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  • DivePuppy
    DivePuppy Member Posts: 9

    Thank you ladies for this discussion.  I was beginning to think I was really crazy.  I started Letrozole in late February, after finishing my chemo in late January this year.  Chemo was sheer h***, but the Letrozole isn't much better for me...thick chemo fogs, blurry vision, extreme fatigue, insomnia (hence my posting at 4:15am!), nausea, flatulance that would scare dogs away.  Worst of all...the hot flashes from hell.  I take Cymbalta (for depression before b/c, increased dosage after b/c to help with the power surges.)  I notice that several of you have recommended doc says Cymbalta is better, but I'd try nearly anything now.  Has anyone switched from Effexor to Cymbalta, or vice versa?  If so, what was your experience?

  • HLB
    HLB Member Posts: 740

    Effexor has worked very well for my hot flashes! I have been on it for about 9 years now with no problems, 75mg xr. I do have very smelly underarms and it might be because of that but I also do not wear deoderant or anti perspirant of any kind. Also, I read that gabapentin works well for hot flashes. I did get some to try but did not like the drunken feeling it gave me, although I hear that does go away with regular use. Might be worth a try because many people really like it for many different things, such as pain, depression, hot flashes, just to name the ones I remember.

    About high bp, I read once that simply sqeezing a stress ball or one of those exercise sqeeze things for a certain amt of time each day can significantly bring down bp. If I remember it was 20 min. Dad keeps one on the coffee table to work with every night while watching tv.

  • micheleboots
    micheleboots Member Posts: 885

    Glad you decided to give it a try.  You never know until you try.  Last I heard it doesn't cause instant death, so you should be ok.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    hlb - I'll give it a try.  :)  I'm also doing acupuncture.  I've 6 appts over the next two weeks - so we'll see how it goes. 

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    There is belly breathing/abdominal/diaphragmatic breathing for lowering of hbp. Can google any one of them but I googled the belly and abdo. Part of mindfulness/stress response. Can practice anywhere; I do it in waiting rooms. LOL

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    My hubby can lower his bp at will, maybe that's what he does....  I'll have to read up on it.  Thanks!!!  :)

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    Eph3_12.....Yes, you can get rid of the middle tire. I've lost a lot of mine since ending Femara in May. So, like I always suspected, the AI's put on pounds.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I knew it!  Only 14 months left to go! Thanks Artsee.

  • dkerler
    dkerler Member Posts: 41

    Thanks Artsee for the update.

    9 1/2 months to go for me.

    Can't wait to get rid of my spare tire.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393

    Hey gals,

    According to the patient insert, weight gain can be a SE of the ALs.   Fortunately I have not suffered from that side effect. 

    Sorry you did.

    Have a wonderful week..


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    Artsee.....thanks for the update......❤

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Art see, good to hear about the weight. How is your energy and joint/muscle pain? I've 3 years to go and need something to look forward to....

  • stef58
    stef58 Member Posts: 32

    Hello Everyone, New to this board so this question might have been answered. I have been on fermara about 10 monthes. I have been getting really bad hot flashes the last 2 weeks, they were not to bad before. Anyone had this problem and how do you treat it.  Also have anyone had alot of weight gain on this drug.  i have put on about 10 lbs.  Thanks for the help Dianne

  • Teen22
    Teen22 Member Posts: 34

    Will start on Femara tomorrow. It scares me after reading all the SEs but decided to roll with the punches for now. As I am "chemo naive" (as a good BC sis calls it) I hope this med will keep the stupid C at bay.

    Just got home from an oral surgery. Two wisdom teeth removed -in preparation for Zometa. This surgery was a breeze compared to my recent laminectomy for T8 fracture. Imagine, two surgeries in less than a month! No complaints though as the spine/ fusion surgery (done just last Aug 19) prevented my near paralysis and am now walking with the aid of a walker.

    The rads start in a few days...HAW! What a ride...

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219

    Ladies...there's hope!! Though I only take 1/2 a pill a day, I have been able to lose almost 40 lbs. over the last 3 years on this drug! 28 of it since April this year. Not easy though......exercise almost 5 days a week for 30 mins a very low carb diet. Still have 20 to go, and the fat is holding on for dear life!! Don't give up!!

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    stef48 - yes to both things.  I had nuclear hot flashes in the beginning.  My onco put me on 1000mg a day of vitamin E.  It didn't stop them but now they're tolerable and are warm flashes.  As for the weight gain,  I put on 25 pounds the first 9mos. on Femara.  It is a side effect.  I have lost 7 pounds since March.  I'm also following a semi low carb, but I do have fruit.  It is slow going but at least I'm headed in the right direction. 

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    I've been on letrozole for 2 years - have gained probably 15 lbs (maybe more, my scale broke and I'm not anxious to get another one....).  I don't exercise much right now - just walking to the train in the evening - but will increase after I retire in 2 more months. 

    I have hot flashes, but don't mind them as I really really like being warm.

