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PORT PLACEMENT - Detailed description of process



  • sakura73
    sakura73 Posts: 76
    edited May 2009

    Debbie I had mine the same day as my second chemo and I don't think it made my healing process any worse. There will be pain for a couple of weeks but I had no worse feelings from that second chemo than I did from my first and third ones, so I don't think the port being new made any difference.

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Posts: 2,935
    edited May 2009

    Hi Susan, wow, now ima really freaked out!! Ha!, my bs and onc both have decided to do this, i had my mx  on the 6th of april and got a bad staph infection had a large whole and have been having to wait for that to heal all this time, even tho its not totally closed they have decided to go ahead with this, so now i think i will call tomorrow and see if there is any way they can delay at chemo at least a week so my port isnt as tender, thank you so much for the advice, do you mind sharing what happened or will it freak me out moreSmile

    angel hugs-debbie

  • artemis
    artemis Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    debbie6122 ~ I agree with susan; get your chemo date changed if you can.  I had my first chemo 5 days after having my port put in, and it wasn't too painful.  I definitely would not have wanted it that same day.


  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Posts: 2,935
    edited May 2009

    artemis, love the name btw, I called onc today and they havnt returned my call, iam getting more nervous the closer it gets, thanks for the advice

    angel hugs-debboe

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Posts: 2,935
    edited May 2009

    Sukira- thanks, it helps a little to know the pain is the same LOL! at least i know if i cant change it maybe it wouldnt of mattered any way, maybe they will give me some pain meds i hope!

    angel hugs-debbie

  • sherrilynne
    sherrilynne Posts: 5
    edited May 2009

    I had discomfort with my port but it seems to be settling down now.  I had it put in one day before treatment and it was still swollen and had staples in it.   Since I had the staples taken out and swelling has gone down it's much better.  It does seem to bother me after I've worked all day at the end of the day when I'm tired.  Yesterday, I had my 2nd treatment and didn't feel a thing.  At that point I was glad I had the port.  I oncologist said I can get it out when I'm done with treatment - 2 more to go.   I had mine put in at the hospital with out patient procedure and it went very smooth.  Sleeping is good now, at first I had to sleep in the recliner, but now I'm back to the bed.  Hand in there it will get better!!!!

  • sakura73
    sakura73 Posts: 76
    edited May 2009

    Staples? Ouch! I had dissolvable stitches. Made things much easier!

  • GramE
    GramE Posts: 2,234
    edited May 2009

    not sure this has been posted, but draw your bra outline before the port is put in so the strap does not rub over it. 

  • u32374
    u32374 Posts: 9
    edited May 2009

    Had my port placed yesterday and am back at work today with minimal aches.  It really just feels like I pulled the muscles in the upper front chest,shoulder and back on my left side.  Very manageable with extra strength tyenol and had no problems sleeping last night.  Guess I was lucky as they placed it to the right of my bra strap so no discomfort there.

    I have had a lot of problems with nausea and had asked to have the patch but when I got to the surgical center there wern't any available so after the Drs confered I had a local which turned out to be a wonderful choice for me.  Was wide awake talking the whole time and never felt a thing.

    The only problem I had was a reaction to one of the medicines they pushed in my IV prior to the start of the surgery.  I told them my hair was on fire, it felt like each individual hair folicle was burning and then my face felt like it was on fire, I turned beet red and started sweating as they laid me down I started to have problems breathing and then my heart started racing they were very calm and said I was having an allergic reaction, but they could take care of it and they did.

    When I was leaving surgery,still talking, I started shivering so bad that my teeth were making horrible noises and I was stuttering.  They said it is normal and it went away after they put warm blankets on me.

    I had to have someone called to come and get me and my Surgeon came back to check on me and told the nurses he could take me home, one of the nurses looked at him and said she had never heard a Dr. say that before.  Needless to say that is one of the many reasons I love the man.

