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Hair Hair Hair - Another question



  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509
    edited June 2017

    I started Latisse around my second to last chemotreatment and it's been about four weeks now and they are coming in thick. I was told it could help them come back in quicker and thicker but couldn't compete with the chemo so I waited until I was almost done. I'm sure I'll still have the usual loss and regrowth until the growth cycles get back ontrack but it's really helping so far.

  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214
    edited June 2017

    9 months PFC (7/3) I am happy to say my eyebrows & eyelashes came back after a month & I've as these curls trimmed 5 times! The curls are a new addition to my life & I'll take it over a wig ANY DAY! To all of my warrior sisters out there, keep swimming...praying for all! image

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Member Posts: 246
    edited June 2017


  • l_brain
    l_brain Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2017

    Five times...Wow! You look great!

  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2017

    I work in a dermatology office (I help run the clinical trials department) and a few days ago, I was asked by my office manger to help with a video/PSA about acne and also to promote one of our upcoming acne studies. Little did i know I'd end up being in most of the video. Here I am 6 months PFC with my short gray pixie for all the world to see. Was so nervous, and you can tell that I was reading from cue cards, but i got through it. It felt like the first time I ventured out without a hat or wig.

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Member Posts: 246
    edited June 2017

    It's cute. Suits you well.

  • biscuits
    biscuits Member Posts: 2,158
    edited June 2017 were so professional. You looked great and you looked healthy! I imagine that it was extremely nerve-racking to have to go in front of a camera, but you did it!

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451
    edited June 2017

    lmkopy--beautiful! Love those curls. I'm getting close to 6 months PFC. I have less than half the hair you have and no curls. You look great!!

  • Snowfall
    Snowfall Member Posts: 46
    edited June 2017

    Docmama, I love your hair! That's what I'm hoping mine comes back looking like. I have dark brown hair with a little grey in it, but would love white/silver. My mom has great white hair, so I figure there's a chance, right? And you did great on camera. I'm impressed

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451
    edited July 2017

    Docmama you did great! And your hair looks perfect. Love it!!

    Today I'm 23 weeks PFC. Hair is growing just not nearly fast enough for me. The sides and back are about 2" long and are starting to stick out. Not necessarily curls, just straight sticking out hair and the top is about an inch long and flat. I told my husband I'm starting to get the Bozo the Clown look. But at least it's not bald anymore.

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336
    edited July 2017


    after 8DD I still have eyebrows and a few eyelashes left. Some peach fuzz on my head. I have been having scalp itches. I have a wig prescription which I think I am going to if I go back to work. Prechemo I had bit of grey and black. Maybe I may get some reddish curls PFC.


  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984
    edited July 2017

    I love seeing all the "hairy" pictures! Thanks to all who post and give hope.

    Also, thanks for the responses to Latisse.

    Coach Vicky

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 582
    edited July 2017

    I absolutely love seeing all the pictures.   My hair used to grow fast, but now it seems to be growing slower.  Its all good as long as it is growing!  My husband says if I didn't check it 3 times a day I would notice it growing, other people are seeing it.  I am encouraged by what I see here and how beautiful every looks.  

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 582
    edited July 2017

     Rebamacfan123-   Just remember to take care of yourself and smile often.   I worked through the whole chemo treatment and I wore (still wear) a wig to work, but hat/scarf everywhere else.  I hate the wig, I take it off in the car on the way home.  Do whatever makes you feel comfortable.  I am thinking of giving up the wig at work.

  • Myraknits
    Myraknits Member Posts: 191
    edited July 2017


    The first shot was 2 weeks after my last chemo on July 17, 2016. The second shot is from this morning, July 1, 2017.

    What a difference a year makes. Don't despair you will have hair!!

    (BTW, my hair used to be stick straight. Getting used to being a curly girl. Totally different rules.)

  • Snowfall
    Snowfall Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2017

    Gorgeous, Myraknits! It's encouraging to think about a year from now when I'm still in the midst of treatment.

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451
    edited July 2017

    Myra--your hair is beautiful--love the curls!! When I first started chemo in September I remember seeing the photos you posted at that time. A year definitely makes a difference. You look great!

    I am 23 weeks PFC. I never thought I'd see the day where I had hair again. I'm not thrilled with the way it looks or the speed it's growing but at least my head is covered again.


  • drained6513
    drained6513 Member Posts: 30
    edited July 2017

    I am 14 1/2 weeks post chemo and it's thicker on the top than on the sides.  It was the other way around before.  Omg... this is so horrible.  I haven't posted any photos on here yet.  Will do coming up.  I am wearing a baseball cap out most of the time... I did go topless a week ago.  Met a friend for coffee.  I thought it looked ok... just really short.  But just took some side shots just now and no wonder I had ppl looking at me.  It's soooo embarrassing.  I've stopped meeting up with friends.  I am losing all my friends, from not going out.  Not to mention the 20 extra lbs I gained, that I'm desperately trying to lose. But then again, who cares if your thin if you have no hair? The sides have a skimming of hair, and not a lot, so you can see my scalp.  And the crown has more hair, the back has the same as the crown, it does seem to cover my head, but no where what it was before chemo.  The front top is thicker than before but if you look closely you can see through to my scalp.  This is soooo horrible.  My whole life is a drudgery... I don't want to go on without proper hair.  I had really fine hair before chemo, but a lot.  It was fine and a good thickness.  I feel like going to bed and not getting up.  Anyways,  Seq your hair looks great.  Nice and shiny and full. 

