The power of prayer...



  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord,

    Please be with Teresa and her family as they mourn the death of her son-in-law.

    Please comfort them and give them the peace that passes all understanding.


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited January 2011

    For my aunt who was DX with lung cancer.

    I love her and she is overseas.

    ♥                          ♥                             ♥

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762
    edited January 2011

    Dear God,

    Please be with Sally worried about recurrance.  It will be 2 months before she will be able to get her biopsy done and get results.  Please give her peace while she waits and may her results be benign.


  • sue_blue
    sue_blue Posts: 152
    edited January 2011

    Oh, Lord, your heart must break at the sadness and worries that the ladies here bring forward in Your name. Lord, please surround each one with Your everlasting arms, and pour out Your love and Holy Spirit upon each one here. Thank you that You do care about us and you know the number of hairs on our head and the number of our days. We lift our lives to You; help us to put our trust in You, and please let Your will be done and Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. May we always keep our eyes on You. In Jesus name. Amen

    Hallelujah at the 300+ pages of prayers. I agree there surely must be rejoicing in heaven that out of our trials we have found a way to agree and support one another in our walk with Christ. Bless you Footie for your faithfulness. I pray you are facing each day with God's favor and guidance.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please guide and give comfort to Marxi,

    Help her to know You want the best for her. Please

    give her peace and courage to do what she needs to

    help her get help til she feel better. In Jesus name. Amen

    Marxi, check with hospital to see if they have home

    nurses that can check on You, covered by Your insurance.

    I had some, when I had surgery covered by medicare, and there are 

    churches that will help You with cooking and other things. Please

    check while Your in the hospital. God bless You. Debbie

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please bless and give comfort to all the

    people here that we do not know are suffering or

    going through a hard time. Please give them peace

    and Your everlasting love to give them strength and

    wisdom to find or get what they need to help them.

    Thank You for You love and caring and helping us

    through all our pain and suffering. In Jesus name. Amen

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited January 2011


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited January 2011


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please bless and give peace to Patoo,

    Help her to feel Your comforting love around her.

    May she remember You are there to help her with

    all her trials and pain, and love her more. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Thank You for all You have done to help

    and give peace to geewhiz. Please bless her with

    comfort and your loving arms around her. Help her

    with any pain or challenges she is facing. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Thank You for Jo and bless her with wisdom

    and peace, to help her with any challenges or pain she

    is facing. May she feel Your comforting love and rest in

    Your loving arms of kindness. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please bless and walk with Faith, Help

    her with all her trials and pain she is facing. May

    she rest in Your loving arms, and Lord, thank her

    for all the love she shares with others. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please be with Shelia and give her Your

    comforting love to help her with all her trials and pain.

    Bless her with wisdom and peace. Thank You for all

    she shares with us. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please be with squidwitch and help her

    with all she is facing right now. May she feel Your

    caring and love all around her to help her rest and

    feel better again. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing to help

    and comfort Torigirl. Please bless her and give her

    peace through all the challenges and pain she is

    facing. May she find rest in You. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please be with Romans8 and give her

    peace and comfort, to help her with all her  pain

    and challenges she is facing. May she feel Your

    loving arms around her. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Thank You for all You have done to

    help and comfort Dovehome. Please be with her

    and help her with any suffering or trials she is

    facing. May she find rest in You. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord,  Thank You for being with fionn and helping

    her with all she is going through. May she feel Your

    comforting arms of love around her, to give her peace

    and rest in You. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Thank You for kindone and please be with her,

    help her with all she is facing. May she feel Your comfort

    and caring love around her. Thank You for all You have

    done to give her peace. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    9,001 prayers God is smiling at us.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Thank You for all You have done to

    help and give comfort to gin2ca. Please bless

    her with Your love and peacefulness. Help her

    with all her challenges and pain. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please guide and help Rocky with all

    she is going through. May she feel Your caring arms

    around her, to give her peace and comfort. Through

    all her challenges and pain. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please guide and give comfort to Chrisct,

    help her with any challenges or pain she is facing. May

    she feel You caring love with her, to help her rest and

    know she is always with God and good friends. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please be with fuffqueen and give her

    Your everlasting love and peace to help her with

    all her challenges and pain. May she feel Your

    comforting love all around her. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Thank You for all You are doing to help

    and give comfort to MissBianca. Please be with

    her and help her with any challenges or pain. May

    she find rest in You. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please be with kmccraw423, and give

    her rest in You. Help her with any challenges or

    pain, she is facing. May she feel Your loving arms

    around her, to help her through. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please be with Maureen813 and help her

    with all she is facing. May she feel Your everlasting

    love and peace. Bless her with courage to help her

    with her challenges and pain. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please bless and give comfort to bcincolorado.

    Help her with all her challenges and pain, that she will have

    rest in You. Thank You for all the love she shares with us,

    and helps us through. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please be with Makraz and give her peace

    and rest in You. Help her with any trials or pain she

    is facing. That she will feel Your loving arms around

    her to help her. In Jesus name. Amen

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Posts: 35,657
    edited January 2011

    Dear Lord, Please bless and give peace to Deborye,

    and help her to feel Your caring and peaceful arm

    reaching out to give her rest in You. Please help

    her with any pain or trials. In Jesus name. Amen