    Starting chemo next friday and going to try and work both of my jobs.  My office has been very supportive and says I can work from home as needed.  Luckly this past year they have made our data bases available through protective sites so we can work at home a couple of days a week.  My second job in a Neighborhood Walmart Market has really been cooperatitive too. Everyone was really surprized but the managers have done everything they can to work around my surgeries, procedures and the chemo that will be starting up.  I'm really lucky that I have employers that are so proactive and supportive.  

  • Beach2Read
    Beach2Read Posts: 16
    edited June 2009

    I was very grateful for the information given here. Although I had gotten good information from the onco nurse and doctors, it helps to read from patient perspective. Lessening the fear of the unknown is a good thing in my book.

    My port went in this morning, slightly uncomfortable (have not tried to sleep though) and managed well with Tylenol for 5 hour stretch.

    The onco had her nurses check my veins last week, and they only found one that was usable so highly recommended the port. Good thing, Getting the IV in at the hospital blew out that poor baby so got IV in crook of arm. Never want to deal with blow out again. That poor puppy hurt.

     Chemo starts Thursday morning.

     Blessing to all

  • Beach2Read
    Beach2Read Posts: 16
    edited June 2009

     Just an addition to my last post, It was a challenge to get comfy last night with the post on one breast and expander on the other side. The port site itself is not bothersome. It is the incision for the cath so close to my collarbone. Again it is not painful, slightly achy, but not painful.

    My mistake was taking a stronger med at bedtime when I was out of meds for my RLS. It was the RLS that kept me awake.

     If I can help further please ask.

    All my best.

  • kathimdgd
    kathimdgd Posts: 84
    edited June 2009

    My oncologist wouldn't even start my chemo til my port had healed.Wonder why they are so different concerning this??


  • Cal-Gal
    Cal-Gal Posts: 3
    edited June 2009


    Thank you so much for taking the time to post this information.

    After 6 rounds of  TAC chemo my veins are almost ka-put--the oncology nurses are talking 'port' my oncologist will wait until absolutely necessary---

    Thanks again--- 

  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

    Can you sleep on the side the port is on? I had a lumpectomy and node removal on the right side and now sleep on my left side. Just wondering if the port is uncomfortable or do you not notice it once it has healed?

  • artemis
    artemis Posts: 105
    edited June 2009

    quarter405 ~ My port is in my left arm, too.  For several nights, I had to sleep on my back with my arm on a pillow.  One morning I woke with my arm over my head.  A few mornings later I woke on my stomach with my arm under the pillow.  So, as the site healed, I began to naturally move around in my sleep. 

    Now I don't even think about it's being there.   You will get used to it, I promise!


  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

    Thanks for the reply. I hope it heals smoothly and I dont know its there either. It will be in my chest area just above my breast a little. Scheduled for this Monday.


  • artemis
    artemis Posts: 105
    edited June 2009

    quarter405 ~Oh, ok, I didn't realize yours is going in your chest.  I don't know why I thought you were talking about your arm.  (Mine is in my arm, not my chest.)

    I've seen some people here mention that you might want to mark where your bra strap is so that the port can be placed where the strap won't rub.

    Good luck to you on Monday! 


  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

    Thats ok, It good to know how other are doing with theirs.


  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

    Hi to all,

    I got my port today. Went smoothly. Not having any pain so far. We' ll see how it goes tomorrow.

  • PS73
    PS73 Posts: 171
    edited July 2009

    I just had my port put in yesterday as well.  I have BC on my right breast and the port was placed on the left side, one inch under the collar bone is one bandage and about a 1/2 an inch below that is the actual port.  What is the top bandage?  My doc was gone when I woke up.

     I asked about the location being on the left w/ the bc on the right and she said it was because of the RADS I need to go through on the right side.

     Here is a concern, I just got the port yesterday and tomorrow I am to start on my first AC treatment.  Apparently I was told I only needed the port put in 24 hours prior however S** it is painful to the touch.  Im hoping tomorrow will be better.  This is very odd though since the bandage can't come off til tomorrow and the strips for a while later.  Hmmm I am thinking they made a mistake?

