The power of prayer...
Heavenly Father, Please bless Indomitable1 and help
her with any challenges or pain. May she feel Your
caring arms around her, to help her with other things
she is facing. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with KeepingFaith69 and
give her Your comfort and help with all she is facing.
please carry her through and trials or pain only You
know of. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with zogo and help her with
all she is facing. Give her Your caring love and peace, to
help carry her through any challenges or pain, And Lord,
help her cousin David John and all the troubles he is facing
with his cancer. May David find rest in Your arms of love,
to help her through any pain or challenges. In Jesus wonder
ful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give You loving care
to Chrisct. May she feel Your arms as You carry her
and help her find healing rest in You. Thank You for all
Youare doing for her. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with mnmom and help
her to find comforting love in You. Help her with all
she is facing, knowing You will help and carry her
through . In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
Heavenly Father, Please be with mnmom cousin
and help her with all she is going through. May
she feel Your arm of love around her, to help and
give her peace. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with bcincolorado and give
her help and Your comforting love. May she feel Your
arms carrying her through all she is facing. May she find
healing rest in You. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please comfort and help Beverly in
all she is going through. Help her with any pain or
challenges, That she will find Your loving arms carrying
her through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Terry and give her
Your caring love. Help her with any pain or trials she
is facing. That she will find healing rest in Your loving
arms. In Jesus wonderful name I pray, Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Cherioo and give
her Your comforting love. Help her with any pain
or challenges. That she will find healing rest in Your
loving arms. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please give Your comfort to NanG
and help her with all she is facing. That she will feel
Your caring love around her to comfort and give her
rest in Your arms. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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And He said to me
"My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made prefect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 23:9 NKJV
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Heavenly Father, Please be with SweetAngel and
help her with anything she is going through. Please
bless her and give her Your comfort, as You carry
her through. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Slinky and give her
peace and Your caring love. Help her with any pain
or challenges she is facing. That she will find rest
in Your arms of love. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Alesta and give her
Your peace and healing love. Help her with any pain
or challenges she is facing. That she will rest in Your
loving arms. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give BrookLeigh
Your love and peacefulness. Help her with any pain
or challenges. That she will find comfort and rest in
Your arms of love. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with LaurynSister and
help her to find comfort and Your healing love.
Help her with any pain or challenges, That she will
rest in Your loving arms of peace. In Jesus name I
pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with IsThisForReal and
give her Your healing arms of love, to help and carry
her through all she is facing. May she feel Your caring
love around her. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Dear Lord,
Please bless all the dear people who come hear for peace and comfort.
Please give the doctors wisdom, care, and compassion.
Please give us all strength to get through everything we go through and to remember You are always with us.
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God Bless Us All....
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Amen. Hope foots is feeling better. Heavenly Father, please watch over all our prayer warriors.
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and help Marie to find
Your comfort and loving peace. May she rest in Your
healing arms, to help and comfort her. Please help her
with any pain or trials. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with K_Lo amd give her
Your caring peace as You help her with all she is facing.
May she find comfort as You help her to feel relaxed
and know You will never leave her alone. In Jesus wonderful
name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please give Your caring love to
Janie-bug and give her Your comfort and peace,
to help her with all her pain and challenges. That
she may find hope and rest in Your loving arms.
In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen
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(Jesus said)
If anyone hears Me calling and opens the door,
I will come in."
Revelation 3:20 TLB
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Heavenly Father, Please bless and give Your peace
and comforting love to PixieNel. May she find Your
caring love helping her through all she is facing. As
You help her with any pain or challenges. In Jesus
wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please give Your caring love to Nikky,
as You help her with all she is going through. Give her
comforting love for her pain and challenges she is facing.
That she may rest in Your healing love. In Jesus wonderful
name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Please be with Susan and help
carry her through any thing she is facing. May
she feel Your loving arms around her, to help
and guide her through. In Jesus wondeful name I pray. Amen
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So then faith comes from hearing,
and hearing by the Word of God.
Romans 10:17 NKJV
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Heavenly Father. Please be with Cheryl and give her
Your caring love. Bless her with peacefulness and
may she find rest in Your arms of love. In Jesus
wonderful name I pray. Amen
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Heavenly Father, Thank You for being with Shelia
and giving her Your comforting love. Please bless
and give her help in any challenges or pain she is
facing. That she may find Your kind love all around
her. In Jesus wonderful name I pray. Amen