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  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    So you find the Mylan brand better as that is the one i have?

  • halfcan
    halfcan Member Posts: 5

    I started Letrozole 10 days ago and so far there haven't been any side effects! Here in BC the prescription for this is covered by the cancer agency for the full 5 years! Must say it is a great way to do a huge drug trial!!! :-). My Letrozole is Sandoz brand. I hope things stay this way. I'm still dealing with chemo neuropathy in my feet and nasty discomfort from radiation hitting my esophagus. But not complaining, it's all worth it. Hope you all have a pain free weekend. It's raining and ugly out here.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Lily - I didn't mean that any particular generic was better (or worse) than any other, just that when you change from one to another you may revisit some of the SE's again.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Lily, For me the hot flashes came first at about 6 weeks.  They were very intense at first and often.  At about 6 months is when the joint pain and stiffness became more noticeable and continued to get worse.  After about 9months the joint pain and stiffness began to improve.  Now after a year, everything has settled down.  I still have hot flashes but they're nothing compared to at first, and I still have a little joint pain and stiffness, but mostly first thing in the morning and after sitting for a long period of time.  Just takes longer to get going.  I'm also having trouble building stamina, but that also is improving with regular exercise.  I'm at a point now I can cope.  My new normal. 

  • Chilly1nPhilly
    Chilly1nPhilly Member Posts: 10

    Re Letrozole at Costco, I just checked their website and it gives a price for Femara, it has an info page for Letrozole, but no pricing info on Letrozole. Did they just remove it?

    UPDATE: I just called the local Costco, they do stock Letrozole, it's $18.00 for 90 pills -- that's the CASH PRICE. I spent an hour last night in CVS with my Medicare Part D coverage - they wanted $343. I ended up buying 7 pills for $80, this will be reimbursed when the straighten out the claims boogaloo.

    Even so, if I continue to fill this through my Part D coverage I will wind up in the coverage gap any second now. Thanks to the Forum Members who brought this up.

  • Yeah, I don't know why letrozole is not avsilable on the costco website, but it isn't... and the femara price is sky high.

    We should each (as energy allows) bring these outrageous price discrepencies to the attention of our local investigative news ... I am shocked at how we cancer patients (in our time of fear and lack-of-energy) are being taken advantage of this way.

    And BLESS costco for not joining in with the other price gougers!

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    Wishing I had a Costco closer than a 20-30 min drive

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    Galsal....Our Costco is 20-25 minutes away from my house. It is worth every penny for the inconvenience, and not having to go to a regular pharmacy that is 5 minutes away.

    $18.00 in one hand........and almost $300.00 in the other. What a choice. HELLO! Is there even a question of that little drive? Not for me, no sir.

  • Chilly1nPhilly
    Chilly1nPhilly Member Posts: 10

    You can sign up for the mail order. You don't even need to be a member of Costco. That's what I did today.  It took about five minutes. Check it out!

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    that's great news about the mail order and even more so since I'm not a member.

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    It has been some time since I've been on the site, I finished all my treatments and am now on letrozole for the next 5 years. Been on letrozole since December 2012, and for the last month the pain in my left knee and legnand left shoulder has been almost unbearable my hands hurt something awful. Still have numbness in my hands and feet from the Taxol. I am 66 soon to be 67 working part-time, and standing during all my work hours, was in so much pain had to go see my family doctor, who took me off work for 10 days. It has been 7 days and the pain is not much better. The doctor gave me celibrex and pain pills. Told my oncologist about my pain when I had my 1 year check-up on March 21st, but it wasn't as bad as it was 7 days ago. My sleep is so erratic any where from 3 hours to 10 hours. Some depression but not bad, it is hard dealing with the pain sometime. I think I need to exercise more, maybe that will help, I exercise very little.

    everyone has been a great help.
  • jittersmom
    jittersmom Member Posts: 79

    halfcan......i have chemo neuropathy in my feet as well i had it in my hands too. Someone recomende vitamin b complex, and I started taking it my hands are better and my feet have improved>

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi nfranklin, there a number of thing that may help with the sore knees, feet etc. I have bad arthritis as well as being on Femara and I find that Boswellia, Curcumin (both natural anti inflamatories) as well as glucosamine/condroitin and some gentle regular exercise does help with pain. Most of the pain comes from the lack of lubrication and inflammation.

    Hopefully you will find something that will help with your discomfort.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Thanks Chrissy, I will try your suggestions, my primary physician said that I had arthritis and tendonitis in my knee. It does help to know that it is a SE of Letrozole. I am trying really hard to get on with my life after all the treatments and all the trauma my body has been through and seem to still be going through. I do thank God for life. Hang in there everyone!

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    yet so many of us getting arthritis and tendonitis that either is worse than ever had before or new. 

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    This was new for me. My first bout with arthritis, not sure how to handle it, but thanks to all the ladies on this site for your suggestions.

  • Robyn_S
    Robyn_S Member Posts: 25

    Hello everyone, I'd like give a positive post. I have been on femara since last August having changed from tamoxifen after a year. I had a Blood clot in my lung post DIEP surgery and after treatment was advised to change feom Tamoxifen to an AI as I was menopausal following chemo anyway. I had minimal SEs with tamoxifen mostly hot flushes that I could live with.

