The power of prayer...
Dear Lord, please abundantly Foots, who prays for us unceasingly, even as we sleep. Please provide for her every need and comfort. Please bring relief and comfort to all who need it here, and cast away all their fears. IJNA
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Ladies - the doctor called a little while ago with the results of my lymph node that was removed from the collarbone- it was a BENIGN lymph node!!! No cancer in it! No explanation as to why it was a solid mass on the ultrasound, but it was totally benign. I have had a very very long agonizing journey since discovering this - I am amazed at the power of prayer and how the Lord spoke to me even in the midst of my anxiety and anguish.
I thank you so much for your prayers for me. Footprints-you are amazing.
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Sending Hugs from NY
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Sorry I missed the most important word of all in my prayer for Foots while I was half asleep this morning: BLESS. Please abundantly pour out your blessings on our Footprintsangel.
Praise Your name for speaking to Calamtykel in her grip of fear. Thank you that our prayers were answered.
Please bring peace and comfort to the family of BoPeep, and thank you for blessing us all with her beautiful spirit. IJNA
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Father, thank You for these women who praise You and and trust You and encourage those of us who are walking through the valley seeking comfort and direction. Thank You for healing and thank You for being with us on our journey. You are worthy of our praise. Bless the women who come here to commune with You and with each other.
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Dear Lord, Please bless our angel on earth, foots who so tirelessly prays for all of us. Keep her safe during her trials. Bless every woman on this thread and provide them with your will. Please bless bo and welcome her into your kingdom. She is an angel in heaven. Welcome her to your table and provide her all the comfort she deserves. Help her family with the grieving journey and keep them safe from harm.
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Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for the little miracles you give us each day. Thank you for the every day blessing you give us...
Please bless footprintsangel and grant her comfort and peace each and every day. Help her through any trials she is going through and keep her close to your heart.
Bless each and every woman on this board. Keep them safe and hear their prayers and petitions...
In Your Name I pray...
Amen0 -
Sorry I didnt get all You wonderful ladies prayers done,
I have know heat( alittle heater) and was having trouble.
But we are all winner, I am so happy for You Calamtykel!
God is wonderful, and Loves us all
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Dear Lord, Please be with msphil and give her help
in all she is going through. May she fined comfort
and peace in Your caring kindness and love. Lord,
please give her help with all her challenges. In Jesus
name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You have done to make
a wonderful day for Calamtykel. And thank You for
helping her through this time, Please walk with her
and help her healing and other things You know go
well. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please give comfort and bless TiffanyF4, May
she feel Your everlasting and caring love with her. Please
help her with all her trials and pain she is going through.
May she find rest in You. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all Your help and guidiance
You have given DiamondGirl. Please bless her with
Your caring love to get her through all her challenges
and pain. Thank You Lord. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please bless and give peace to mnmom, help
her with any trials or challenges only You know. May she
feel Your loving arms around her, to comfort her and give
her rest in You. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please bless and give comfort to geewhiz,
and help her with all her challenges and pain only You
know of. Thank You for all the love she shares with us.
May she feel Your love all around her. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Be with Patoo and give her help with
any challenges and pain only You know of. May
she feel Your comforting love all around her, to
give her rest. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for being with Genia and helping
her with all her challenges and pain. May she feel Your
peaceful and caring love all around her, to give her rest
and comforting love. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all the love and peace
Jo shares with others. Please bless and help her
with any trials or pain she is facing. May she feel
Your love all around her. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for being with Faith and guiding
her with Your caring love. Please help her with any
challenges or pain she is facing. That she will feel
Your everlasting love all around her. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Shelia and give her Your
comforting love. Give her help with any pain or trials
she is facing, that she may find rest and peace in the
arms of Your love. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Squidwitch and give her
peace and rest in You. Help her with any challenges
or pain she is facing, That she may feel Your gentle
arms around her. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing to help
and comfort Torigirl. Please bless and give her peace,
to help her with all she is going through. May she feel
Your caring love around her. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with Romans8 and walk with
her. Give her comfort and peace through all the trials
and pain she is facing. May she feel Your caring arms
around her to help her through. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for being with Dovehome and
helping her with all she is going through. May she
feel Your comforting love all around her, to help her
rest in Your loving arms. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with fionn and give her comfort
and peace. May she feel Your caring and loving Spirit
with her to give her rest and help with all her pain and
trials, she is facing. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You have done to help
and give comfort to kindone. Please bless her and
help her through all that she is in need of. That she
may rest in Your everlasting arms of love. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Be with gin2ca and give her help with
any trials or pain she is facing. May she feel Your
loving Spirit with her to guide and comfort her in
Your loving arms. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank You for all You have been doing
to help and comfort Rocky. Please be with her and
give her Your guidance and comfort. Help her with
all the trials only You know. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please be with and give comfort to Chrisct,
help her with any challenges only You know of. May
she feel Your caring Spirit with her to help with any pain.
Thank You for being with her. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Thank you for being with fluffqueen and
helping her with all she is going through. May she
feel Your comforting Spirit helping her with all her
challenges and pain. In Jesus name. Amen
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Dear Lord, Please bless Miss Bianca, and help her
with all she is going through. May she feel Your com-
forting love and gentleness, to give her peacefulness
and rest in You. In Jesus name. Amen