  • jacee
    jacee Posts: 219
    edited July 2009

    PS73...had my port put in yesterday as well, on left side. My BC and mast was on rt side and I had axil. node dissection as well. That's why  I was told mine was on the left. However I'm having RADS as well after chemo, so that may have played a role as well, just wasn't mentioned.

    I only have one incision about 2-3 inches below collarbone and catheter went into vein in heart. My port is totally under the skin and is called a PowerPort. Is your port above the skin?  I would call your surgeon's nurse just to get clarification and some peace of mind.

     I was told I could have my port inserted  up to 2 days before chemo (AC). I chose  2 weeks just to allow for healing. I had some pretty intense pain as well last night, it's somewhat better this morning, but still stiff and if I had to really do anything today, would probably take a pain pill.

    Maybe I'll see you on the July chemo thread. I'll be on 4 rounds of AC, followed by Taxol x12 weeks. Hope you get some answers.

    Best wishes to you,


  • PS73
    PS73 Posts: 171
    edited July 2009

    Joni, thanks for the information.  I noted in the July Chemo thread that we were on the same dx at arond the same time! I guess you start in two weeks then?  Hopefully I can give you expectations on this regimine and we can compare drugs/SEs and hopefully good stuff too! :)

     The port is inside.  I spoke w/ my surgeon today and she mentioned what you say above re the cath. Im actually happy about the port.  My left arm looks pretty bad from all of the needles, it was never my good arm for giving blood. 

    The port is all under bandages so I can't really see any incisions only the two bandages.  The port is pretty large though and giving me neck pain (or maybe this is the nerves).  Its sore to the touch but today is better than last night and even now is better than this am. I wish I did it earlier because I can't even imagine having anything being stuck in there right now - Ill probably cry when they put a needle into it. 

    Good luck and talk soon.  Im hoping this goes ok tomorrow.  Lifting my glass (of large quantities of water) to you all!


  • BlessedOne2
    BlessedOne2 Posts: 17
    edited July 2009

    Jacee,   I have the power port on my left side also.  Are you experiencing any discomfort in the middle of your chest?   I know that the cath runs in that direction in the main vein.  I'm told that is what's causing the discomfort.  I start chemo on tomorrow.  wanda  

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Posts: 350
    edited July 2009

    Meghan, if you read the description of port placement at the top of this thread, you will see that it describes two incisions. The top one is where the catheter goes into the vein. Mine goes into the juglar vein and there was a small incision, maybe a 1/4 inch, there. Then there is another incision where they placed the port. They feed the catheter under the skin from where it goes into the vein to where they place the port. 

  • manue
    manue Posts: 1
    edited July 2009

    Thank you so much for the post, it's going to be very helpful! Don't have my appointment yet, but I should have a port put in in about 2 weeks... I'm still recovering from my BL mastectomy!


  • lindal52809
    lindal52809 Posts: 1
    edited July 2009

    thanks for the post,  getting ready to have my port placed in the next few weeks.

  • mrschilicook
    mrschilicook Posts: 7
    edited August 2009

    My port has been in for almost a year now (Sept. 2).  How long after chemo do they normally leave these things in?  It was put in very deep and required the longest needle so as a consequence it was only used twice. It's also offset towards the fatty part of the upper chest near the arm pit.  It gets a bit swollen at night if I sleep curled to that side.  The oncologist keeps saying "later" and the surgeon says it's up to the oncologist. 

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 678
    edited August 2009

    I had one on right side.  It got infected and pulled.  Then I got another on other side.

  • karina_il
    karina_il Posts: 3
    edited August 2009

    Joni hello! My port was plased 3 days ago and still it's very painfull when I move.How long it's take to heal?

  • karina_il
    karina_il Posts: 3
    edited August 2009

    Joni hello! My port was plased 3 days ago and still it's very painfull when I move.How long it's take to heal?