  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565

    Gardengumby, your comment about the broken scales made me laugh :-)

    I'm coming up for 3 weeks on letrozole now and so far so good. I have warm flashes but nothing like the hot, sweaty ones I had on Tamoxifen. I have my fingers crossed that it continues this way.

    Good luck to those starting....

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    Hi everyone ....just want to update my experience so far with Letrozole. I have been o. It for 1 1/2 yrs now. In the beginning Inhad a lot of hair loss, vomiting and nausea with a substantial loss in weight. Fast track to now loss has settled, no more vomiting but still have occasional nausea. Inhave started to gain weight around my

    I now have bone and joint pain and also back pain....the back pain I had before but seems to be getting worse now. I am 66 and still teaching so everything g is still doable.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    stef58-fellow July Jedi!!! Hi-----you can do it!

  • MsPharoah
    MsPharoah Member Posts: 224

    Hello ladies, just wondering if any others have had my experience.  I have been on Letrozole for about 3 weeks.  I take it at bedtime. 

    I am waking up at least once each night...wide awake but no discomfort, etc.  I am able to get back to sleep after a while.

    I also noticed a lot of itching...mostly scalp and back, maddening.  This has lessened somewhat in the past week.

    I feel so way to describe it.  Lttle things seem to set me off.  I guess this will go away when my friends and family get to know the "new" me....or they decide to vote me off the island.

    I have had no joint pain, no hot flashes

    I really want to give this medication a fair trial before I switch around and I am definitely commited to this therapy for minimum 5 years.



  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    I had sme itching of the scalp and back torso but it was short lived.

  • BayouBabe
    BayouBabe Member Posts: 1,467

    I have not slept through the night since starting my Femara unless I have taken a pain pill or two Tylenol pm. Femara and insomnia go hand in hand for me.

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219

    Yes stef58....great to see you again!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I had the all over itching as well but found that if I keep my skin well moisturised it is not so bad. The itching is caused by your system being robbed of the oestrogen that our bodies need for so many essential functions and moisture in the skin is one of them. It is a normal part of ageing usually but because we are using an AI the process is speeded up so we notice it much more.

    The scalp becomes super sensitive and very itchy as well and coupled with this your hair can thin.......again this would be a normal part of ageing but speeded up because of the AI.

    For me, as I have both these problems, keeping the scalp scrupulously clean and using a very mild shampoo helps to a greater degree so I no longer feel that people think I'm infested when I scratch my head as its not constant. When my skin seem to be super dry I use pure coconut oil as the moisturiser and it works a, it doesn't stay greasy but absorbs very quickly into the skin. I usually apply it straight after my shower before I blow dry my hair. Then I dress with no problem of it getting on my clothes.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    S, I had sleep issues, much as you describe. It was quite maddening for a while, but it eventually settled down. I sleep just fine now and have for quite a while. I do find that taking my dog out before bed helps a great deal. Exercise generally can help counteract many of the SEs.

  • MsPharoah
    MsPharoah Member Posts: 224

    Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. It feels good to know that I am not the first person with these side effects. Good tips. I power walk every morning, so I think I will start exercising at night too to see if that helps with sleep. I have been thinking of adding light weights to my daily routine and the doctor said go for it. I just started radiation right after starting my skin care routine seems to be centered around my boob. I think I have been neglecting everywhere else. Will try the pure coconut oil.

    Best, Sandra

  • dventi
    dventi Member Posts: 100

    Hi Ladies, I am on Femara since Nov 2012 and just recently have tooth pain. Have had xrays completed. Met with Endodontist and Oral Surgeon and no one can find anything clinically wrong.   Next step are 3D xrays... Has anyone had tooth pain while on Femara?  

    I asked MO and he said could not be from Femara... Im not convinced!!  

    Also, the tip of my tongue feels like I ate a hot piece of pizza.  Has anyone had this type of sensation?

    Thank you!!!!

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    MsPharoah - though I'm not exercising at the moment - I have for most of my life and usually have found exercise before bedtime to be counter-productive for sleep.  Though maybe it's different when on femara - hope it works for you.

    BayouBabe - like you most nights I've had to take something for pain, which then helps with sleep.  We just purchased a mattress pad from Costco, and it's early days yet, but I think it has helped a little.  I'm also doing acupuncture and think that has helped a bit as welll.

    I've got to admit that sometimes I get so bleepin' depressed at not being able to move "normally" that I just sit down and cry.  Hubby keeps telling me that it'll get better when I can go off it in three years - I can only say that I surely hope he is right.  Moving from sitting to standing is probably the most difficult for me, with stairs a VERY close second.

  • BayouBabe
    BayouBabe Member Posts: 1,467

    dventi - I have had tooth pain as well. My pain tends to cycle around my body over a period of time. My back molar bothers me off and on, as well as my hips, fingers, knees. This week the tooth pain is gone, but the hip pain has returned.

    gardengumby - I am there with you with the depression and crying as well. My crying spell today was in the shower. I am so tired of hurting and feeling ancient. Getting out of bed in the am and standing after sitting for a spell are terrible. I am not sure at this point if I am going to make it one year, yet alone five. Sigh.