now as my eyes have seemed to change and can't see well with the contacts. At least the glasses seem to hide the weird looking eyes. Before this I was thinking that the hair grows in like normal hair that has just been shaved and didn't realize that the chemo damages the hair from the follicle and that needs to heal and normalize first before real hair comes back in. I hate this. I dreamt last night that I had a nice covering of dark hair that I was confident in going out in, but woke up bald again. :-(

    Sorry for the rant, I'm just getting tired of this cancer thing. I thought I'd be bold, bald and brave but I realize that I'm not that bold and brave and way too self conscious of my looks ...damn it! Even at this age I'm a work in progress.

    Good night ladies, thanks for listening

  • Lorbgoo
    Lorbgoo Posts: 111
    edited June 2014

    I had the same dream last night Lisa and of course I woke up bald. It's so frustrating and it's only been 2 weeks since my last chemo. Are you using anything to regrow your hair? I'm just taking biotin. 

    Have a good night.

  • lisaj514
    lisaj514 Posts: 289
    edited June 2014

    Lori, Ive been taking biotin for a while. Nails are great though. I also just got model supplies rapid brow growth recommended by another woman on the December chemo thread. Been using for about a week. Will see how it goes. Also using castor oil and coconut oil combination (1:1) and massaging it into my scalp once a day (google it, you'll find info). Supposed to help so I'm hoping I'll see something more soon. Even if it doesn't help at least I feel I'm doing something

  • jojo2373
    jojo2373 Posts: 60
    edited June 2014

    Ladies hang in there, a year from now that chemo look will feel like a faint dream as you run your fingers through your new hair!

  • homemom
    homemom Posts: 849
    edited June 2014

    Has anyone tried Nioxin? I had a bad chemical reaction the first time I used a perm. hair color. I had put a hair straightener on my bangs and then colored my hair. This was about 15 years ago before flat irons! I used Nioxin and it brought back most of my hair. I am just starting chemo, so I really wish I could fast forward to where you all are now! It would be interesting to know if it works for anyone here.

  • Lorbgoo
    Lorbgoo Posts: 111
    edited June 2014

    I use olive oil. I do massage it too. Do you have any hair growth?