    Femara was a whole new ball game. The pain in my joints- hands, knees and feet was shocking. I was not expecting this SE as I am just 48, but I truly felt like I was in my 80s. Fatigue and creakyness. I soldiered on and complained to my MO who advised glucosamine and fish oil.

    Fish oil is out for me due to other health issues.

    I started at the gym 3 days per week cardio and strength training.

    I have modified my diet- nothing radical but healthy wholesome foods, calorie conscious and have dropped 12 kg since January. The best is that the SEs - joint pain and fatigue has lessened considerably and is now negligible. I feel fitter and healthier than ever. Back to my old self pre BC or rather arrived at my new normal! 2 years post Dx.

    So for those who feel like giving up or feeling down - it can get better!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Robyn, that is good to hear, and I have also found that sticking to a decent exercise and diet regimen has helped against various SEs, both of chemo and now femara.

    It must also be more difficult when you are not used to that kind of pain. I have a terrible back and on and off runner's knee since my teen years. As a result, the joint pain from femara was more annoying than shocking. On balance, because I have become more careful about exercise etc post-treatment and got rid of painful problems with treatment, my pain level is lower on femara than it was before DX.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    I think exercise is really key - my MO told me to do regular exercise, an hour a day, 70% cardio/aerobic, 30% strengthening. I have not been able to do quite that much, but usually walk 2-3 miles 3 times a week, more days when the weather cooperates, and have had minimal joint pain. Except I picked up the pace too fast and got my old plantar fasciitis flared up so couldn't walk for about a week. Frown But I am back to it, and also realize I am getting older so some of the joint things COULD be from age (oh, the horror!), but I don't want to accelerate that, so am doing the walking. Just making sure I do a better warm-up, and not pushing too hard, even when I feel like I could run a race, I have to remind myself to PACE myself! Fine line between not enough, too much, and just the right amount - I feel like Goldilocks & the 3 bears!

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Eating right has been the most important thing for me. As long as I eat plenty of veggies and stay away from grains I feel pretty good

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    My doctor suggested Tiger Balm or Polar Ice muscle rub for joint pain and back ache.  I haven't tried either one, yet, but plan to after next pay day. 

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    I've heard that arnica (sp?) works well, but haven't yet tried it either.

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    I'm off to the Aromasin gig for now.  We're hoping it will make a difference with the hands/feet.  No one can tell if it's coinicidental that I've been dx'd as Seronegative RA.  Thankfully, so far it seems to be a mild case of it. 

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Good luck with Aromasin.  Come back and let us know how it works for you!!

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    Thanks!  Sure hope it won't be disappointing.  I'm feeling like third time (AI) is a charm.  Cool

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393

    Good morning gals,

    I am wondering how you got such a low price on the Femara (Letrozole) at Costco?  When I checked the prices on line a few minutes ago they were showing it a bit over $536 for a month supply.  I get it through my MO for a month supply.

    I had another follow up exam (18 months since surgery) with both MO and RO with a diagnostic Mammo.  Sooo happy, NED.  Seroma is filling up again but at least NED..

    I wish the same for each of you...


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Vickie, I got my Femara from my MO until it went generic.  I just went to Costco on-line & I saw that price you mentioned for 30 days, but when I go in & buy it at the store, I pay $10.31.  So I don't know what the deal is. 

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    What the heck is this...I'm learning that UHC does not cover Lupron injections.  Ummm, Hello?  I cannot take Tamoxifen due to blood clot issues.  Since the VA Hospital does treatment whether or not it's covered, I didn't know.  Getting my benefits person at work on this, since I'll likely need at least it on more time before I can stop taking them.

    She's already talking with them since Aromasin's generic is a Tier 2 which makes it pricier at $40 copay than what generic for Arimidex or Femara would be which are Tier 1 at a mere $10 copay.  Ridiculous!

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    regarding Costco - I just checked online and it showed both Femara and Letrozole.  Femara was $537 for a 30 day supply, Letrozole was $33.  When I called 3 local pharmacies yesterday I got three different prices.  I specifically asked for letrozole NOT femara, and was quoted the following for 30 2.5 mg pills:

    Walgreens $394.  If I would buy their $20 club card, I could get it for $294.

    Fred Meyer $397

    Walmart $414

    I'll stick with Costco....  I don't know why it's more expensive online, but last time I got it, I spent $7 for a 30-day supply.  Although I just noticed that the brand of letrozole I get at my local Costco is different from the brand of letrozole they are selling on-line.  That could have something to do with the price difference, I would suppose.

  • di1947
    di1947 Member Posts: 9

    I have been buying Letrozole since Jan 2012 from Kroger. I pay $4. a month with Medicare part D. The latest manufacturer is Breckenridge. I attribute any side effects, which come and go, to my lower hormone levels. I am concerned that I have taken an ace inhibitor for high blood pressure for years and the studies show that there was more breast cancer occurance with that drug. Those of you with HBP which drugs do you take?