    The hair photos look great.  Whose to say mine isn't going to remain thin.  Anyways, venting... it's sooo embarrassing.  I might as well be 90 years old... or an old man... that's what I look like.

  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2017

    Oh Drained, I know exactly how you feel! I look in the mirror and do not recognize the person staring back sometimes. I do feel like an old woman sometimes and yes, I have also gained 20lbs. You can have those feelings every once in a while, but don't let them consume you. People really could care less what your hair looks like, believe me. And if they do, so what? We have all gone through some almost unimaginable things but we've either gotten through to the other side or are almost there. I still have 12 weeks left of Herceptin (3 more infusions) and then my exchange on 9/11. I still get up in the morning, put pomade, gel, everything I can get my hands on and rub it into my hair, then smooth it down with my hands (don't even need a brush or comb yet, lol). I put on my makeup, red lipstick and out the door to work. People occasionally stare, but I just let it roll off my back. You don't know what they've been going through either - maybe they have a family member that looks the same or have even gone through the same themselves. As Dory says, Keep On Swimming. Your hair will grow in sooner than you think.

  • drained6513
    drained6513 Member Posts: 30
    edited July 2017

    Thanks for the inspiring words.  I'm just tired of the whole thing.  It's been a horrible terrifying journey.  Surgeries, blood work, appts, then the chemo which is the worst part of it all, if you ask me.  Why can't they have something to combat the worst symptom of all, hairloss.  The most debilitating symptom of the whole process.  It really does take from you who you are.  I did just take to my bed, just got up and keep forgetting when I look in the mirror, it shocks me every time.  I was in great shape before all this happened.  Working out and fit and my hair styled and coloured and never ever a thought you would ever be without it.  I was just going to transfer employment when all this happened, and had to turn down that job opportunity.  Became unemployed and sick.  Now a year later, most of the difficult stuff is done, except for the hair growth now.  A  year of dealing with all this.  I don't have all the time in the world, like when you are in your 20's or even 30's. 

    HapB, I have had the hair salon in the back of my mind for quite a while.  I just want it to be long enough for them to do anything with it and also I have to sit in the salon for everyone to see.  I'd say I have low self esteem right now.

    Docmama, your hair looks great.  Nice and thick.  That short style really suites you!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 582
    edited July 2017

    Myraknits- Beautiful! I hope my hair grows in to be so pretty. Seq24- You see yourself everyday, I only see you in the pictures here and I see how much your hair has grown and I think it looks pretty good from the last picture. Really soft and healthy.

    Drained- Take it easy on yourself. Everyone's hair grows at a different speed and it looks like the hair grows in patches. I read some had a slower rate on the top of the head. I think mine is like yours and thinner on the sides, but I think it will all even out. Go out with your friends and have fun! Don't let all this keep you from living your life, be happy!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 582
    edited July 2017

    HapB - I love what you wrote to Drained, it made me feel better.

  • Heidibird
    Heidibird Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2017

    I had silver hair that almost reached my waist before being diagnosed with BC. Rarely a week would go by that someone didn't compliment me on my hair. Even complete strangers would stop and tell me they liked my hair. My mom cried when she heard I would lose my hair (I am in my 60s and she is 90) But my thoughts were like many on's only hair and should regrow, I was so excited when mine started coming back although it was not nearly as white as it used to be. And mine is still very short even being 9 months post chemo. Darn I guess I am in the minority because I loved my white/silver color. LOL And now it is long enough that it has those unruly chemo curls. Quite a few people have remarked that my "new hair cut" makes me look much younger. I may have to keep the hair short. As several have said, our hair and our breast don't define us. We are still who were were before their loss, although probably quite a bit stronger and wiser. Do I wish time could turn back and I never get this diagnosis of BC. Sure! But it happened and I was determined to not let BC win or make me feel less of a woman. Have I had my crying jags? You bet! Then I wipe my eyes, look around at all those I am grateful for and count my blessings. Hugs to all those who need them. My sisters you are all strong in your own ways in this battle!


  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451
    edited July 2017

    Docmama--you gave some helpful information previously about using Rogaine. I used it for about 3 months, until I ran out. Didn't see much difference. I just got back from my MO office and was asking her about what to do about the thin hair on the top of my head. She said use Rogaine. I'd be willing to get some more but was wondering if it does grow new hair at this point, will it fall back out when I stop using it? I remember you said this doesn't happen when hair first comes back after chemo, but I'm wondering if I'm past that point at 23 weeks pfc. I definitely don't want to use this long term. My hair was thin before on the top and it seems about the same now. Just wondering if there is any benefit to the Rogaine now?

