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  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    I'm going back on Tamoxifen, for a year.....then 3 on AI.

    Onc told me yesterday that Femara not only causes bone pain, but causes muscle problems as making us more prone to injury....which certainly explains all the muscle pain I've had the last two months!

  • mamamiaow
    mamamiaow Member Posts: 5

    i hate to say this, but i'm so glad that others have some of the side effects that i have--i thought it was just me! i had arthritis before b/c dx, my rt knee has no cartilage, but i can't see having surgery as i can't tell if the joint pain is from femara (letrazole, mylan) or the arthritis! i crawl out of bed like a 90 yr old every day, when i was an active woman before dx, working on my feet all day as a pharmacy tech. after chemo, surgery and rads, i'm unable to process info as i did before, can hardly walk, i have had that AWFUL thigh pain several nights (no pattern to when it occurs), it's worse than a charley horse, or even a labor pain! i have lymphedema on the left (operated) side, and feel dizzy, and clumsy. i can't even remember what i read in a book the night before. my nails (which were always strong and long) are dry and peeling, have lengthwise grooves on them, don't notice much w/hair as it's very short. i'm tired all the time, and achey. i really don't want a "vacation" from the drug as my onc offered, i want it to be over with!! i still have 2 1/2 yrs left!! i take calcium, vitamin d, multi vite every day. i really hate to complain, as i know there are so many who would be happy to be in my shoes, but i'm just not used to being so inactive and slow!! thanks for letting me vent!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Mama, I can second all your complaints and at times when around folks who do not get it...lordie but seem to think I should be doing all the same things as before all this junk started!

    I used to work a full day, run to the gym in time for a spin class, add a bit of weight training, stop for dinner with a pal and get home after nine each night, wake up the next day and do it again.

    lordie, still go to the gym after work, not doing spin now, aches and pains?  how do you figure out what is causing it?  I had muscle pain in my left leg for 3 years and complained to the onco who said not!  Actually, she was correct as when I finally talked to my PCD, we realized it was a statin reaction, switch and much much better

    but the balance issues and such are scaring the pants off me now, who do I complain to and do I stop the Als?  not yet but...

  • mamamiaow
    mamamiaow Member Posts: 5

    i'm really afraid to stop, but i'm just tired of being tired!! my dd has 2 friends whose moms died, one from b/c, one from ovarian. i feel like i shouldn't complain, as i'm still alive. i worked full time, taught sunday school, and watched my grandbabies whenever needed, did yardwork, took care of my house, laundry, cooking, cleaning, right up til i started chemo. then my energy went south!! oh well, nothing like a wake up call!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Mamma have you tried taking it at night? I also had the mega tiredness and changed taking it at night and I have had no trouble since.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • cfdr
    cfdr Member Posts: 308

    I'm not having much in the way of aches and pains, but I'm tired all the time. I've always taken it at night. I've heard that it can take up to a year to fully recover from chemo, and starting letrozole right after chemo, it's hard to tell what's causing what. I was recently diagnosed as B12 deficient, but the first B12 shot doesn't seem to have made much of a difference.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I confess that I would be fearful of stopping the meds (for me that is aromasin these days) as well and feel like I am so lucky to have gotten away without being told to do chemo 

    the tiredness, gee right now I am trying my darness to figure out if I can afford to retire, I am 63 but really need to work till 65 for health insurance.  Can not believe that work stress is helpful to me at this stage

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    proud - I am in the same boat, but a year younger than you.  I'm in a ridiculously high stress job, and trying so hard to figure out how I can retire.  We're putting our house on the market, and if it sells, then i think I'll be able to retire a little over a year from now.  I'm thinking that if I retire at 63 1/2, then I can get Cobra for 18 months until medicare kicks in - of course, there are a lot of dependencies upon who gets elected this fall, as well..... 
  • ibcmets
    ibcmets Member Posts: 312


    Onc never mentioned removing ovaries.  Recently went back for pap as was fine down there.


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Garden, let us both hope that all the pieces fall in place, lordie but never realized when I took a job with a start up company 16 years ago, that the company would be in business but too small for COBRA!  Meeting CFP now to see if the pros can work a plan for me that helps.

    Best of luck to you on your stuff as well, hope your home sells for what you wish

  • mamamiaow
    mamamiaow Member Posts: 5

    i have always taken the letrozole at night, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. there are ladies at my church who are so spty and in their 80's who get around better that i do. i don't really sleep all that well anyway, b/c of knee pain and stiffness, and neuropathy in toes and fingers left over from chemo. plus, i have to wrap the affected arm nightly due to lymphedema, and it's like a big deal just to turn over in bed!! i keep hoping that some of this stuff will go away when my 5 yrs are up, 2014, nov, here i come!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Mamamiaow I had major pain at night due in part to the Femara but mainly due to arthritis. To help with insomnia and pain without having to go to heavy drugs I started using melatonin for sleep and a natural anti inflammatory called Boswellia Serata to ease my pain. It has worked so well I am amazed. Perhaps you might like to check them out for yourself.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Thanks Chrissy!  I'm going to get some Bosweilla and try it :)

    Good info!

