The power of prayer...
Heavenly Father, Please be with BrookLeigh and give
her comforting rest in all she is going through. Help
her with any pain or challenges she is facing, that she
will find peace in You. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with LaurySister and give
her Your comforting love, Guide and help her with any
challenges or pain she is facing. That she will find rest
in Your loving arms. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Your comfort
and peace to IsThisForReal, and guide her through
all her challenges and pain. That she will find rest in
Your loving arms. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Marie Your
caring peace, as You help her with all she is going
through. May she feel Your comforting love to help
and carry her through any challenges or pain she is
facing. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Jamie-bug, and bless
her with peace and Your caring love. May she find comfort
in You through all the challenges and pain she is facing.
Knowing You will carry her through. In Jesus wonderful
name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please give Your caring love to
PixieNel and bless her with healing love, as You
carry her through all her challenges and pain, and
know You love her so. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Wait on the Lord: be of good courage
and He shall strengthen thine heart. Psalm 27:14 KJV
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Nikki and help her
with all she is facing. May she feel Your loving arms
around her, to give her peace and healing rest. To
help her with all she is facing and give her peace for
her pain. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Susan and help her
with all she is going through. And please help her with
any pain or challenges she is facing, that she will feel
Your healing love around her, to carry her through.
In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Shela and bless her
with Your comfort and caring love. Bless her with help
for any pain or trials she is facing, that You will carry
her through in Your loving arms of peace. In Jesus wonder-
ful name I pray. Amen
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Sometimes it is difficult to trust that
what we are going through at that moment
will work out for the best.
Buy God has a way of helping us
learn from the bad
in order to prepare us for the good.
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Heavenly Father, Please be with ToriGirl and bless her
with Your comforting love. Bless her husband and keep
him safe in Your loving arms as he is deployed. And all
will be well and enjoy His wonderful wife again. And bless
Torigirl with Your peace and caring love, that all her test
will be good and she will feel Your healing and comforting
love with her each day. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with MsTori and give her
Your healing love, to help her with all she is facing. And
know You will be with her through it all. Bless her with
comfort and peace, to help her with her pain and trials.
In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Maureen Your
comforting love. To help her with all she is facing, any
challenges or pain that are bothering her. May she feel
Your healing arms carrying her through. In Jesus wonder
ful name I pray. Amen
Heavenly Father, Please be with Maureens Friend and give
her Your caring love, to help her with any challenges or
pain she is facing. May she feel Your arms carrying her
through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Indomitable1 and
may she feel Your loving peace around her, as You
help and give her comfort for her pain and help with
her challenges. May she find healing rest in You. In
Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with mnmom and guide
her through all she is facing, knowing You are with
her always. Help her with any pain or challenges. May
she find comfort in Your healing arm of rest.
Heavenly Father, Please be with mnmom cousin and help
her with all she is facing. Bless her with Your caring love
and give her peace for any pain she is having. That she may
find rest in You. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do,
do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
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Heavenly Father, Please be with bcincolorado and
help her with all that she is going through. Give
her courage and faith to lean on You, as You help
and carry her through all her challenges. In Jesus
wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Starbucks as she
just started chemo. Please help her get stronger
and bless her with help to get through Christmas
with her child, guide her friends to help and give
her child comfort through this time too. She is too
young . In Jesus wonderful name I pray, Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Beverly and bless
her with Your caring love. Give her peace and Your
healing love, to help her with all her challenges and
pain she is facing. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Terry and give her
Your comforting love, help her with her loss of a dear
person, knowing someday she will be with him again.
Please help her with any pain or challenges she is facing.
In Jesus wonderful name I pray.Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give comfort to
Cherioo, and bless her with comforting peace through
all she is facing. Please help her with any trials or pain.
In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with NanG and all she
has been through today. I pray that all went well
for her in surgery today, knowing You guided the
surgeon through. Please be with her and help her
with any pain, so she may rest and get to feeling
better. Thank You for all You have done. That her
good days are coming soon. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Wait on the Lord:
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen
your heart. Psalm 27: 14
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Your comfort
and love to Sweetangel, and help her with all she is
going through. May she find peace for her trials and
rest to help her pain. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Slinky and help her
to rest in Your loving peace. As You carry her through
all her challenges and pain, May she feel Your loving
arms around her. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Alesta and give
her Your peace and comforting love. Help her to
rest and know You will carry her through all her
pain and challenges. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with the children and teachers
that are still scared and hurting from the loss of some very
special children and staff. Please bless and comfort America
as we pray for gun control in the schools and other places
that people are, Please help us to do right and know we must
help each other morn the loss, but also need to watch children
at school and other places more. Please bless and carry all those
that are hurting and need Your healing love, to help them through
this time. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with all those here that I
missed or they are new. Give them peace as You help
them through all they are facing. Please bless and comfort
all those going through chemo or other treatment. May
they know You are with them and will help them through.
Please be with those that are having surgery or test to find
out more. May they feel You beside them and help keep them
at peace. Thank You for all You are doing to help and comfort
everyone here through all they are facing. You are loved. In
Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with BrookLeigh and
her your comforting love. Help her with any pain
or challenges she is facing. May she feel Your healing
love around her, to help get her through .
In Jesus name I pray, Amen