  • drained6513
    drained6513 Member Posts: 30
    edited July 2017

    I too just stopped using my Rogaine.  I had started using it not long after I finished chemo 14 1/2 weeks ago.  I used that and I used the Nioxin 1 system throughout my chemo and am still using it.  I can't say for sure, but I think the Rogaine probably did help.  I do think the Nioxin did help as well.  The Nioxin keeps a certain hormone or something like that, which can apparently slow hair growth down or stop it, on your scalp.  I mean I can't say for sure any of it helped, but I think so.  The Rogaine keeps the hair frizzy, so I decided to stop and just keep with the Nioxin daily.  My hair is softer and looks more normal without the Rogaine.  Even though I've been crying about my hair, I do believe it wouldn't even be where it is now, if I hadn't used it.  So that being said, I was just wondering anyone that did not use Rogaine, how your hair grew in?  Did it grow in thick?  Did it take a long time to grow in?  Should I continue on with Rogaine? 

    And thank you Mystyeyes, HapB and Heidibird, I needed that pep talk.  No one wants to ever go through this, that's for sure.  I have been strong and positive throughout most of this ordeal.  But lately I've just been down.  I am going to get the nerve to go see my hairdresser.  My daughter says not to do anything to my hair, or it won't grow properly.  I mean it's been over 3 months since last chemo, just Herceptin now.  I did colour it myself about 2 weeks ago... what was suppose to be blonde, turned into a reddish colour. lol  So I was thinking getting the salon to colour it properly.  Has anyone gone blonde at 3 months and it's ok for the hair?  I'm sure my hairdresser will know, just wondering.   A little blonde with a cut that looks like a short style would be nice.

  • docmama
    docmama Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2017

    I stopped using Rogaine about 3 months PFC, 1-because it was making my hair dry and my scalp itch and 2- I ran out of my last bottle and figured I'd just continue on my own. The growth did slow down a bit, but haven't had any fall out at all. I've also cut my hair 3 times since then. I'm keeping the sides and back short and just trimming the top because I had a lot of crazy long strands sticking straight up. Seq, I'm sure it won't hurt you to start the Rogaine now. Just remember it can dry your hair or cause frizziness. I'm also taking Biotin, but I'm not sure if it's helping. My nails are still incredibly weak and break just from grabbing something out of my purse. As far as color is concerned, I say go for it. A couple of weeks ago my daughter dyed my hair with what I thought was temporary blue hair dye. It turned out to be semi-permanent, lol. I also had a business trip the following weekend. There I was in all my blue-green haired glory. I got some stares, but mostly I had people come up to me and say that they loved my haircut and that they loved the color. Just own it, ladies!


    P.S. The color washed out after a week, kinda miss it now, lol.

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451
    edited July 2017

    Docmama--I found that the Rogaine was drying my hair and making it frizzy too as well as removing the color I just had put in. When I ran out a month or so I quit using it, now wondering if I should start again. My MO says to use it again, my PCP said not to. It's only the hair on top of my head that is thin, the rest is thicker than before. The top has always been thin though. Thanks for your input. Your hair looks great by the way! Did you always wear it short?

    I was so embarrassed today at the MO's office. The medical assistant, who knows me well, called me to come back for my appointment. I stood and started walking towards her and she kept calling and calling my name. She finally said that she didn't recognize me and that I in no way resembled myself anymore. She had never seen me without my regular hair or a wig. I told her that not many people recognize me theseGood grief!!

  • seq24
    seq24 Member Posts: 451
    edited July 2017

    Here's another thing I learned at my MO's office today. I've seen this mentioned on here before and I am also experiencing a lot facial hair on the sides of my cheeks that wasn't there before. She said that is a side effect of chemo. She said if I had it waxed it would never come back. Anyone else ever heard of or done this?

  • Oasis2016
    Oasis2016 Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2017

    I am 5 months PFC and still wearing my cap whenever I leave the house. The front is just too short and the overall shape is weird. There isn't enough volume to my hair too. I can see the ends curling, I wonder will I get very curly hair or just wavy. My hair is about 1.5 inch long with the bangs probably slightly less than 1 inch. Seq, your hair is definitely much longer than mine and I am just 1 week behind.

    I went for a haircut 2 weeks ago and the stylist couldn't figure how best to cut my hair to give it some shape. I did notice weird stares from the other hairdressers :(

  • Keepongoing
    Keepongoing Member Posts: 30
    edited July 2017

    What a difference a year makes !! This is last year July 4. I was just a few weeks post chemo and had my scarf on to cover my almost bald head. Hair is back with thick chemo curls this year and I rolled up my scarf for a head band. I had long straight hair about to shoulders before chemo. Not quite sure what to do with this hair but am finally coming to an appreciation of it. Was almost as hard taking off my wig as it was to walk out in it the first few times! My hair growth was slow at first but seems to be growing like crazy now. Used nioxin shampoo at first when hair started growing out. Hang in there ladies who are just finishing up chemo.