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    proudtospin - if we don't get our price we don't sell.  We'll then refinance and continue living there until the market recovers more.  The good news is that the NW is starting to do well.  The bad news is that if we don't sell, then we can't move elsewhere.  It's obvious that the economy is recovering, but it was such a BAD recession that it's taking longer than I (and most everyone else) hoped.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    I only started letrozole on April 1 of this year and so far have done pretty well, mild hot flashes, some stiffness on getting up, once up can get around just fine.  Then yesterday I had the mother of all hot flashes.  My face turned red, eyes felt as though they were bugging out, started to feel faint and it took 30 minutes to cool down.  Does anyone have suggestions on how to cope with this?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    GranmaV I ways carry and have stashed in every room, folded fans. I use these to cool off. Take heart they do settle down after a while and if they don't then talk to your doc. I have heard that Efexor ( I think that's the one) does help too.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    I have trouble with my hands going numb.It happens at night time. I wear braces for carparal tunnel and they still go numb. Anyone else have this problem. Going call onc see if i can see them.

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    I have trouble with my hands going numb.It happens at night time. I wear braces for carparal tunnel and they still go numb. Anyone else have this problem. Going call onc see if i can see them.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Nanna, I had some problems with numbness in my fingers. Not sure if it was neuropathy from the taxotere or from the femara or a bit of both.

    Recently I realized that I was probably anemic, so I started taking feroglobin, an iron supplement syrup that also has a bunch of B-vitamins of various kinds. After a week, my hands had also improved noticably. So you may want to try some B-vitamins. 

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393

    Good morning all.

    I am wondering if anyone has had excessive nose bleeding while on Femara/Letrozole?

    The past 2-3 weeks I have had several, when I was at my PCP last week for a physical I mentioned to him that I am getting them, didn't get much of a reaction from him.  Then this morning, I am wondering if it could be a possible SE.  

    Will call the MO and check with him.  

    Thanks for any input you can give!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Vicks I haven't had major nose bleeds but I have had nose bleeds. Prior to being on Femara I never had nose bleeds so I'm guessing it could be a SE.

    Check with your onc.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Have any of you heard of anyone taking femara who had a stroke? I have a friend taking it who just had a mild stroke. Scary!

  • NoMoreHL
    NoMoreHL Member Posts: 92

    Does anyone here know if losing toenails is a SE of letrozole?  I was switched from Tamoxifen in April to Letrozole and since then I have lost 2 toenails. Now I have a swollen toe that is making walking difficult. Have already been to a podiatrist and had xrays which didn't show any type of fracture. Now going for an MRI. My docs seemed stumped and so am I.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I havent lost any toe nails but two of them have gotten very soft and deformed. I never thought it was a SE of Femara...... maybe.

    Let us know how the MRI goes.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • mamamiaow
    mamamiaow Member Posts: 5

    since i had chemo, some of my toenails are really weird, like peely, and some of my toes have neuropathy, kind of tingly. i try to keep nail polish on the odd looking toes, as we wear sandals here most of the year!

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    I'm having nail issues too, but I thought it may be a delayed reaction from Taxotere.  My fingernails are thin and break easily. 

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Hmmm, I've been on Femara since Sept 2010 and have had toe and fingernail issues beginning with chemo before I went on Femara.

    Now all of my nails are very hard, yet brittle.  If I let my fingernails get any white on the tips, they break off.  If a toenail gets a fraction past the nail-bed, it will just lift off.

    My Dr has checked and I don't have a fungal problem.  She just suggested to keep them very short, which I do.

    So maybe it is due to the Femara as when on chemo my toe and fingernails just all fell off - ha, like my hair!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    I think the dry nails, hair, skin may be a result of the complete removal of estrogen from our bodies.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Ginger, maybe it is the lack of estrogen.  My skin is dry also but hair is fine.

    Sadly, femara has also taken away my desire for one on one with my dear husband.  Luckily, he understands and says it's ok, but in fact it is NOT ok with me.  I miss those special times.  Maybe that's why I am such an ball of emotions most of the time? 

  • slousha
    slousha Member Posts: 181

    Hi Debbie,

    It's nice to see you again! My MO switched me from Femara to Aromasin because of arthritic fingers and toes, bone pains as well!  He said Aromasin has less SE's. After some easier months I must say the SE's went back - a little changeable, not bones but joints, arthritis is the same.

    As for your desire, please try to maintain yourself. Don't let it go!  Try to undergo your habits little by little by being reminiscent of pleasant times, using all's fair in love!  (O, my English, I hope you will understand me).

    Best wishes
