The power of prayer...
Dear Lord, Please be with and bless Jane, Help
her with all she is going through. May she feel
Your love and everlasting peace, to help her with
all her trials and challenges. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Gg08-Bonnie and give her
peace and comfort, That she may feel Your peaceful
love to help her through all her needs and challenges
she is going through. Thank You for her caring love.
In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing, To give
comfort and love to Shelia. Please bless her and
help her to feel Your arm of love around her, to help
her with all her aches and trials. In Jesus wonderful
name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Faith and give her comfort
and Your everlasting love. Help her with all her trials
and pain. May she fined rest in Your arms of love,
In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Torigirl and help her with
any challenges and pain. May she feel Your comfort-
ing love all around her. Thank You for all You have
done to help her stay strong in You. In Jesus name
we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please bless and give peace to Dovehome, Help
her to feel Your loving kindness all around her. Please help
her with all her needs and trials. May she find comfort and
see You are carrying her. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing to help
and comfort kindone. Please give her peace and
help her with all her trials and pain. May she rest
in Your loving arms. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing to help
and give rest to Deborye. Give her wisdom and peace
to help her with all she is going through. May she feel
Your loving arms around her. In Jesus wonderful name
we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and bless bcincolorado, Help
her with all her challenges and needs. May she feel Your
love and kindness all around her. Thank You Lord. In
Jesus name we prayer. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please bless and help Makraz with
all she is going through. May she feel Your
comforting hands around her. Please show
her all ways to help her through all her chellenges.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with all the wonderful people here.
Help those here going through hard time and need Your
comforting arms around them, Bless everyone with joy and
Your everlasting love. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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When I read your prayers, I feel this wave of relaxation. Like I don't have to fight, I don't have to do anything but just be. I have always been very sensitive, which is not an easy way to be in this world.
I ask for understanding God. Sisters are struggling and there is tension. I ask for us to embrace our similarities amongst our differences. Jesus was about bringing people together, showing us we all walk together with struggles, and no one is immune from pain. Please help us to restore balance and understanding.
In your name,
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Heavenly Father,
Thank you for bringing all safe to this new day.
Please with my sisters here, give them peace, comfort, and healing.
Please bless footprintsangel and watch over her. Bless her for her all the comfort she so freely gives to us all.
In Your Name,
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Dear Lord,
You know all of our hearts and our worries.
Please comfort us and help us rest in your care.
Please help us to be still to remember you are God.
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Thank You, Father God, for giving me Your blessed assur-
ance that I am in Your constant watch----not only me, but
everything and everyone I care about. Thank You for help-
ing me to lay my entire life on Your altar. Thank You for
helping me to remember how much You love me.
In full assurance of Your love, I relinquish my guilt and
pain. In full assurance, I know You roll it away. You re-
move my bitterness. You comfort me. You cover my tears
with Your smile. In the desert scenes of my life, Your hope
burst forth like vibrant cactus flowers blooming after a
sudden rain shower.
When my days go smooth as glass, I praise You for
Your assuring love. When the storms of life crash in and
billows roar, I still praise You. You are always near--guiding
and watching over me. When I'm at my best, I sense Your
approval. When I'm at my worst I experience Your love
and forgiveness.
Here with You, I leave it all, my hopes and dreams and
wants, Here, I trust Your assuring hands to pick up the
struggling life of mine, turn it around, then mold it in the
way You know is best. I give my all to You because of the
calm assurance You place in me. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and bless Genia. Help her to
feel Your comforting love all around her. Please give her
peace as she rests in Your loving arms. Thank You for
all You are doing to help with her aches and trials. In
Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Be with and give Patoo help with all
her challenges and pain. May she be filled with
Your everlasting love. Wrap her in Your loving arms
and give her comfort. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all that You have been
doing to help and give peace to Jo, Help her with
all she is going through. May she feel You caring
arms around her. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all the wonderful and caring
love You are giving Faith. Please bless her with peace
and comfort. May she feel You around her helping her
with all her challenges and pain. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and bless Shelia, Give her
Your wisdom and caring arms around her, to help her
with all her challenges and pain. May she feel Your
everlasting love to comfort. In Jesus wonderful name
we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all the wonderful and caring
things You are doing to help Makraz. Please bless her
and give her Your comforting love, to help her with all
her needs and pain. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Be with and bless squidwitch, Help
her with all she is facing. May she fine comfort
and rest in You, to help her through all her trials.
Bless her for all she is doing for others. In Jesus
name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Give peace, and comfort Torigirl, Help
her with all she is facing. May she be filled with
your comforting love. May she feel all the blessing
and peace, that will help her with all her needs
and challenges. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please bless and help Dovehome with
all she is going through. May she feel Your com-
forting love all around her. Thank You Lord, for all
You are doing to help her. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Be with 3jaysmom, help her with all she
is going through. Please bless her and let her know
we miss her and are praying for her. Give her peace
for trials and comfort for pain. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, May You be with fionn and help her
with all her challenges and pain. Please bless
her with peace and comfort, That she may feel
Your peaceful arms around her. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Bless and give comfort to kindone, Help
he with all she is going through. That she may be fill-
ed with Your everlasting love. Thank You for all You
have done to help her through. In Jesus wonderful name
we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and give Rose47 peace
and rest in Your loving arms. Please bless her and
help her with all her challenges and pain. In Jesus
wonderful name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for being with and comforting
gin2ca. Bless her and help her with any challenges
she is going through. Give her peace and wisdom to
help her stay strong. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing to guide
and care for Rocky. Please be with her and help her
with all her needs and challenges. May she feel You
love all around her. In Jesus wonderful name we pray. Amen